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Church Infallibility - Objection 1

hyperdulia again

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Talk about a blast from the past...It's so strange reading Protestant responses I made so long ago. I don't even know that Brother Adam anymore...

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wow, this is old. look at dUSt go to town in here.

he doesn't seem to do this sort of thing anymore. huh.

oh, and mortify, go check out catecheticsonline.com, i think adam has his conversion posted somewhere in there :)

Edited by kateri05
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I don't really care about the doctrines anymore.

If a Christian faith's leaders are so spiritually blind that they can allow hundreds of Luciferian worshipping pedophiles infiltrate their faith, men who destroyed thousands of children, then there is something wrong. And when there is the possibility of a cover up for 30+ years, there is something wrong with that.

I am not saying this can't happen in Protestant denominations, because it has, not pedophiles, per se, but heretical teachings that are set to destroy the people, and brainwash them as well.

But when you see things like this, you have to say, evil has come into your church because people are not spiritually awake.

So, if anybody could tell me why it is spiritually okay to allow Pedophiles in your church, I would like to hear it.

Edited by GodChaser
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[quote name='GodChaser' post='1403569' date='Oct 16 2007, 11:45 AM']I am not saying this can't happen in Protestant denominations, because it has, not pedophiles, per se, but heretical teachings that are set to destroy the people, and brainwash them as well.[/quote]
Haha, no pedophiles in protestant churches. :lol:

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[indent]After I have read the objections and arguments, it seems nobody listen to anybody even to themselves. I please you to open our heart and mind in each and every statement or even criticism for our own sake in order to see the beauty and power of the Truth. Let us all reason out together in all honesty and sincerity of whatever we are saying or claiming so that we may see the light who is not actually too far from us. Time is short and obviously, ignoring any reasonable arguments will not lead us to a healthy and beneficial discussion and thus to the knowledge of Truth which all believers are longing for.

Let us take an example of what mustbenothing have said in almost all of his post as if he is saying, why only the office of papacy or the magisterium or the entirety of the Roman Catholic Church will never fail or err on matter of faith and doctrine leaving behind a priest or bishop who in one way or another may preached erroneous doctrine considering priest and bishops are guided by the Holy Spirit?

May I ask, are you (dust) referring to Roman Catholic Church - which is the victorious church although not an infallible one? (In the beginning of this post)[/indent]

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[indent]Mustbenothing and other protestant,

If I get it correctly, according to what you previously posted, the (visible) Church of Christ is the whole Christian Trinitarian denominations or groups i.e. the Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church (excluding the oneness group like The Pentecost).

Again may I ask, are you referring to the above church which is victorious but not an infallible one?[/indent]

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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1402118' date='Oct 14 2007, 12:39 AM']Talk about a blast from the past...It's so strange reading Protestant responses I made so long ago. I don't even know that Brother Adam anymore...[/quote]

dude when I read your first response I thought you were being sarcastic......

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[indent]I do not want to make any assumption but it seems dust and mustbenothing are nowhere to find. Maybe, they are too busy or whatever. But I really want to know if they are referring to their[post="1422681"] respective churches[/post].[/indent]

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This thread originated over 3 years ago. dUST is still around (as this is his site), but I'm not sure how extensively he gets involved in debating on here anymore. And I highly doubt mustbenothing posts here anymore. If you really want to contact him you might be able to find him on christian guitar forums where I think he still posts (at least last time I checked). Otherwise, I think this thread has been dead for awhile.

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[indent]I hope dust is still around. And if he is referring to Roman Catholic Church – a victorious but not an infallible church – I hope he will tell us what ‘error’ or ‘errors’ he saw in the catholic church.

Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church states that Catholic Church is a holy church. I just want to know if this is true or not? (in the eyes of Catholics themselves).

The same thing I will ask to mustbenothing, 'Is he a member of an unholy Church'?[/indent]

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[quote name='dUSt' post='6017' date='Jul 17 2003, 05:45 PM']So the church exists in all who are true believers?

Two questions:

1. Who are the true believers?

2. If the church is already "victorious", residing in each of these true believers, then what happens if a true believer turns away from God? Does the church remain victorious in that believer, or does it simply cease to exist in that believer?

God bless.[/quote]

I will try as best I can to answer.

1. The true believers are those that remain in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church i.e. the Catholic Church. all the other 'Christians' only have part of the truth in their religion, the Catholic church alone has the whole truth. the reason no other church has the whole truth is because they have done away with what they do not believe. Sometimes you have to just stick with it even though you do not understand. Now I am going to quote the bible please forgive me, I do not have the verse but I now it is in there somewhere, "I am the vines, you are the branches, if a man remains in me and I in him he will bare much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." A true believer is one who accepts [u][i][b]all[/b][/i][/u] the truths, not just the ones they want.

2. The church on earth is not already victorious. the church in Heaven is, however, referred to as the church victorious. We on earth are still battling for our ultimate goal, heaven. We are the church militant, which I believe means "the church fighting," our battle is not over yet. The church does not reside in an individual rather the individual resides in the church. by saying "...the gates of Hell will not prevail..." is meant that the devil will not be able to defeat the church (duh).
for example: the devil, through the ages has tried in various ways to exterminate the church. Nero along with other pagan emperors tried to destroy the church. various kings and queens of England persecuted the church. Hitler though he is notoriously famous for his persecution of the Jews also killed Christians and pretty much anyone who believed in God. These where all attempts on the church's life by Satan, but did he win? obviously not.

As far as the main topic goes: the Church is only infallible on matters of faith or morals.

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