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You will not believe this...


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[url="http://www.ppgg.org/"]http://www.ppgg.org/[/url] This is where the video is...

How sad.


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the very fact that they would dare put anything like that ANYWHERE on their site, front page or not, makes me sick beyond belief. what they do is horrible beyond description as it is but this is just shocking.

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Pray that god does not cast fire down upon them before they repent of their wickedness. Have they no fear of the one who created them and those babies they destory and those people who they turn in to fornicators of which the scriptures say, they shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. They will be cast in to the eternal fires where the worm never dies. This is compassion? They are truly mad, satanic.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

We should use this to really fire up the 'pro-lifers' who aren't as passionate about the pro-life causes. The pro-choice groups don't want to give us the right to choose to believe that abortion is heinously wrong and that it must be stopped. Everyone in Planned Parenthood should repent now or go ahead and blow their heads off because they might as well go to hell now before they can touch another child.

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