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"Blessed are you among women?


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I was having the usual round in circle debate today. Oh well this woman said "blessed is the woman who's breasts nursed you" and Jesus said, naw, my mom isn't that blessed at all nonsense and something occurred to me. Children are a blessing from the Lord right?

Psalm 127:5
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them! He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Mary gave birth to the God of the universe. How could it be that she was not blessed among women and in fact among all? She was infinitely blessed. I am expected that of course to settle the matter and they will relent of their errors. Ya right. When pigs fly. :pigfly:

Edited by thessalonian
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Plus thessalonian, if you look at Christ's answer to the woman

28 But he said: Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it. (DRV)

Now many Protestants will tell you that Christ was sorta rebuking His mother here, but that's definitely not the case. He is blessing His mother, for we all know that she definitely heared the word of God and kept it when she accepted His will at the Annuciation.

In addition, He wouldn't be rebuking her because He would be contradicting Himself since at the Annuciation she is called Blessed among women.

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 29 2005, 06:10 PM']Plus thessalonian, if you look at Christ's answer to the woman

28  But he said: Yea rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it. (DRV)

Now many Protestants will tell you that Christ was sorta rebuking His mother here, but that's definitely not the case. He is blessing His mother, for we all know that she definitely heared the word of God and kept it when she accepted His will at the Annuciation.

In addition, He wouldn't be rebuking her because He would be contradicting Himself since at the Annuciation she is called Blessed  among women.

Yes, I of course used that arguement but they just said "well Catholics are like the woman in the crowd" and ignored what I said. Then "well Mary wasn't blessed by her fiat, she had to have the baby". It's ridculous.

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Is there one of those smiley things with a guy falling off a chair. I couldn't find it but sure wish there was. This is the answer I got back from the woman who has been the biggest pain in the ..... Ooops.

[quote]Well,  in all honesty,  I consider myself to have been absolutely , unbelievable, wonderously, fantastically, etc etc... blessed by the gift from God of my three sons.  I cannot imagine how any other child, even Jesus the Son of God, could make me more blessed than the 3 sons that God personally gave to me have made me.    I was not chosen to bear the Son of God, but I was chosen to bear and raise the three amazing sons God gave to me.  My children are no less a blessing from God than Mary's child was.[/quote]

:shock: That borders on blasphemy.

:sadder: :idontknow:

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That's ridiculous!!

"well Mary wasn't blessed by her fiat, she had to have the baby".


Tell them to read their Bibles. As for the "she had to have the baby", God doesn't make anyone do anything by force, but rather He wishes them to do it out of obedience and love for Him, not because they were forced to.

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[quote]My children are no less a blessing from God than Mary's child was.[/quote]

*passes out*

That's Blasphemy if I've ever heard it!

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Please all, pray for this woman. Lest she be struck down! :sadder:

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thessalonian, I think she is just confused. I suggest just telling her that Mary was blessed uniquely with a virgin conception, from her spouse the Holy Spirit and she conceived and gave birth to almighty God incarnate. If she still feels that her blessing is the same as that, then so be it :saint:

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Also... in Jesus' reply... He never denied that Mary was blessed among women. He did say "Yea" (!!) the "rather" is a poor translation of the Greek: which would better read, "yes, but also". Jesus was rebuking someone-- but it wasn't His mother, it was the woman in the crowd who wasn't paying any attention.

Furthermore, who was the FIRST to hear the Word of God and obey it? (HINT: "fiat"... lol).

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from [url="http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ326.HTM"][b]this article[/b][/url], we read:

My Englishman's Greek Concordance shows that the word for "rather" here, menounge (Strong's word #3304) is used four times in the NT: Lk 11:28, Rom 9:20, 10:18, and Phil 3:8. Apparently, it can mean a contrast; however, this contrast need not negate what came before it. A clear example is Phil 3:8. In Phil 3:7 Paul says (KJV):[list]But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
[/list]He goes on to write (menounge in blue):[list][color=blue][b]Yea doubtless[/b][/color], and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord . . .
[/list]Other translations:[list]"Indeed" (RSV) "What is more" (NIV) "Not only that" (Jerusalem) "I would say more" (NEB) "More than that" (NRSV / NASB).
[/list]Clearly, the word in this passage does not negate what came before, since the comparison is between "gainful things" and "all things." The second didn't undermine the first, but merely expanded upon it, making the category even broader. Likewise in Lk 11:27-28.

My New Bible Commentary (ed. D. Guthrie, rev. 1970, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, p. 906), a reputable Protestant source, states:[list]The woman's rather sentimental benediction on Jesus' mother meant, 'If only I had such a son as this.' Jesus' reply is that something else matters far more, to hear the message He proclaimed and to obey it (cf. 6:46-49).
[/list]This verse has no bearing whatever on the veneration of Mary, let alone undermining it. One must understand the Jewish "literary technique" of comparison and contrast, and it is improper to regard all instances of that in terms of an "either/or" approach, as Protestants are so often prone to do.

Edited by phatcatholic
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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 30 2005, 11:47 AM']thessalonian, what site is this on?

It's in this thread a few pages up.


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