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"American Hiroshima"

Theologian in Training

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Theologian in Training

It seems the next projected attack by Al-Qaeda will take the form of a nuclear attack by briefcase nukes or some other semblance thereof. The news is brimming with this, especially since many are looking to August 6th, the 60th Anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. I don't quite know what to believe, but I do definitely think it is high time we storm the gates of heaven with prayers for peace and security.


God Bless

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Fidei Defensor

Note - It is a good idea to keep this on hand, because sooner or later, there will be some kind of nuclear threat..

[b][url="http://www.ki4u.com/guide.htm"]What to do is a nuclear disaster is imminent[/url][/b]

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 2 2005, 03:42 PM']still haven't seen this on any major news sources...  how reliable is this "frontpage magazine"??


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Theologian in Training

I am not trying to spread fear, nor am I validating these claims, I am merely encouraging us, as people who pray, to rally together and pray hard.

Whether it is possible or not, God has the greater probability, so let us implore Him to do as He Wills whatever that may be. Please God that it is not to wipe out millions of people.


God Bless

Edited by Theologian in Training
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ohh yes, pray hard.

But with america today, i still think it will happen. I don't know that anyone can say where though. It is just sort of a reality of nuclear proliferation.

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Guest Eremite

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 2 2005, 01:42 PM']still haven't seen this on any major news sources...  how reliable is this "frontpage magazine"??

I was just thinking the same thing.

[quote]al-Qaida has nuclear weapons, probably many of them, and that some of them, according to a variety of sources, have already been smuggled into this country using our porous borders and with the help of criminal enterprises like the MS-13 gang. [/quote]

MS-13 is crazy. There are a lot of them around here. They wield machetes and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if they were involved with terrorism.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 2 2005, 02:42 PM']still haven't seen this on any major news sources...  how reliable is this "frontpage magazine"??

Other than the fact that my brother was published on it...not much. It's sort of a conservative online tabloid...

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Regardless of the credibility of the publication, we know that the terrorists would like very badly to do this. If they have the capability they will try to use it. We have no way of knowing if they have it or not but it is not far-fetched that they do. Pray the don't or if they do they will get caught before the use it. Personally I am very surprized they have not done anything in the US since 9-11. Somethings up.

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Prayer is all that can help now,prayer . Many Memorares everyone ,many Memorares .

Remember O Most Gracious Virgin Mary that never was it know that anyone who fled to your protection ,implored your help ,or heeded your intercession was left unaided .Inspired with this confidence ,I fly unto you ,O Virgin of Virgins ,my Mother ,to you I come ,before you I stand ,sinful and Sorrowful.O Mother of the Word Incarnate ,despise not my petitions ,but in your mercy hear and answer me .Amen


Edited by reelguy227
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Ash Wednesday

I believe this was posted last month. I really am not a fan of Paul L. Williams (their source) and I don't entirely trust someone who wrote a smear campaign book about the Vatican. I suppose anything's possible and will pray.

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I'm sorry, but this is fear-mongering. Nowhere in the mainstream news media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc) am I finding anything about this "imminent nuclear threat." If there were anything to this, believe me, there would be coverage.

And no, World Net Daily is not a credible news source.

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