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North Korea or Iran which one is more threatening?

White Knight

North Korea or Iran which one is more threatening?  

54 members have voted

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Don John of Austria

THe people in charge of North Korea do not really care about there people at all, that makes them extremely dangerous. Iran does care about the survival of their people that makes them less dangerous

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  • 4 years later...

One thing they both have in common is a complete hatred for Christ and His followers.

Iran: [quote]"This year, Iran passed Saudi Arabia and now holds the second position on the WWL. The total amount of points has decreased slightly, due to the absence of reports of Christians being killed for their faith, while this did happen during the previous reporting period.

The wave of arrests of Christians which started last year, continued even stronger during 2009, resulting in at least 85 Christians arrested. It is suspected that the arrests are a way for the Iranian government to distract attention from internal problems (amongst others the domestic turmoil after the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June) and to show they are still in control. Most of those arrested, were mistreated in prison.

Whereas the majority of the arrested believers have been released in the mean time, court cases are still pending, meaning they can be sentenced any moment. Many released Christians are being monitored and threatened. As a result of the arrests, there is great fear among Christians. Iranian authorities closed some churches during 2009. The primary reason for the church closures is the attendance of many newly converted Muslims in their services.

There was a significant crackdown on house churches in 2008. More than 50 Christians were arrested, interrogated and even beaten. One couple died of their injuries. There is still the possibility that those found guilty of converting from Islam (apostasy) will face a mandatory death sentence. Church services may be monitored by the secret police. Believers face great discrimination and can have difficulty finding and keeping jobs. "[/quote]

North Korea: [quote]"The first position of the World Watch List in 2010 is again reserved for North Korea, the country where every religious activity is recognized as an insurrection to the North Korean socialist principles.

The situation for Christians is extremely harsh at this moment, even though the North Korean regime is slowly and steadily losing her iron control on North Korean society, and Kim Jong Il’s physical health worsened after his stroke.

Through mobilizing every resource of power, North Korea is desperately trying to control society in order to eradicate Christian activities. By means of a 150 days and a 100 days combat campaign, the North Korean government has and is trying very hard to demolish the street market system.

Furthermore, during North Korea’s strict searches considerable numbers of Christian believers have been exposed. During the mentioned campaigns, the North Korean regime especially targeted secret Christians all over North Korea to arrest and kill them.

They have used various horrible ways of torture against arrested Christians. Christians were sometimes used as a means of testing biological or chemical weapons. In spite of these inhuman circumstances, Christianity is growing and the chances to hear the Gospel are growing especially for those who live in cities nearby China. "[/quote]

Source: Open Doors - World Watch List

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Regardless of the nuclear weapon factor, Iran poses a much more serious threat. It's not simply the Muslim ideology, but the marriage of Muslim ideology and patriotism which makes the Iranian people such a great threat. In the west, we tend to think of Iran as but another middle-eastern state, but it is not. Iran is the America of the south-east. It's population is immense, its economy is substantial, and its not going anywhere anytime soon. At the same time, it is staunchly opposed to anything it perceives to be "Western". Our greatest mistake will be thinking that Iran is some little backwater middle-eastern province. On an international level, Iran is engaged diplomatically with a number of other world powers and heavily integrated into the eastern economic complex. However, modernization or "Westernization" will eventually diffuse the polarization we're seeing right now. The export of western institutions will be the downfall of Iran so long as it's done in a passive manner. The imposition of democracy on Iraq was a bad example of said export. The general adoption of liberal wealth and sexuality that we see being adopted by the Iranian military elite is a good example of said export. However, as Catholics, I think we should be opposed to this.

hm.. c'est la vie.. :topsy:

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King's Rook's Pawn

Neither are a particular threat to the United States. The danger is that the United States destroys its economy sending armies on these third-world countries, ramping up the police state and creating more enemies around the world. Why is that there is always a country or three on the US hit list? Always [i]somebody[/i] the media's trumpeting as the next Mordor in the desert. What right does the US have to march around the world wreaking havoc? Cuba, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen...It just never ends and it never will end, because the more people the United States attacks, the more people will want to attack the United States. The US Empire is what we should be worried, not these foreign countries.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm going to go with Iran being more of a threat, although North Korea is more dangerous.

It seems doubtful that Kim Jong Il will make a move; regardless of how crazy he may be, the man's got to realize that the rest of the world will gang bang him if he tries anything.

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[quote name='rhetoricfemme' date='11 February 2010 - 11:25 PM' timestamp='1265948733' post='2055661']
I'm going to go with Iran being more of a threat, although North Korea is more dangerous.

It seems doubtful that Kim Jong Il will make a move; regardless of how crazy he may be, the man's got to realize that the rest of the world will gang bang him if he tries anything.
And when playing with nukes, what does it gain you to have the whole world, but nothing left to conquer?

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' date='12 February 2010 - 12:28 AM' timestamp='1265952520' post='2055696']
And when playing with nukes, what does it gain you to have the whole world, but nothing left to conquer?

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[quote name='White Knight' date='08 August 2005 - 03:20 AM' timestamp='1123489222' post='676743']
Hello everyone heres a big world issue right now, I think people are highly aware of and have exclusive opinions and thoughts on these matters.

So which country is more threatening to you? or do you see them both equally as dangerous, as many do. I know I do.

North Korea has Nuclear Weapons (95% certianity)

Iran is in devolopment of Nuclear weapons and could very well have them by the end of this year or next year.

Both have the abilities to effect our allies and the US. North Korea has its Sister country South Korea. It also has Japan.

Iran Has Israel, Iraq, etc etc.

So you've read the question. now whats your answer. please post after you vote. Thank You. God Bless, Pax Christi.
How DARE they have nukes! Just think what they could do with them. Only Western nations can have nukes!

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[quote name='Varg' date='12 February 2010 - 01:48 PM' timestamp='1266004138' post='2055985']
How DARE they have nukes! Just think what they could do with them. Only Western nations can have nukes!

And Russia. And to be fair, the government of the US is more stable and less susceptible to radicalization than some of the middle-eastern and eastern totalitarian countries.

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[quote name='Veridicus' date='12 February 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1266006076' post='2056002']
And Russia. And to be fair, the government of the US is more stable and less susceptible to radicalization than some of the middle-eastern and eastern totalitarian countries.
Well, it's quite difficult to determine whether Russia is Western or Eastern. But that's beside the point. The fact is that Western nations have many more nuclear weapons than Iran and Korea. We have enough uranium arrows to take out the planet and we're getting paranoid because Iran MAY have the power to build a few nukes which, compared to our arsenal, might as well be made out of toilet rolls and Pritt Stick?

Don't forget that only one nation has used nukes aggressively...And it wasn't North Korea.

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[quote name='Servus_Mariae' date='12 February 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1266009706' post='2056037']
We haven't threatened to wipe anybody off the face of the earth...

Edited by Varg
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