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WYD music cds


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I agree with Ryan, but I also think that WYD and other Catholic events need to do a better job of supporting CATHOLIC artists.

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A useful comparison I've seen before:

If your plumber is a Catholic, and doesn't fix toilets too well, are you going to keep using his services? No.

If an electrician is Catholic, but can't wire your house worth a lick, are you going to hire him? No.

If an artist is Catholic, and produces crappy art, are you going to buy and support it? No.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Aug 15 2005, 11:36 AM']A useful comparison I've seen before:

If your plumber is a Catholic, and doesn't fix toilets too well, are you going to keep using his services? No.

If an electrician is Catholic, but can't wire your house worth a lick, are you going to hire him? No.

If an artist is Catholic, and produces crappy art, are you going to buy and support it? No.
:clap: I like that...

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theoketos- i'm afraid you might find me as guilty as everyone else, though i do try very hard. let me know what you think.

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and era- i think that about sums it up. maybe even more relevantly, if your Catholic Church needs plumbing...

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ryan...I think ur comments can b a good reality check 4 us all as Catholic musicians...how much effort r we putting in2 each song, each word choice, each lyric...it's an excellent point that we cannot think we can capture all of Jesus' presence in the Eucharist in a simple song...but we can prayerfully and humbly show people thru a keyhole, the limitless graces that r poured out through r faith...we need 2 PRAY 4 the Lord 2 guide our thoughts and our hands b4 we even sit down 2 record...that's a given...but i think we must also study!!! how much more does not only r souls, but a song gain by 1st saoking up the holiness in the Word of God, or an early church father, or a saint, or the writings of the popes...these r very holy, chosen people by God 2 give us insite in2 the very mystery we may b writing about...this is my idea of crafting and laboring in songwriting...
we have got 2 remember tho', that respecting the art of other Catholic artists is something we have got 2 do...whether they say "well this song's about Mary" or "this song's about the sacraments"...let us try and find something in it that can touch a place in r hearts...
very good...
let's try 2 shoot 4 the next WYD cd...

by the way...Happy Feast of the Assumption every1

Edited by hope4thenew
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i mean no disrespect to those that write about the sacraments, in fact I feel that those topics should be even more carefully considered than my simple songs about my wife or my faith. artists have a unique calling to help people express ideas they already feel but can't figure out how to say. when we cheat the listener with cliche or rash songwriting, they stop listening.

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