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What is the biggest problem facing today?


In the present world, which is the biggest threat to human hapiness and salvation? or Which sin or error do you believe history will attribute to this current generation?  

77 members have voted

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[quote name='jasJis' post='690658' date='Aug 19 2005, 03:59 PM']Apathy, without a doubt. We can't fix the big problems without little steps. Apathy alone prevents taking the first step, or recognizing the problem, or being intellectually honest, etc.

Apathy is death.[/quote]I couldn't have said it better myself. You rock!

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I think people being desensitized to sin.(especially catholics) This mostly stems from relativisim, which is selfishness and pride in its truest forms. No absolute truth, just individualism and indifferent cowards.

Jesus will put an end to this one day.

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I was scrollong throught the different answers and I kept thinking that to me the answer is relativism and was surprised that it had not been said until stbernardLT.

It includes all the deadlies and undermines all the that we believe.

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Well it would be impossible for us to say who is sinning more with what sin. It's not our place either. If you asked me, I would say the devil is the problem and the weakness of our hearts. Our own weakness does not prevent us from trusting God, but rather is the only thing that gives us the humility to give ourselves over. So many of us choose not to see our weakness out of pride. The devil pulls souls into hell with whatever he can. It would be impossible to judge what he uses the most for it.

Edited by uruviel
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Two questions, not necessarily the same answer to each, as one is from the perspective of a participant in this time . . . and the other from a time in which (right/wrong/indifferent - is the latter Apathy's clone?) the sin/error will be revealed

In the present world, which is the biggest threat to human hapiness and salvation?

a misguided idea of what human happiness might be? poor catechesis? the lack of any rational connection between happiness in this world and time and salvation in the next? relativism, liberalism, materialism, lust (in the sense of carnal/sensual desires - not just the sexual aspect, but all sorts of physical sensations come under that heading), pride, self-indulgence could all speak to different aspects of the same thing . . . "if it feels good, do it" . . .

or Which sin or error do you believe history will attribute to this current generation?

it depends on how charitable they want to be:
insanity or stupidity - they knew what needed to change, but didn't change

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One candidate could be radical Islam combined with nuclear proliferation bringing discredit on all of monotheism (even the idea) in the non-monotheistic world (Europe, India, China, Japan, much of the elite in North and South America).

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[quote name='Apathy' post='690479' date='Aug 19 2005, 11:56 AM']So what do you believe to be the worst problem with the world today? If you pick 'other', please let us know why and what. (like I care, but do it anyways). Please? :huh:[/quote]

Liberalism, Modernism and the combined forces of Communism and Free-Masonry and that idiotic invention called "political-correctness" :ninja:

Edited by goldenchild17
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I voted "other", and here is my reason:

A lot of these things like sloth, greed, and lust have been around since before the time of Christ. And some of the others have been hanging around for a few generations.

However, as someone who came of age in the 1980s, I've seen where all these things have come to a head and gone downhill BIG TIME in the past 15-20 years, so if you want to know what I think today's biggest sin is, it seems to be a tie between these two things (and in some areas they overlap):

1) Loss of respect for human life
2) Assault on the traditional family

Back in the early 1980s, who would have thought that in vitro fertilization would be so common that it would be mandated by states to be covered by health insurance? Who could have thought that we would be afraid to donate to medical research funds because so many support embryonic stem cell research? And how much longer before we are cloning people simply for "spare parts"? And who would have envisioned international courts and treaties penalizing sovereign nations (like Ireland) in an attempt to impose abortion?

Also back in the early 1980s, there will still stigmas against cohabitation, and you could make plans with friends for the weekend without worrying who had custody that weekend. Now these things are commonplace - in fact, if you are not cohabitating, you are looked at strangely, and marketing textbooks, when referring to marketing demographics, make reference to the time when you divorce and remarry like it is an expected stage of life like retirement. Who would have thought that same-sex marriage would be forced on us by courts? How many nations (like Poland, if I am correct) are being pressured into recognizing homosexual rights because of treaties (either UN or EU)? I remember when people used to talk about "condominiums" to refer to prophylatics; now, they are advertised openly on TV and radio (as are strip clubs) and promoted in our schools. It used to be that if you conceived out of wedlock, either you married or put the baby up for adoption; now, it is accepted and is close to being as common as people who were married when they gave birth. People are so scarred by divorce of their parents, friends, and other family members that they are afraid to enter marriage. And if it isn't hard enough already trying to find a good Catholic spouse (we are told to expect "baggage", divorced people, and people who have kids, and we are made to feel like unforgiving self-righteous louts if we hold out for higher standards), people who seek marriage are made to feel like they are out of line (even at Catholic young adult gatherings!) and have "single vocation" and "alternate forms of lifegiving" nonsense shoved down their throats and are interrogated as to the reasons they want to get married and are told they are the wrong reasons.

Again, it was not this bad back in the early to mid-1980s.

Edited by Norseman82
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