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The Last Christian Nation


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You aren't asked to respect him, just to love him. But remember, love is a verb. Do you show him love by, at the very least, not insulting him?

''St. Dubya'' is stretching it a little and there is this tendency on PM for people to think if someone doesn't like Dubya that automatically means they are taking up for Gore and Clinton.

On the topic of Christian love, I honestly believe that if people were still burned for contrary ideas, some people on this conference would indirectly contribute by buying the straw and matches.

I did not insult Bush, and I never said anything demeaning about his personal character - he smells of elderberries as a CEO and as the President and as an American I have a right to disagree with his policies.

Certain loyalties are exhibited on this conference when no one offers the same "show Christian love" postings for people who do not praise the actions of other politicians.

Consistency people...

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Argentina is officially Catholic

A number of Latin American countries are officially Catholic, as are a number of European countries!

The arguement in the article in the original post is disingenuous in asking about the existance of the last Christian nation since it discusses only the US and the UK.

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Seatbelt Blue

I did not insult Bush

If I went up to you, and said "You smell of elderberries," would you consider me exemplifying Christian love? Would you not be insulted?

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If I went up to you, and said "You smell of elderberries," would you consider me exemplifying Christian love? Would you not be insulted?

Since Bush works for me I am allowed to critique him in whatever way that I please - be it postitive or negative. I seem to have offended you so I appologize if I have b/c I honestly don't understand turning this into a "Christian love" thread when there are many other negative comments directed at other politicians on this forum and on this board, all of which have been ignored except for mine. You obviously didn't read or pay attention to my last post, especially the part about consistency.

Edited by M.SIGGA
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M.Sigga . . . now you know I'm big old R . . . but hear me out . . . Bush doesn't work for you, nor me, nor any of us. This idea is a misunderstanding of our Republican Democracy.

We determine if Bush does the job, and we determine if he keeps the job another time around, but he does not work for us, he is not our employee. You can criticise him for whatever you want. I did the same about Bill Clinton, of course he was molesting young girls who were his employees, but that's another story.

Whatever you want to say about W, I will say that he seems a sincere leader who really wants America's good. Whether or not you disagree with the form that this should take is beside the point. He is not a philandering sex offender, which is a step up from the last 8 years.

BTW, did you criticize Bill Clinton for all of his weaknesses as vociferously as you criticize Bush?

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M.Sigga . . . now you know I'm big old R . . . but hear me out . . .  Bush doesn't work for you, nor me, nor any of us.  This idea is a misunderstanding of our Republican Democracy.

We determine if Bush does the job, and we determine if he keeps the job another time around, but he does not work for us, he is not our employee.  You can criticise him for whatever you want.  I did the same about Bill Clinton, of course he was molesting young girls who were his employees, but that's another story.

Whatever you want to say about W, I will say that he seems a sincere leader who really wants America's good.  Whether or not you disagree with the form that this should take is beside the point.  He is not a philandering sex offender, which is a step up from the last 8 years.

BTW, did you criticize Bill Clinton for all of his weaknesses as vociferously as you criticize Bush?

Lol. I always find myself in a corner by myself sounding like a raging liberal when I respond to political threads. I admit to having a few socialist tendencies when it comes to helping the poor and needy, but I am a conservative. I am not classified as Church Faithful on PM, but I would defend the pope and my faith until death.

If I was on PM before or during the '00 election you would have also heard me add my two cents about Clinton's sex scandal, selling weapon secrets to the Chinese, and his numerous other lies to the American people. I have never supported Clintonian Politics in any thread, and being anti-Bush almost means being anti-Catholic or anti-JPII and blashphemous on this board.

I am sure Bush is a nice man who loves America like I do, but I don't agree with his foreign policy or the way he paraded himself in front of JPII before declaring war or his record of putting people to death without DNA testing or almost any of his other policies.

The "Christian-love" comment was simply a cheap shot b/c another politician is also dissed on this board and there was no correction or mention or attack of that being anti-Christian love. The double-standard really smells of elderberries :(

We elected him, pay him with our tax dollars, and he is a civil servant - if he isn't America's employee what is he?

I'm not upset, just a little annoyed but in a good way b/c I know I am among fellow Christians :P I won't start up anymore ruckess b/c I like feeling happy while on PM.

God Bless.

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M. Sigga,

Right there with you bro. It is perfectly Ok on Phatmass to call democrats democrooks, and it is perfectly Ok to make huge sweeping generalizations about all the members of the democratic party. However, it is not Ok on Phat mass to criticize any republican politician or policy. Dude, I thought I explained this once before. On Phatmass we are good Catholics as long as we are good republicans. Don't voice any support for unions (they're in league with the masons, I think). Don't voice any support for welfare( its a nefarious mind control scheme perpetrated by the democrats. Not sure about the purpose, but it must be evil). And what ever you do, don't ever criticize Bush (I'm not sure, but from the way people talk about him, he must be the first Methodist Cardinal of the Catholic Church!)

LOL. You'll learn man, it just ain't worth it around here. Speak up for justice, and remember that charity begins at home.


