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Benny Hinn Cursades

White Knight

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White Knight

[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 14 2005, 09:51 PM']No one on here has said that Benny Hinn isn't a man of God. At least no one that I've seen. What most of us are concerned about are some of the things that he does or says. Some of it definitely isnt  good at all. I'm sure he's a good man and has done great things for some people. But like I said the concern comes from the errors that he preaches from time to time.

And you're right, all who believe do have their problems. But unlike, say us on Phatmass, Benny Hinn is preaching some not so correct Theology to a lot of people.

Agreed. I have found things I dont agree with about Benny Hinn's Teachings, some of them I dont even know if theres scripturally accurate or not. Some things he blends together that sometimes one can jus t assume its atomatically valid. when thats not the case.

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God's Errand Girl

I actually went to a Benny Hinn crusade in Indianapolis in 1998 (I think). I went there believing that Hinn was a man of God and leaving convinced he was a false prophet.

Everything about his crusade was sensationalized. On the first night when he was preparing to come out onto the stage, a choir was singing a hymn (I don't remember which one). The background behind the choir was a black sheet and the choir was dressed in dark robes. They kept singing the same words again and again and then began crescendoing the sound. Benny entered in the height of the crescendo in a bright white suit and the crusade began. (I could give my opinions of the psychological effects of this, but I will refrain.)

I actually personally know the son of one of the people who went up on stage for healing. The woman had had some serious sensitivities with her sinuses to the point where she could not be around even the subtlest of scents, for example perfumes. She was a true Christian who sincerely desired for God to heal her and she was healed that night, and continues to be to this day. I do not doubt her healing one bit. As one previous poster stated, God can heal anyone who sincerely has faith. But that doesn't mean that Hinn is God's catalyst, or by any means a man of God.

On the second day of the crusade, Benny preached from Genesis--the verses where Abraham is blessed with land and possessions by a king who did not even believe in the one, true God. He used this message to solicit donations, which in general is not a problem. But the fact that Hinn continued to push donations, for a period of at least ten minutes, caused my earlier unease to significantly increase. Hinn even suggested that people give beyond what they could, saying that they could even write their credit card numbers on provided slips. By this time, there was definitely a unyielding sense of something being seriously wrong within my gut.

My position on Hinn was so changed in those two days that I actually left the crusade early. I hope my post has given you some insight from more than just opinion, but personal experience.

Edited by God's Errand Girl
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[quote name='God's Errand Girl' date='Aug 14 2005, 10:31 PM']By this time, there was definitely a unyielding sense of something being seriously wrong within my gut.  [right][snapback]685191[/snapback][/right]

Maybe you should have gone up so Hinn could knock you to the floor and you could feel better...
(sorry, just kidding... it's late, I'm tired...)

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Wow Errand Girl! What a story!

I've seen Benny Hinn's show and I also saw a critical report of him on one of those Dateline or 20/20 shows. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Hinn seems to convey in his show that being ill or sick is a sign that something is spiritually wrong. Like the devil is making the person sick and the evil needs to be cast away in order to be healed.

That one notion I got from it, turned me off to it completely. Sure, there are cases where God smites people with illnesses. And some illnesses are sometimes from the devil. However, Mother Angelica once said that if someone is ill and repeatedly prays for healing yet is not physically healed, it means that God wants the person to be a healer. ie, their offering up of physical/mental suffering to God can do so much good in the world... essentially the sick and suffering become the healers for many. Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but Benny Hinn seems to be totally ignoring redemptive suffering AND making money off of devout Christians who are looking for some hope in their suffering. Lame!

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I've been to Benny Hinn's crusade in Charlotte, NC back in 2002 or 2003. I definately know what [b]Errand[/b] is talking about, in regards to his grand entrance, and the sensational music with the choir singing. My mom believed she was healed from TMJ (she didn't go up on stage), and her jaw didn't "pop" for a few months. Though, her TMJ returned later.

[b]EDIT:[/b] Also, during one of the services, Hinn called all the youth down. My brothers and I went down, and everyone fell at the sametime. It was a rather unusual experience, felt like I floated down to the ground, and didn't feel any pain when people fell on my legs (only pressure).

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Aug 14 2005, 11:37 PM'][b]EDIT:[/b] Also, during one of the services, Hinn called all the youth down.  My brothers and I went down, and everyone fell at the sametime.  It was a rather unusual experience, felt like I floated down to the ground, and didn't feel any pain when people fell on my legs (only pressure).

At our high school senior party, we had a hypnotist who did pretty much the same kind of thing.

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God's Errand Girl

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 15 2005, 12:45 AM']At our high school senior party, we had a hypnotist who did pretty much the same kind of thing.

I think that your quote is pretty accurate in regards to what Hinn does at his crusades. And part of me wonders about the possibility of demonic influences as well.

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God's Errand Girl

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 14 2005, 11:43 PM']Maybe you should have gone up so Hinn could knock you to the floor and you could feel better...
(sorry, just kidding... it's late, I'm tired...)

I didn't mean gastro-intestinal problems. :lol_pound:

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White Knight

What was interesting is this is on a different topic, but I saw about Three Catholics two preists one scholar (female); and they had two programs on with Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn says how he was in some much agreement on issues of the Catholic Church. He also did this show around like a month or two after Pope John Paul II passed on. I forget what the two preists names were and the scholarist's, but I got the message which was the important thing.

These three people explained to the aduience on TV and on the stage that, the Catholic Church teaches that you are saved by Faith, not by works, That you must be "Born A New", Protestants usually address this has "Born Again", They also explained wh ythey gave so much devoution to Mary, the Mother of Christ, The Mother of God. they also cleared up the issue that [b]"Catholics Do Not Worship Mary, but rather Honor Her"[/b] which really opened my eyes to the Church.

I only saw the first program all the way. out of the two that aired, But seeing these three Catholics on Benny Hinn's Program makes me wonder.

On a different question. Was Benny Hinn ever a Catholic?

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White Knight

If hes an Ex- Catholic and agrees so much with the Catholic Church on Unity and peace and such, why doesn't he become Catholic then?? :blink:

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Aug 18 2005, 11:55 PM']If hes an Ex- Catholic and agrees so much with the Catholic Church on Unity and peace and such, why doesn't he become Catholic then?? :blink:

He can agree with some doctrines of the faith, but it doesn't mean he accepts them all. If he became Catholic, he would have to make some changes in regards to his personal beliefs and practices.

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