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Noel's angel

maybe you should read them then. I don't think JPIIove you said that they were going to leave, and it is a valid point. It isn't an arguement here, its just a discussion

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I just got done reading the liberal thread. I'm totally bummed I missed that one.

Perhaps we can turn this into a more fruitful conversation. (Sorry if this is a hijack)


Personally, I try to use the example that was set before me. How did Christ teach?

If one assesses the methods that Christ used, you cannot come up with directness as his primary tool of sharing the Truth. In fact for every example of Christ being confrontational, you can find multiple examples of him teaching through parables. For every time that Christ appeared to respond in anger, you find multiple examples of him responding with love. With giving something to the sinner. (Ok it was in the form of a miracle but you get my point)

If Christ, the Ultimate Teacher, refrained from teaching with direct and confrontational methods, [i]and still got the Truth out[/i] who am I to assume I have a better method?

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Aug 4 2005, 11:39 AM']I just got done reading the liberal thread.  I'm totally bummed I missed that one.

Perhaps we can turn this into a more fruitful conversation. (Sorry if this is a hijack)


Personally, I try to use the example that was set before me.  How did Christ teach? 

If one assesses the methods that Christ used,  you cannot come up with directness as his primary tool of sharing the Truth.  In fact for every example of Christ being confrontational, you can find multiple examples of him teaching through parables.  For every time that Christ appeared to respond in anger, you find multiple examples of him responding with love.  With giving something to the sinner.  (Ok it was in the form of a miracle but you get my point)

If Christ, the Ultimate Teacher, refrained from teaching with direct and confrontational methods,  [i]and still got the Truth out[/i] who am I to assume I have a better method?

Excellent post.

We all have different methods of learning and different methods of teaching.

What is right for some is not right for others, but that does not make either method less valuable.

Let's not judge each other's teaching methods but embrace the differences.

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I think that you guys are getting at my main point, which is that we should never resort to name calling or shoving the faith down another's throat, or calling non-Catholics heretics, or well, you get the idea.

hot stuff pointed out exactly what I was getting at. Christ did not evangelize in this way. Even if we have the truth, and we understand it and embrace it, not everyone else does. Perhaps the Lord has led that person to this site to introduce them to the truth. If that is the case, we have a responsibility to accurately present the faith, but to do so in a charitable way so as never to drive anyone away. Even if others resort to being confrontational and to name-calling, we must never do likewise.

Remember the words of St. Francis, "Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." Many people take this quote to an extreme and by it justify never defending their faith through their words, but nevertheless, St. Francis has a point. The best way to present the Gospel to others is not to ram Scripture verses, Church documents, and endless apologetics down their throats. The best way to present someone the Gospel is to show it one's actions. After they have accepted that Gospel, THEN, we can begin explaining why the Catholic faith is the fullness of truth.

Perhaps this problem is not as prevalent as I am perceiving it to be. If it is not, I sincerely apologize. I really don't have any certain people in mind in writing this, just a general word of advice. Part of true Christian love is pointing out the faults of our brothers and sisters so as to aid that person on his or her path to Heaven.

Anyway, let's just remember that God has given us a great gift in the Catholic faith. We have a responsibility to share it with others, but never do anything that would drive that person away. Perhaps that even means not sharing all of the truth if a person is not ready to hear it yet. Note, this does not mean to share a FALSE truth, but there is no law of evangelization that says we must explain every aspect of the Catholic faith to every single person and tell them that they must accept all of it or forfeit their salvation. Also, again, we must hate our own sins. The sin of pride is what got Satan kicked out of Heaven, so again, in true charity I only caution you against the sin of spiritual pride.

The great saints were all reluctant to share anything regarding their spiritual life. St. Therese of Lisieux, for example, only wrote [i]Story of a Soul[/i] out of obedience to her spiritual director.

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your concern is appreciated and we could all use a reminder like that every once in a while. :D:

one of my favorite quotes of scripture is Jesus saying "Be ye wise as serpants and simple as doves" [i]The Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter X, verse xvi[/i]

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I completely understand what you're saying [b]JP2Iloveyou[/b]. Even those who've I debated with may not have been civilized, I would do my best to be. However, I will not apply this with situations regarding trolls, since their intentions are mischievous.

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