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CCD to start teaching Latin


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I was at breakfast w/ my priest this morning and we were talking. he told me that CCD will now be teaching Latin prayers in light of Benedict's statements concerning the need for Catholics to know basic prayers in latin -- our church is, as far as we know, the only parish doing such a thing -- signs of good things to come, most defintely

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OMGoodness.... I was seriously planning to teach some Latin prayers to my fourth grade class this year. yippy!

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That is great news.....I am happy to know that the Church in America is finally starting to wake up and assent to the precepts of Vatican Council II.

It is great to see not only Benedict supporting Vatican Council II, but also parishes FINALLY supporting Vatican Council II.

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Okay... what priority should they get? I mean, If I could only teach three prayers this year, which three should they be?

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I helped teach a Summer youth ministry program and in it, we taught the Mass parts in Latin. I would recommend teaching it by singing. It is a known fact that human beings memorize much better when they sing something. Many people can memorize the lyrics to entire songs, but can't remember even one sentence from a speech. Besides that, the chants are good to know anyway. I would start with the Our Father (Pater Noster) and the Hail Mary (Ave Maria). When you have those down, I would do the Hail, Holy Queen (Salve Regina).

Remember though, that young people may not pick this up right away. Go slowly with them and be patient. It's a good thing that St. John Vianney wasn't kicked out of seminary for not knowing Latin. (He almost was.)

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My plan was to add one line or part a week... and just review each week. That's how I taught my daughter.

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learning the prayers isn't hard at alll.. i agree that teaching the chant first, the children may be able to retain the latin easier...

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Does anyone have a direct link to a site with these prayers....I think i will help my little brother and sister to start early? They go to a Catholic school but don't learn any latin. Thanks

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oooh, good idea for my 7th graders.

I was planning to start each class with a prayer ("Hail, Mary" or "Our Father"), and end each class with a "Glory Be"... even better to do them in Latin! :)

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 9 2005, 05:57 PM']Okay... what priority should they get? I mean, If I could only teach three prayers this year, which three should they be?

Personally, I'd to with the Pater Noster, the Ave Maria, and the Gloria...

If you can, add the Apostles' Creed...then they not only know three basics, but they can pray the rosary in Latin.

*to note...I don't know the Creed in Latin...*

When they get older and can appreciate it better, I recommend the Anima Christi and the Suscipe...beautiful prayers...

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 9 2005, 05:57 PM']Okay... what priority should they get? I mean, If I could only teach three prayers this year, which three should they be?

I agree that it should be the AVE, PATER, GLORIA......

Here is a thought though. It is much easier to learn those prayers if they are sung. I am not talking about learning Mozart's Ave Maria or anything of that magnitude, but the simple chants are very easy to learn and they can be very fun to learn.....

How many people simply rattle off the ABC's....they sing it....in Latin, while I can simply say the Pater Noster, I normally sing it....it meters the Latin and it is said slower, so it is easier to annunciate the words. Less chance to stumble on the words.

Take in a chant CD and sing along.....they will learn....I promise. Or copy from the Adoremus Hymnal they are very easy to learn....

Don't tell me you can't sing....it isn't about you.....it's about teaching the kiddies.....YAY!!!!! :P:

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