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Seatbelt Blue

Since Bush works for me I am allowed to critique him in whatever way that I please - be it postitive or negative. I seem to have offended you so I appologize if I have b/c I honestly don't understand turning this into a "Christian love" thread when there are many other negative comments directed at other politicians on this forum and on this board, all of which have been ignored except for mine. You obviously didn't read or pay attention to my last post, especially the part about consistency.

I most certainly did read your thread, including the part about consistency. I will make such posts whenever I notice the necessity, which I haven't on this thread. This is no to say it's not there, just that I haven't noticed.

I consider myself neither Republican nor Democrat, neither Right nor Left, neither Conservative nor Liberal. I can't defend a lot of Bush's actions, and I can't stand the near-religious patriotism of the Right. The Left is little better, with masked socialism. So trust me when I say I'm not biased.

My concern here is the law of love. It is possible to be critical of Bush while showing love, but saying "you smell of elderberries" hardly qualifies.

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Seatbelt Blue

The "Christian-love" comment was simply a cheap shot b/c another politician is also dissed on this board and there was no correction or mention or attack of that being anti-Christian love.

It wasn't a cheap shot; I honestly didn't notice the other attack.

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M. Sigga,

Right there with you bro.  It is perfectly Ok on Phatmass to call democrats democrooks, and it is perfectly Ok to make huge sweeping generalizations about all the members of the democratic party.  However, it is not Ok on Phat mass to criticize any republican politician or policy.  Dude, I thought I explained this once before.  On Phatmass we are good Catholics as long as we are good republicans.  Don't voice any support for unions (they're in league with the masons, I think).  Don't voice any support for welfare( its a nefarious mind control scheme perpetrated by the democrats.  Not sure about the purpose, but it must be evil).  And what ever you do, don't ever criticize Bush (I'm not sure, but from the way people talk about him, he must be the first Methodist Cardinal of the Catholic Church!)

LOL.  You'll learn man, it just ain't worth it around here.  Speak up for justice, and remember that charity begins at home.


I'm with ya both.

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I'm a convert from Democratism :lol:

My family is still very much involved in Democrat politics. But I myself, with the help of the Acton Insititute and National Review (especially the older issues) have made an ideological move. A development, I like to think.

I still firmly believe in social justice, the rights of workers, concern for the poor, and justice for criminals and in war and peace which has put me at odds with many of my Republican confreres at many different moments.

I too can be critical of Bush on many levels, but I find that my criticism is not with him (i.e. he smells of elderberries) or even with his intentions, but more often with his goals and his means. These are things that good political discourse is designed for. And you will find that political disputes among conservatives are more common and more pronounced than among democrats. In fact my experience at a National Democratic conference was that they were all Clinto sycophants. It was during the Lewinski stuff and people who seemed smart enough were completely ignoring, and self deceiving themselves as to what was going on. It was as if they were all convinced that Republicans controlled the world and this was all a big conspiracy against their beloved Der Leader.

A few years later at a Conservative Policital Action Committee conference I found the debate about Bush and his policies and positions to be quite lively. This was while we were at war with terrorism and weeks before our invasion of Iraq. People were willing and welcomed to criticize Bush and disagree with him. It was amazing to see the diversity of thought. It was even more clear to see how Conservative politics is combatting the ideological liberterianism that is invading it.

When I hear you describe Republicans or George Bush it sounds parochial. It sounds like people who have bought into a small town philosophy about politics and politicians and have decided that this man represents everything they see wrong with the "other side."

I think this is silly. I welcome criticism of Bush. But I also say, be prepared to defend it and stop whining that just because people disagree with you and those people are in the majority that they are somehow "silencing" your view.

Have something to back-up your rhetoric and that's political debate, rather than mere sophistry.

Edited by BLAZEr
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He seemed to talk alot of sense when he was interviewed on TV over here a couple of days ago! He said he thought the war in Iraq was diverting attention away from the real war against terrorism and al-Qaeda. The interviewer asked him a question which began 'now that we've won the war in Iraq...' to which he replied 'have we won? Saddam hasn't been captured!'

I thought Bowling for Columbine was a very good film....


*Helen dives for cover....*  :(


He is a very intelligent man. He is not afraid to get his opinions out in the open. For that I admire him. That's all I'm going to say.


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  • 11 years later...


Last I checked the news, there where going to be 100,000 Londoners protesting.


Protests don't make the news here, because they are not happening here in any such numbers.


Europe is becoming an Islamic territory: what they couldn't do in the past by force, they do now by sheer numbers and birth rate.

So, what do you think of the syrian refuges coming to Europe by the hundreds of thousands?

hat you are expressing is very racist by the way! Just thought you should know.

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So, what do you think of the syrian refuges coming to Europe by the hundreds of thousands?

hat you are expressing is very racist by the way! Just thought you should know.

C-mom doesn't post here any more, so who or why are you asking?  I defended resurrecting old threads, but I assumed contributive comments.   C-mom is far from racist and it is rather rude to pointedly attack her when you know she can't respond or defend herself. 

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C-mom and I had some exchanges back in the day - I can dream that she will return...  *sigh*  sometimes dreams are all you have.


The second comment was sarcastic by the way...

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