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education of catholic faith amongst catholics


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my protestant friend does not like catholics............he once told me that most catholcs dont know anything about catholicism. Im assuming this was his reason for so many catholics existing.

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[quote name='CanCath' date='Aug 8 2005, 04:31 PM']I don't really understand this post... sorry. Is there anything to Debate here? Are you asking a question?
yea me neither

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Bishop Fulton Sheen when asked my an individual which college is a good Catholic school to send his child, he replied... that if he had children he would not send them to a Catholic College, but to a secular, public institution. Why? Because in a public school one must defend the Faith and thereby is required to know it, while at a Catholic institution, the Faith is slowly taken away....

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[quote name='dspen2005' date='Aug 8 2005, 06:19 PM']Bishop Fulton Sheen when asked my an individual which college is a good Catholic school to send his child, he replied... that if he had children he would not send them to a Catholic College, but to a secular, public institution. Why? Because in a public school one must defend the Faith and thereby is required to know it, while at a Catholic institution, the Faith is slowly taken away....

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the contention is that there are so many Catholics in the world because they don't know anything about it.

it's really intellectual snobbery your protestant friend has here... seeing all these poor misguided unedumacated people as if they have no choice since they don't know any better. some might not know it alot intellectually (one great thing about the Church is that it covers everyone from the uneducated peasent to the intellectual who wants to think of every single possibility) or be able to articulate it well, but they practice and believe it and that's what counts at the end of the day. applying our intellects to the faith is good, but to say one who is not high on the intellectual field in regards to his faith is somehow simply being duped is intellectual snobbery.

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[quote name='dspen2005' date='Aug 8 2005, 08:19 PM']Bishop Fulton Sheen when asked my an individual which college is a good Catholic school to send his child, he replied... that if he had children he would not send them to a Catholic College, but to a secular, public institution. Why? Because in a public school one must defend the Faith and thereby is required to know it, while at a Catholic institution, the Faith is slowly taken away....
I agree. going to a secular school, while it was frustrating and difficult at times, really strengthened me in my faith.

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if we had real good Catholic schools, then it would be different. you don't send your young out among the wolves just so they can learn how to kill wolves.

if you did that, sure there'd be some that succeed and learn to slay the wolf and he'd certainly be much much stronger. but it's far more likely he'll be torn to shreads.

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the idea that your friend sounds like it has been ingrained in him by members of his protestant sect.......that think that Catholics are just blind sheep following a wandering shepherd.......

i would postulate that he/she does not really know anything about the Catholic faith either.....that most of what he/she knows is the lies that have been fed him/her by the protestant sect

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[quote name='dspen2005' date='Aug 8 2005, 07:19 PM']Bishop Fulton Sheen when asked my an individual which college is a good Catholic school to send his child, he replied... that if he had children he would not send them to a Catholic College, but to a secular, public institution. Why? Because in a public school one must defend the Faith and thereby is required to know it, while at a Catholic institution, the Faith is slowly taken away....

Awesome idea, but can also lead to dangerous consequences if that person isn't strong in their faith.

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[quote name='VoloHumilisEsse' date='Aug 9 2005, 12:37 AM']the idea that your friend sounds like it has been ingrained in him by members of his protestant sect.......that think that Catholics are just blind sheep following a wandering shepherd.......

i would postulate that he/she does not really know anything about the Catholic faith either.....that most of what he/she knows is the lies that have been fed him/her by the protestant sect
you really drove the nail into the coffin...........he listens to everything his dad has to say and believes it all. I guess he never grew out of that "my dads better than yours" phase. Ive heard some of the off the wall stuff his dad had to say about religion. I was looking into the gospel of thomas after i saw this movie and my friend told his dad about it. well, next thing......he tells me his dad told him that it was a mormon thing and to look away from it. LOL.........i talked to these devout mormons after this and they had no idea what i was talking about. My friend and his dads' beliefs remind me of midevil beliefs (mystical wizards and unicorns and stuff.......lol). I swear they acuse people of being demons and stuff. I wont dare to question their beliefs because i sense tensioin when im about to..........for a while there i thought my friend thought i was a demon.........thats a story i dont care to get into.

Edited by infinitelord1
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how do you reach someone like this? i really dont think its possible.......especially for someone like me. I could definetly argue their beliefs about demons in flesh though.......through logic.

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in your picture, are you eating your bottom lip? It looks like you're chewing on yourself, either in front of or behind the curtain from the Wizard of Oz.

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