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Fargo Dioc. requires Natural Family Planning ....


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So just what is the purpose of NFP? :idontknow: Because from what I'm picking up the church only wants you to have sex when you want to conceive. :unsure:
I thought one of the joys of marraige, other than the companionship and other awesome things, was to be able to make love and express that w/e you wanted to.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Aug 17 2005, 02:25 PM']Well, the Church teaches that there are circumstances in which it would be imprudent and unwise for a couple to have a child and that the couple should abstain from sex as not to conceive. But the unitive aspect of marriage is essential therefore it is a good thing, under such circumstances, that a couple still has sex. NFP provides the means of identifying fertile times so that the marital covenant can be renewed, and conjugal love still expressed in that way, even under circumstances in which a couple ought not have a child.

But the vocation of marriage is inseperable from children and family. And openness to life is essential to this calling. Therefore proper use of NFP is not the same as the contraceptive mentality, which seeks to divorce sex from it's procreative dimension. NFP respects the procreative dimension, and enables couples to continue in the married state even if circumstances require that they not have children at that time for legitimate reasons.. Such as health concerns, perhaps poverty... the reasons are not spelled out dogmatically, it is up to the discernment of the couple. But the test is whether you are still open to life in the capacity to which you have been called through this Sacrament. NFP is not sterilized sex, it is prudent abstinence for the greater good of the family.

I hope this makes sense.

:punk: Yesssss!

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I read in Rome Sweet Home that NFP is compared to a prescription that should only be taken in times of difficulty, as opposed to a vitamin which u take every day if that makes sense

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Don't all dioceses teach NFP during marriage prep? Does this mean couples in dioceses that don't require NFP classes, can choose [b]not[/b] to learn about NFP?

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i know my diocese offers NFP classes, but idk if they're for marriage prep programs, i think its offered with a pot luck dinner for couples who want to learn.

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I tend to think that knowledge of NFP is something that any Catholic couple would benefit from. Even if they only use this knowledge in discussions with non-catholics or dissenters in defending the Church's teachings. But to make it a strict requirement for marriage rubs me the wrong way.
A lack of knowledge of NFP does not seem to be an impediment to marriage in my opinion.
But maybe I'm making too big a deal out of the situation.. At least it's being taught at all I suppose.

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