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another thread on exorcisms.......


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mel, how do you feel like getting in touch with your ancestors? Tommorrow you will wake up and notice more hair in certain spots that you never had before. jynx.

Edited by infinitelord1
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Aug 10 2005, 04:12 PM']that certainly made no changes..............ive gone to church and recieved the eucharist. We could be talking about something imaginary here too.
is that your answer to eveything?......lol
The problem is (now dont get me wrong, i am not trying to condemn you. I am only using what i know from your posts previously) that you may be in mortal sin, so the recieveing the Eucharist will only make things worse. You may be "eating and drinking damnation unto yourself."

What i mean by using what you have said, is you told us some things from your past that you "havent told anyone else," which that could mean you havent confessed it either.

Sorry If i am wrong, but this might be the case of why you are having so many issues right now.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Aug 10 2005, 04:22 AM']A person can only become possessed if he wills it, but opression is more common.  I believe that Blessed Teresa of Calcutta was opressed and the Archbishop called in an Exorcist for her.

I have read in orthodox sources that it is not true that one can only become possessed if he wills it. Usually there is some invitation, either from himself or others but even saintly people can become possessed. God sometimes allows demons to torment holy people in order that they may share in God's victory over Satan in the end.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Aug 10 2005, 06:17 PM']The problem is (now dont get me wrong, i am not trying to condemn you. I am only using what i know from your posts previously) that you may be in mortal sin, so the recieveing the Eucharist will only make things worse. You may be "eating and drinking damnation unto yourself."

What i mean by using what you have said, is you told us some things from your past that you "havent told anyone else," which that could mean you havent confessed it either.

Sorry If i am wrong, but this might be the case of why you are having so many issues right now.
if your talking about the issue with my cousin.........after i apologized to him i went to a priest for sort of an informal confession.........it was more of a counseling session. After discussing this issue with this priest......he told me that it was good that i had apologized and hopefully it wiould give me closure........which it did.

As far as living in a state of mortal sin goes...........i guess we would have to talk about what constitutes as a state of mortal sin. My friend told me that he believed something is a mortal sin when you do something wrong knowing it was wrong. Well, I do things like that all the time.......a quick example would be chewing tobacco. I like to smoke a little ganja here and there too. I endulge in pleasurable things quite frequently......so yea i guess i do live in a state of mortal sin. I cuss a lot..........my motives arent always in the right place...........especially with me trying to tell my mom that her lifestyle is not right..........if it wer my choice i would end her relationship. All these things, yet, you dont see me going around living a permiscuous lifestyle.........or selling drugs to people..........or murdering or physically harming people..........and so on. Im definetly far from perfect and i know that i am not ready to enter the kingdom of heaven.........i will say that much. There is a lot that needs to be resolved before im ready to commit to god. Frankly, i believe that its gonna take god's own hand for me to even get started on all of this..........for me to even care.

It goes deeper but i guess i will leave it at that.

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when i told my friend about these visions i had of demons he thought that it was because i was living in the state of mortal sin. i dont know what to think of this because i saw a demon like figure when i was like 5 years old. I dont think that i was living in a state of mortal sin then.

One might also say that if you are living in a state of grace that the devil reaches out to you more to try to pull you back towards him.

Edited by infinitelord1
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Aug 10 2005, 09:34 PM']if your talking about the issue with my cousin.........after i apologized to him i went to a priest for sort of an informal confession.........it was more of a counseling session. After discussing this issue with this priest......he told me that it was good that i had apologized and hopefully it wiould give me closure........which it did.

As far as living in a state of mortal sin goes...........i guess we would have to talk about what constitutes as a state of mortal sin. My friend told me that he believed something is a mortal sin when you do something wrong knowing it was wrong. Well, I do things like that all the time.......a quick example would be chewing tobacco. I like to smoke a little ganja here and there too. I endulge in pleasurable things quite frequently......so yea i guess i do live in a state of mortal sin. I cuss a lot..........my motives arent always in the right place...........especially with me trying to tell my mom that her lifestyle is not right..........if it wer my choice i would end her relationship. All these things, yet, you dont see me going around living a permiscuous lifestyle.........or selling drugs to people..........or murdering or physically harming people..........and so on. Im definetly far from perfect and i know that i am not ready to enter the kingdom of heaven.........i will say that much. There is a lot that needs to be resolved before im ready to commit to god. Frankly, i believe that its gonna take god's own hand for me to even get started on all of this..........for me to even care.

