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Church Infallibility - Objection 1

hyperdulia again

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[indent][quote name='SaintOfVirtue' post='1427964' date='Dec 1 2007, 11:23 PM']As far as the main topic goes: the Church is only infallible on matters of faith or morals.[/quote][/indent]

[indent]...meaning, there are error/s in some aspect, may I know what is it?

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Jul 18 2003, 04:21 AM' post='6112']

Sometimes I wish someone could give me a reason not to be Catholic. It's hard being Catholic. If someone could convince me that the Catholic church is not the church Christ founded, my life would be a LOT easier. Trust me.


I guess no one gave you a reason yet and you're still going strong. And look at all the fruit. Godbless.

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As far as I can recall, the issue is about - a particular church (whether catholic or protestant) which is the ‘True Church’ or the ‘Infallible Church’ or the ‘Perfect Church’ believed to be founded by Christ himself from where ‘the power of evil will not prevail’ but still even her own member believes there are ‘something’ lacking or error or whatever in her - which I demand to know and therefore, to ask once more, in what way such Church becomes ‘Perfect’.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1845766' date='Apr 24 2009, 06:17 AM'][quote name='dUSt' post='6112' date='Jul 18 2003, 04:21 AM']

Sometimes I wish someone could give me a reason not to be Catholic. It's hard being Catholic. If someone could convince me that the Catholic church is not the church Christ founded, my life would be a LOT easier. Trust me.[/quote]

I guess no one gave you a reason yet and you're still going strong. And look at all the fruit. Godbless.

Nobody can convice you as long as you are 'faithful' but to believe a lie and still cling into it, is also called 'stubborness' - and it is up to you to find out the truth.

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I should have looked at this thread earlier and got involved. I first all see much false dichotomizing on both sides ot the debate. The Church is not just visible, though it is, and not just invisible though it is. Like the human body it has a visible part as the body of Christ and a spiritual part. It is not either or.

The spiritual part is most made manifest in the souls of those who love Christ and strive for the truth. "the true believer" I suppose. But this is problematic to say the least. For this leaves out, in the protestant world all children before the age of reason who can be a true beleiver and all those who are intellectually incapable of being a "true believer" such as the mentally retarded to varying degrees among many others. Children in the Old Covenant were made a part of the Kingdom of Israel through circumsion. We say the New Covenant is something greater, but this true believer position leaves them out. Baptismal regeneration, extended to the infants is the only solution to this dilema that many protestants ignore (except the Lutherans and presbyterians).

The scriptures also tell us that "men may see the good that you do and give glory to God". Those without the spirit cannot see spiritual matters. They cannot see the "city on a hill". Therefore there must be a visible component of the Church doing the work of God for ALL men to see. The Church MUST be visible.

Now with regard to the statement in the opening post, does the statement imply infallibility? I go back and forth with that one. The truth prevails and so Christ's Church must have the truth. Certainly not every individual has this truth in its fullness within them (though I would argue that a Catholic possesses it by his being bound to the Church in it's fullness). But Christ said "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" and "you will worship in spirit and in truth". Christ certainly was not talking about partial truth or truth mixed with error. That is little better than what Satan gave Adam and Eve. He doesn't outright lie. He mixes the two.

Therefore the truth must be discernable and available. There is no way that protestants can make that claim. They have elements of it of course and these elements are salvific in and of themselves, but the error has consequence also.

The problem however with the opening statement is that it is a proof text. I do believe that infallibility is implicit in it but the quote is a proof text and it ignores context. The verse before, "WHATEVER you bind on earth will be bound in heaven". Now God cannot bind a lie and so quote clearly to those who have this authority (surely Christ would not have given it if it had not been passed to today) MUST speak infallibily when this authority is excercised. Any protestans want to come forward and claim they have it? Clearly in context this shows that the statement in the OP relates infallibility to the gates of hell not prevailing. Sorry for the long winded speach but I had to catch up.

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Mulls, how much true belief does one have to have to be a true believer? What are the essentials that one must believe in. Are there 10 essentials, 20?, 1? 100? Lists with these numbers of essentials are available on the net.

Why do you leave infants out of the Church Mulls? Your type of Christianity says that children are incapable of believe and yet you say that one must be a true believer to be a part of the Church. Ergo infants cannot be members of the Church.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1851277' date='Apr 28 2009, 12:44 PM']I should have looked at this thread earlier and got involved. I first all see much false dichotomizing on both sides ot the debate. The Church is not just visible, though it is, and not just invisible though it is. Like the human body it has a visible part as the body of Christ and a spiritual part. It is not either or.

