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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Writers Needed :)


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Okie pokie folks I need some writers

I need at least two people to handle bios of the two Evangelists that have not been picked yet and they are:


I also need a few people to handle bios of the Popes that have been declared Great with the addition of Pope John Paul II

Leo the Great
Gregory the Great
John Paul the Great

Bios should be a page long in WordPad and be sent to founder@avemarisstella.com as Word Document attachments

Thanks to all who volunteer :)

God Bless,

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Hmmm...I am interested, can you please send me more information in what I need to do?

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you can pick either one of the Greats or one of the Evangelists I have listed.

All you gotta do is write a small biography, one page, about their life. :)

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i would interested Im new here so... I dont know if that would be a probly?... but I definetly interested in something to do and something to learn about....

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I need some definites lol I won't be able to do any of these because I have other stuff to work on for AMS that needs to be done by Friday so I'm depending on yall to help me :)

Edited by StColette
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Oooooooooh thank you soo much :) *hug*

Okay folks

that leaves bios for

Leo the Great
Gregory the Great
John Paul the Great
Matthew (the Evangelist)

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no problem!!!! only I think I'll use a better pen next time...I've never seen my writing so bad!!lol

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