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Coulter Wars -- Why Ann Coulter Is Right


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Anne Coulter is a great woman ,republican and conservative .

She rocks my socks!!!

Edited by reelguy227
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[quote name='"Ann"'][Since 9/11] I am often asked if I still think we should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity. The answer is: Now more than ever!"[/quote]

My emotional inclination is to agree with the quote. Nevertheless, I don't see how it passes the WWJD test. Using the logic in the related article, I could easily claim that it is every good Catholic's duty to bomb abortion clinics and kill their doctors. Before everyone gets excited about killing the world's Muslim leaders, they need to consider that. Jesus may have once wielded a whip, but I don't recall him ever slaughtering anyone as a man for any reason. There certainly was no lack of reasons to do so either.

[quote]"I must either convince the pagan (Muslim) of the rightness of Catholic Faith or thrust my sword through his body as far as it will go." [/quote]

Shall I beat my plow into a blade? Will the spilled entrails of the non-believer bring revelation to the living of Christ's offer of salvation? Am I of so little sin as to be the judge of men? Did Jesus conquer life rather than death to save us from our sins? Or to be deliciously ironic, shall I follow the violent ways of the good Muslim out of touch with the world or stick to the example Jesus left us?

Just some thoughts in my own head. To be sure, I would probably not think twice in passing 7.62mm full metal jacket judgement through the brains of some a-hole preaching terrorism against innocent civilians. Hey, try as I might, I ain't perfect. Lord, cleanse me from my sin....

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From a purely pragmatic stance, it would be illogical to invade Muslim countries and forceably convert them. First, there are many countries with a large concentration of Muslims, including Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Baharain, the Arab Emigrate, etc. Given the troubles that the US is having simply creating order in Iraq, a large scale invasion of the Muslim world is clearly not feasible or desireable; the last thing the US needs is another large population of very angry individuals under its jurisdiction. Second, there are already Christians in many of these countries, mostly of the Coptic or Eastern Churches. If we were to kill the leaders of these countries, they would be put in even more peril than they already are. The Middle Eastern Christian population has already become a tiny remenant, due to the instability of the region. There is already a large degree of sectarian violence between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, which would certainly be aggrevated if the leadership was decapitated (though many key leaders are Christian). And what of countries that have sizable Muslim populations, but are ruled by people of other religions? We certainly cannot invade nuclear armed China or India so we can convert their Muslims by force. And given the fact that the US is a Protestant majority country, any modern-day "crusade" would be of a protestant bent, and even then there would be the typical arguements over infant vs adult baptism, arminianism vs calvinism, and the like. And even if these Muslims were Christian, whether Protestant, Orthodox, or Catholic, would that make them any more disposed to like the US? Probably not, especially with their countries invaded. Ms. Coulter's comments, appear to be based on emotion, not the reality of international relations and our country's actual offensive and defensive capabilities.

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Aug 12 2005, 08:41 PM']ann coultier for president :unclesam:

Sure...that would be great....

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Thy Geekdom Come

I think that the article is interesting.

For the record, Steven Kellmeyer is from the Archdiocese of Omaha.

I found it very interesting that C.S. Lewis very clearly based the Calormen ("calor" being the root word for "heat," which may be symbolic of something) on the Muslims. If you want to see what he thought of the Muslims, read [u]The Horse and His Boy[/u].

I also agree with the article that is the bad muslims we can befriend...although I would call them good, it is true that they are the disobedient ones. Perhaps the sort of Episcopalians of the Muslim community...it's all about getting along, not so much about righteousness. I think I like the bad Muslims.

The "good Muslims," that is, those who are obedient to the Koran, scare me. The Koran calls directly on its believers to convert by hand, heart, and sword. That is, if they cannot convert with peace, they must force conversion. We Christians speak of conquering hearts, but we mean nothing more than St. Louis did. We mean to conquer the evil in the heart and liberate the good. St. Louis, a crusader, did just that. Once he had conquered the Muslims in Damietta, he walked into the city barefoot, proclaiming peace and liberation to the Christians inside, not as a conqueror, but as a liberator.

I believe what was taught about the Muslim faith by Pope John Paul the Great, and I believe that we must bring the "bad Muslims" to Christianity, namely by seeing the great value of self-sacrifice and fatherly love and chastisement (I believe it was Envoy Magazine which once detailed how Muslims were not Christian because they could not understand why the Father would allow His Son to die). However, I believe that the grave evil which the obedient Muslims cling to is a manipulation by Satan of what otherwise would be a preparation for the Gospel.

I am greatly disturbed by Islam. I believe that Islam may well be the force that poses the greatest threat to Christianity and I believe that C.S. Lewis, as he was in many other ways, was prophetic in his thoughts on Islam. I do not mean to say that it is completely at odds with Christianity. Those things on which we agree with Islam are the things which the disobedient Muslims follow, and in that, we have much common ground and I believe we can achieve much good together, but I believe ultimately that those in power in the Muslim world, the "obedient" Muslims, will lead a persecution against the Church.

As for war with the Muslims, I do believe that any matters for war must be evaluated on a case by case basis, but I will say that I would much rather sow my Christian blood in their soul and raise up Christian soldiers from their own land, rather than let a single one of them die, rejecting God, unrepentant.

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