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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Geocentrism 101, Part II: Basic Physics


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hehe... no its good... film refrences are always good. and that was clever.

Yeah, ok the fathers said that the earth was stationary, because i guess it was implied by the bible? right, so then other than some early popes who were only relying on a religious text and some sketchy early science... couldnt they have been wrong? acentrism might not be right either. but it seems like that the evidence is one way or the other untill you add in the scripture part which puts you over to geocentrism.

I guess my point is, can you really use scripture to inform a scientific theory? It is an inspired writing but that doesn't mean that every fact and detail is correct. Like you could never take the bible literally, or we would have to put babies on spikes, or whatever you know. Not that it says that but you know the kind of thing im talking about.

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