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Giving Communion to non-Catholics


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I can't beileve you'd say that... you admitted all this inculpable ignorance in relation to mortal sins applied to the dogma EENS, but then you reject the CCC merely because it is the CCC...

You make Aquinas cry... use some of your God-given reason man! it is completely outside of our roman tradition to judge any argument merely by the document it is contained within. sure, we have certain sure infallible norms that guide our understandings, but we must judge arguments by their substance and content.

to merely say "the CCC is riddled with errors, so I don't accept anything from it" is the worst, most un-roman, most un-reasonable thing I've ever heard.

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btw, if we want to keep the thread on topic at all:

I don't agree with the decision to give a non-Catholic protestant the Eucharist unless they have expressed a desire to enter into the Church and expressed a belief in transubstantiation. communion is not a tool to bring about communion, but rather a sign of already existing communion and while it does strengthen, it was never meant to create. otherwise Jesus wouldn't have waited 3 years to give it to the Apostles.

the decision, however, is in their hands according to canon law.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Aug 23 2005, 11:03 PM']i am not in schism

the word anathema is not in V2
You just denied the entire CCC, and you still claim you are not in schism? You make me laugh. Ha ha ha.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Aug 23 2005, 11:20 PM']Because at the age of 14, you have knowledge and training that is far above the Popes, and you are able to make this judgement?  And I am quite sure you have read the entire thing, word for word, and compared it to every single Vatican II document, and then in turn, compared that to every document from every previous council. I mean, I must assume that since you clearly know that your judgement of the CCC is correct.

Not even I have done that Sam.....Although I have read it from cover to cover several times....I have also compared and contrasted from a critical viewpoint with the Catechism of Trent and the Baltimore Catechism (1-3).

There is no radical departure from tradition. There is however a change in linguisitics. The language of the CCC is more contemporary than that of the Baltimore and Tridentine Catechisms. However, the essence of the teachings have not changed one iota.

Again Sam, I would honestly take the next, oh say, 15 years, study this stuff and then get back to me.....perhaps then you will have a more mature view of this issue. Because right now you are contradicting yourself all over the place.

BTW, why do you patently reject the whole of the CCC? I am curious. This will require more than a two to four sentence response from you. I would like a little thought put into this repsonse from you....not simply a "because" answer.

Thanks for humoring me on this.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Aug 24 2005, 12:26 PM']protestants are heretics who should not be able to touch Christ.

What kind of heretics are they? This is for EENS, specifically.

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Sam.....there is a story that I know of that might help you to understand some things.....

There was this farmer who had a lot of fields. And to keep all the birds and animals out of his field he had traps set and fences laid to keep them out of his crops. But he was very lonely. So one day he went to the center of his field and stood there all day with his arms outstretched to welcome them. He stayed there from dawn to dusk calling to them, but not a single animal came. Not a single creature came near. For you see, they were all terrified of the farmer's new scarecrow.

Sam, let down your arms....the Church will love you and the Church will not lead you astray. She needs to come into your life and she needs to be able to approach you, just like you want to be able to approach her. Fear.....Sam, let down your arms....and all of the graces will come flooding in....you don't need to hold them away.

You see, you think that by holding your arms out, you are protecting yourself. You are not. You need to make yourself vulnerable to the Faith of Jesus Christ and His Church. When you let the grace in, you will find the love of Christ and the Truth that you seek.


N.B. I hope this is not lost on you Sam....you are too young to leave the Church.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

I want to thank you for that Cam

i have decided that i am no longer going to argue about this

i have not made up my mind about Vatican II and where i stand on trad issues

so once i do some research etc. i will make and educated opinion with the Help of the Holy Ghost instead of the uneducated opinion i have now that i came upon on my own accord.

not saying what i believed was right or wrong

but i must rely on God Grace and the Holy Ghost to lead me through this crisis in my faith

God Bless,


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