It goes deeper but i guess i will leave it at that.
Im sorry, I didnt mean this to be a "make you feel bad about all you've done" thing, I was just suggesting. All of us sin, alot. I do to, even though i try hard not to.

My suggestion is that you make a formal, good confession to a priest, including the possiblility that you recieved the Eucharist while in mortal sin. Its better to be safe, than sorry.

This will also affect the power of your prayers. When we are in moral sin, God hears our prayers, but he doesnt necesarily grant them right away, because our souls are so dirty, and un-deserving. We need to be absolved of our sins, sacramentally, and then we are closer to God again, and more receptive to his divine guidence.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Aug 10 2005, 09:39 PM']Im sorry, I didnt mean this to be a "make you feel bad about all you've done" thing, I was just suggesting. All of us sin, alot. I do to, even though i try hard not to.

My suggestion is that you make a formal, good confession to a priest, including the possiblility that you recieved the Eucharist while in mortal sin. Its better to be safe, than sorry.

This will also affect the power of your prayers. When we are in moral sin, God hears our prayers, but he doesnt necesarily grant them right away, because our souls are so dirty, and un-deserving. We need to be absolved of our sins, sacramentally, and then we are closer to God again, and more receptive to his divine guidence.
honestly, the messed up thing about what i went through with my cousin i never felt bad for it............i dont really feel bad when i do bad things. The only reason i apologized to him was because i knew it was the right thing to do...........i did feel good about what i did however.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Aug 10 2005, 09:43 PM']honestly, the messed up thing about what i went through with my cousin i never felt bad for it............i dont really feel bad when i do bad things. The only reason i apologized to him was because i knew it was the right thing to do...........i did feel good about what i did however.
All these things add up. These are probably the reasons why you are having such problems with believing, and why your prayers are not being answered. Again, I suggest a good confession.

And im my most honest opinion, i would also suggest that you do not recieve communion until you get to confession. It could only hurt you more, if you are in mortal sin.

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infinitelord, you should make a formal confession and stop smoking weed (it might have something to do with your changed perceptions of the world, a long shot I know, but try it :) ). There are many good examinations of conscience on the web that will guide you through the process of determining for yourself if you are in mortal sin.

The paranormal only has as much power as you give it, in my experience. I've never blamed my own failures as a Catholic on demons, at any rate. Further, I've never experienced anything remotely paranormal, magical, etc. Unless you count the Blessed Sacrament. :saint:

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Aug 10 2005, 04:12 PM']that certainly made no changes..............ive gone to church and recieved the eucharist. We could be talking about something imaginary here too.
is that your answer to eveything?......lol

Yeah, if it's a spiritual thing.

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i think that first off, God has to will for a possesion to happen. While this may sound cruel, his reasons are his own and they are good ones. If he doesn't do that, it would never happen.

I don't know if the person has to will it or not. That would be a case for study, however the possession of truly good people is rare. (this could be said because it would be painful for the demon to be in a truly virtuous body)

as far as getting rid of your "demon", sacraments are great. Personal prayer and constantly living the life Christ calls us to along with asking Him to remove every impurity from your soul is probably the best way (with Sacraments of course. :) )

You could try finding a medal of St. Benedict and having it blessed. They are supposed to be rather potent.

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[quote name='jezic' date='Aug 12 2005, 12:23 PM']
You could try finding a medal of St. Benedict and having it blessed. They are supposed to be rather potent.

As opposed to what, garlic?

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Aug 12 2005, 12:27 PM']As opposed to what, garlic?

You are so rude :ohno:

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