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Oh no! Not another evolution thread!


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The fact is I don't believe in evolution. I believe in creationism but not literal 7 day creationism, though I hold out the possibility that that may be true. I wouldn't even say I am a theisitic evolutionist. Maybe an evolutionary creationist theist. :lol_roll: Okay so here is my question. For those of you who believe in a literal 7 day creation I ran accross this verse yesterday in the daily readings. What's your take in light of literalism in scripture:

[22] Your fathers went down to
Egypt seventy persons; and now the LORD your God has made you as the stars
of heaven for multitude.

We know there are more stars that 1 million which is roughly the count of Israel when this was spoken. There of course is also the mustard seed being the smallest of all seeds. Yet today we know of much smaller seeds. I am okay with the understanding of these passages being that that was what the people understood at the time. I think that applies well to the creation passages as well. They are simply saying in a metaphorical/literal way that God created all things.


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Guest Eremite

[quote]We must remember, first, that the sacred writers, or to speak more accurately, the Holy Ghost Who spoke by them, did not intend to teach men these things (that is to say, the essential nature of the things of the visible universe), things in no way profitable unto salvation. Hence they did not seek to penetrate the secrets of nature, but rather described and dealt with things in more or less figurative language, or in terms which were commonly used at the time, and which in many instances are in daily use at this day, even by the most eminent men of science. Ordinary speech primarily and properly describes what comes under the senses; and somewhat in the same way the sacred writers – as the Angelic Doctor also reminds us – “went by what sensibly appeared,” or put down what God, speaking to men, signified, in the way men could understand and were accustomed to.

--Pope Leo XIII, "Providentissimus Deus"[/quote]

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[quote name='Eremite' date='Aug 9 2005, 12:33 PM']

'Thanks much. I agree.

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Oh I dunno Thess..Evolution is a possibility with God in control. As for the 7 day creation??

Maybe 7 days, 300 million years ago..sure.

As a Catholic, I cannot believe everything Science says as fact.

As a Catholic, I cannot turn my face away from Scientific fact and theories.

But rather combined them.

At least, thats my $.02

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because that would be stupid, and Catholics generally aren't stupid.

science changes way too often to think that everything it says right now is a fact. science is based on conclusions drawn from observations, other conclusions can be drawn and other observations can change our previous conceptions.


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ok, i was thinking that you were saying that you couldn't believe what science says is a fact, is a fact.

Theoretical type science is diffrent and shouldn't ever be presented as hard fact.

i see.
No it's stupid for anybody to believe a scientific theory is a fact.

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Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another evolution thread!!!!!!!!!!!!

just as the earth evolved from a mass of dirt that exploded into an unimaginable amount of galaxies and planets, etc. we evolved from single celled organisms.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Aug 10 2005, 04:45 PM']Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another evolution thread!!!!!!!!!!!!

just as the earth evolved from a mass of dirt that exploded into an unimaginable amount of galaxies and planets, etc. we evolved from single celled organisms.
souls, if they exist, would be a different story. I believe adam and eve were the first beings with souls.

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