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What is the biggest problem facing today?


In the present world, which is the biggest threat to human hapiness and salvation? or Which sin or error do you believe history will attribute to this current generation?  

77 members have voted

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Aug 20 2005, 08:11 AM']I chose "other", and with no intention of minimizing anything on the list. I just see the world as being infested with grotesque and twisted lies which distort the fundamental goodness of creation and human life, giving birth to many of these other phenomenon. The moral evils in the world can be traced back to lies that people believe either consciously, or just in their conditioned attitudes. The serpent vomits the filth of lies upon the world. The fall itself began with an atrocious lie, which when believed, alienated man from the love of God and the truth of our being and destiny. Beauty is twisted all around us by revolting lies that are most sinister and seductive.
In the book of Revelation John records the serpent attacking "the woman" by spewing a flood from his mouth to drown her.. I see this happening; and the many headed beast is emerging from the sea.. This vision is primordial and archetypal, reflecting the texture of our fallen world's history, as it is being assumed into the crucified Christ.

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I think it will be technology. Over time we will see that what has made us so "happy" has really been the means for Satan to accomplish his best work (the Holocaust, etc.)

Then again, I am writing on the Internet....so now I've confused myself.

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[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Aug 22 2005, 01:15 AM']I think it will be technology.  Over time we will see that what has made us so "happy" has really been the means for Satan to accomplish his best work (the Holocaust, etc.)

Then again, I am writing on the Internet....so now I've confused myself.
One of my biggest projects in my life is the development of a Theology of Technology. In other words, an interpretation of technology in light of the Catholic world-view. It is a radically interesting subject. Someday I hope to finish a fictional novel which I intend to use as a platform for elucidating this Theology. The problem is that whenever I work on it I get drawn into it far too much. I've been taking a break from it lately.

God bless.

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I chose the theology of liberalism becasue I believe it is the most current problem of today. It summarizes and gives life, and justification to all the other problems.

IE: I can be lustful, because the ToL tells me its ok
I can be believe in technology, because all gods are just inventions of humans anyways.

The presentation of the theologoy of liberalism is seductive and convincing because it is based on the logical arguments of this world. People are convinced they are justified in their sins because of it, and it is backed up with technology and false sympathies.

A close second to me would be technology (behold, I am also an engineer!).

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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Aug 19 2005, 03:44 PM']i believe selfishness is the root of most of the plagues of modern society. i voted for lust tho. i guess maybe greed ( but that usually means just money)

anyway, the me me me, i want, i want additude is destroying everything.

The "me, me, me" attitude is really Pride, traditionally regarded as the primal sin and root of all other sin. Pride is disordered love of oneself and one's desires over God and neighbor. From this comes greed, lust, and all other sin.

Since all sin and evil is intertwined, it's hard to pick out a single root problem. I picked "theology of liberalism," though this term is a bit vague. But among Catholics, the watering down of the Faith to suit one's own desires (pride again) is definitely a very serious problem.

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[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Aug 22 2005, 01:15 AM']I think it will be technology.  Over time we will see that what has made us so "happy" has really been the means for Satan to accomplish his best work (the Holocaust, etc.)

Then again, I am writing on the Internet....so now I've confused myself.

Technology is morally neutral - it is a tool which can be used for good or evil. Though with fallen creatures, the temptation to use it for evil is very strong. However, technology is a tool, not the root of evil. Evil can exist without technology.

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I would like to thank you all for your votes. Each time someone voted for me, I got a slap in back of the head and an "I told you so" from GrandPa. thanks alot! <_< I don't get it, how can not doing anything be wrong? Wait, coming to think of it, don't bother giving me an awnser, I probably won't listen anyways.

My twin brother Sloth got no votes, now he feels left out and I don't care. At least he did not get a slap or two in the head. :mellow:

And to make things worse, since so many of you rocket scientists picked the wheater channel, GrandPa says I am not to watch it for a month. Once again, thanks alot. <_<

Been flipping through channels ever since, until I finally fell on some political debate channel. Now there's something I can fall asleep to. :yawn:

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[quote name='CanCath' date='Aug 23 2005, 08:08 AM']I voted Other.... I think PRIDE is the biggest problem in the world.
I would still hold to lies, since pride is rooted in a kind of interior assent to a lie regarding one's status in being. Humility is truth.

But maybe I'm just bantering a bit. :)

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Hard question to answer, but I'm fairly sure that it's not the Weather Channel. That weather on the 8's is really something else.

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[quote name='zwergel88' date='Aug 23 2005, 03:22 PM']Hard question to answer, but I'm fairly sure that it's not the Weather Channel.  That weather on the 8's is really something else.

Thank you zwergel88, would you mind PMing my GrandPa and let him know your opinion. If you do mind, oh well. He'll come around sometime, I think, maybe? Whatever. :detective:

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Sep 8 2005, 03:12 AM']Apathy, welcome to the forums. :cool: God Bless You, Pax Christi.

Do we really want to welcome apathy into the phorums???

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