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Bishop Vicky & Bishop Gumby

MC Just

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Bishop Vicky & Bishop Gumby

April 2005

Bishop Vicky came to the San Francisco Bay Area recently, and got a “Fervid Reception” — according to the headline in the San Francisco Chronicle (Jan. 28). Oh, sorry, that would be Bishop Vicky Gene Robinson, the recently elected Bishop of New Hampshire for the Episcopal Church. You know, the one who divorced his wife, left his children, and has been shacked-up with a “gay” man ever since.

As the Chronicle story tells it, three days after he was elected, “He received a note from an 18-year-old inmate at New Hampshire State Prison for Women. ‘I’m neither gay nor Christian, particularly. But your election makes me believe that there might be a community out there who can love me.’” — and he’s been repeating that story ever since. What a tearjerker!

Any normal Christian community or congregation or parish would love that woman inmate, but there would likely be some unwanted conditions — sorrow for sin, repentance, confession, working to overcome that sin, something like that. The story doesn’t say why that inmate is in jail, but it must have been something bad. That inmate is smart. She’s figured that if a Christian community can make a self-admitted, active, unrepentant homosexual a bishop, it couldn’t possibly say no to her. She can be loved unconditionally and not have to give up her sin or sins. Neat!

And Bishop Vicky has the makings of an American hero. According to the Chron story, “He talked about…the death threats, the bullet-proof vest he strapped on for his consecration and the secret plan they had devised in case of violence. If bullets rang out that day, he said, he was to be whisked out with three bishops and a photographer [got to have that photographer to record everything — Ed.]. ‘By the end of the day, if I was still alive, they would have consecrated me as bishop,’ he told the crowd.” So the insurgents didn’t pop him off, and the election was validated by means of a consecration. Another victory for democracy. Give it a few decades and Bishop Vicky will be on an American stamp.

The Chron story goes on, “The bishop…moved on to another favorite topic of late — moral values. ‘Moral values don’t just have to do with abortion and gay and lesbian issues,’ he said. ‘It has to do with all the things in the Bible: God’s preference for the poor and how every society is to be judged by how it cares for the most vulnerable.’” This utterance is gross hypocrisy. Bishop Vicky earlier said (of course, the Chron doesn’t report this) regarding active homosexuality that, “Just simply to say that it goes against tradition and the teaching of the church and Scripture does not necessarily make it wrong.” Since the Bible says that God has a preference for the poor, then to trample on the poor is not necessarily wrong either. In which case, nothing is necessarily wrong, and the Bible really has no authority.

Moreover, at the Episcopal Church General Convention in Minneapolis in 2003 (which the Chron story again doesn’t note), Vicky asserted in front of the bishops that homosexual sex is not only “not necessarily wrong” but is or can be sacramental: “I believe that God gave us the gift of sexuality so that we might express with our bodies the love that’s in our hearts. I just need to tell you that I experience that with my [“gay”] partner…. In my relationship with my partner, I am able to express the deep love that’s in my heart, and in his unfailing and unquestioning love of me, I experience just a little bit of the kind of never-ending, never-failing love that God has for me. So it’s sacramental for me.” Sticking you-know-what up someone’s rectum is ugly, gross, smelly, unhygienic, and nauseating, but that’s how Vicky expresses the deep love in his heart, that’s how Vicky experiences a bit of God’s love, and so it’s a sacrament for him. Actually, it’s one of Satan’s sacraments.

We in the Catholic Church have our own actively homosexual priests and bishops, though they try to keep it in the closet, sometimes failing. As far as we know, Bishop Gumby is not one of them. Oh, sorry, that would be Thomas Gumbleton, the Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit. Nonetheless, he has been pushing the homosexual agenda in the Church for quite a while. In March 1997 in Pittsburgh, at a three-day anniversary celebration for New Ways Ministry (founded by Sr. Jeannine Gramick and Fr. Robert Nugent), Bishop Gumby said: “I hope that within our Church every gay person, every lesbian person, every bisexual person and every transgendered person will come out. Because that is how our Church is going to change….”

In America magazine (Sept. 30, 2002), Gumby affirmed that “homosexuality is one of God’s most significant gifts to humanity.” Now, how could a gift from God be disordered or immoral? Does this mean Gumby thinks homosexual sex can be moral? Yes, it does. Gumby spoke at a gathering of homosexuals at St. Joseph’s Church in Greenwich Village, saying that “We need a new paradigm for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people in the Church.” An astute reporter for Lesbian and Gay New York asked Gumby what exactly he meant. The reporter said, “The Church’s official teaching is that sexual activity between two people of the same sex is always wrong. Do you mean to say that it can be moral?” Gumby answered, “Yes, I do.” This appeared in a very friendly source, Dignity/USA Journal, Winter 1999.

The Toledo Blade (Jan. 21) spoke with Gumby. The story says: “‘If you are saving souls one at a time, you really aren’t going to get very far,’ he [Gumby] said. But as he sees it, the church’s role should be to try and ‘transfer this world into as close an image of the reign of God, what the reign of God might look like, as possible.’ That would be a world, he said, where everyone has enough to live decently, and also where their human and political rights aren’t trampled upon.” Fine, but then you die. Heaven and Hell are dim in Gumby’s mind. What’s important to him is this life.

That female inmate who wrote to Bishop Vicky will also find the unconditional love she wants, no strings attached, under the wings of Bishop Gumby. It’s luv, luv, luv that makes the world go round, and who cares what comes after.

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Bishop "Gumby" visited the diocese here to speak. I didnt go beecause I was affraid i was gonna go up there and hit him. :ninja:

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Does anyone remember the cartoon of Gumby make of plasticine? With his little horse... what was his name?

Taht was a funny cartoon.... wish they'd bring it back.

Gumby ROCKS! (the cartoon Gumby I mean....)

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Aug 12 2005, 02:43 PM']Does anyone remember the cartoon of Gumby make of plasticine?  With his little horse... what was his name?


POKEY!!!! that's the horse's name :D: hehe

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[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 12 2005, 02:50 PM']POKEY!!!! that's the horse's name :D: hehe

pokey as in "OKEY POKEY!!!! hahahaha!

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Aug 12 2005, 04:07 PM']pokey as in "OKEY POKEY!!!! hahahaha!


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Are they gong to make a movie out of Gumby soon?

by the way, I meant to playdo, (plasticine is french for playdo). I think gumby would do well in a remake of FirstBlood or Terminator! He rocks! He's a lean mean, fighting machine.

Maybe he could play hercules and Pokey could be his sidekick horse Newton... remember the Hercules cartoon?

Hercules: Newton, fetch my bow

Newton: hi hi hi hi hi hi right away herc, right away!

Newton runs and comes back with a rope

Hercules: no Newton, you son of a stupid god who had sex with a horse, that's a rope!

Newton: hi hi hi hi hi hi That's me! That's me!

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