The spiritual part is most made manifest in the souls of those who love Christ and strive for the truth. "the true believer" I suppose. But this is problematic to say the least. For this leaves out, in the protestant world all children before the age of reason who can be a true beleiver and all those who are intellectually incapable of being a "true believer" such as the mentally retarded to varying degrees among many others. Children in the Old Covenant were made a part of the Kingdom of Israel through circumsion. We say the New Covenant is something greater, but this true believer position leaves them out. Baptismal regeneration, extended to the infants is the only solution to this dilema that many protestants ignore (except the Lutherans and presbyterians).

The scriptures also tell us that "men may see the good that you do and give glory to God". Those without the spirit cannot see spiritual matters. They cannot see the "city on a hill". Therefore there must be a visible component of the Church doing the work of God for ALL men to see. The Church MUST be visible.

Now with regard to the statement in the opening post, does the statement imply infallibility? I go back and forth with that one. The truth prevails and so Christ's Church must have the truth. Certainly not every individual has this truth in its fullness within them (though I would argue that a Catholic possesses it by his being bound to the Church in it's fullness). But Christ said "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" and "you will worship in spirit and in truth". Christ certainly was not talking about partial truth or truth mixed with error. That is little better than what Satan gave Adam and Eve. He doesn't outright lie. He mixes the two.

Therefore the truth must be discernable and available. There is no way that protestants can make that claim. They have elements of it of course and these elements are salvific in and of themselves, but the error has consequence also.

The problem however with the opening statement is that it is a proof text. I do believe that infallibility is implicit in it but the quote is a proof text and it ignores context. The verse before, "WHATEVER you bind on earth will be bound in heaven". Now God cannot bind a lie and so quote clearly to those who have this authority (surely Christ would not have given it if it had not been passed to today) MUST speak infallibily when this authority is excercised. Any protestans want to come forward and claim they have it? Clearly in context this shows that the statement in the OP relates infallibility to the gates of hell not prevailing. Sorry for the long winded speach but I had to catch up.[/quote]

In short, Roman Catholic Church is the infalliable Church.

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[quote name='reyb' post='1853444' date='Apr 30 2009, 04:46 PM']In short, Roman Catholic Church is the infalliable Church.[/quote]
The Catholic Church has the protection of God when proclaiming faith and morals for the universal Church.

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[quote name='reyb' post='1853444' date='Apr 30 2009, 03:46 PM']In short, Roman Catholic Church is the infalliable Church.[/quote]

Either there is none and the truth is not objectively knowable or it is the Catholic Church. No other can possibly lay claim to it.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1853460' date='Apr 30 2009, 02:51 PM']The Catholic Church has the protection of God when proclaiming faith and morals for the universal Church.[/quote]

[quote name='thessalonian' post='1853470' date='Apr 30 2009, 02:53 PM']Either there is none and the truth is not objectively knowable or it is the Catholic Church. No other can possibly lay claim to it.[/quote]

I asked something in ‘One True Church’ which I will ask again.

[post="1358567"]If your Church is the True Church of Christ – The Only True Church – are holy prophets a part or member of your Church? I mean, do your Church having same faith and baptism as that of the Holy prophets and Apostles?[/post] - because it is written Eph 4:4-6 [color="#FF0000"]There is one body and one Spirit— just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism ; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.[/color]

Are Holy Prophets Roman Catholics?

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[quote name='reyb' post='1853829' date='Apr 30 2009, 11:29 PM']I asked something in ‘One True Church’ which I will ask again.

[post="1358567"]If your Church is the True Church of Christ – The Only True Church – are holy prophets a part or member of your Church? I mean, do your Church having same faith and baptism as that of the Holy prophets and Apostles?[/post] - because it is written Eph 4:4-6 [color="#FF0000"]There is one body and one Spirit— just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism ; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.[/color]

Are Holy Prophets Roman Catholics?[/quote]
Define Holy Prophets.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1853951' date='May 1 2009, 12:22 AM']Define Holy Prophets.[/quote]


1. prophetes NT:4396, "one who speaks forth or openly" (see PROPHECY, A), "a proclaimer of a divine message," denoted among the Greeks an interpreter of the oracles of the gods.

In the Sept. it is the translation of the word roeh, "a seer"; 1 Sam 9:9, indicating that the "prophet" was one who had immediate intercourse with God. It also translates the word nabhi, meaning "either one in whom the message from God springs forth" or "one to whom anything is secretly communicated." Hence, in general, "the prophet" was one upon whom the Spirit of God rested, Num 11:17-29, one, to whom and through whom God speaks, Num 12:2; Amos 3:7,8. In the case of the OT prophets their messages were very largely the proclamation of the divine purposes of salvation and glory to be accomplished in the future; the "prophesying" of the NT "prophets" was both a preaching of the divine counsels of grace already accomplished and the foretelling of the purposes of God in the future.

(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

and I used the word ‘Holy Prophet’ to differentiate from the ‘false’.

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