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east and west and marriage


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the east view marriage as a sacrament administered by the priest
the west view it as a sacrament administered by the couple to each other

so, does the east think that the priest administers the sacrament in the west? does the west think the couple administers the sacrament in the east? or does the couple really administer it in the west while the priest really administers it in the east?

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lol I was hoping he would chime in... but think for yourself darnit! :P:

like, imagine I had the western view (i'm not sure which view I hold at present actually). now would that mean I think that people married in the East who think that the priest is administering the sacrament are actually administering the sacrament themselves?

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And odd question I've been harboring:
What do Eastern Catholics think about the sacrament of matrimony being celebrated by deacons in the West? Would an Eastern deacon performing a marraige be illicit but valid in the Eastern Church?

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this seems much more important than it is generally made out to be... this is the nature of a sacrament :unsure:

Apo's insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Why not have a Western couple married by an Eastern Priest...you get the best of both worlds, plus probably a nicer Liturgy. :P: ;)

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the question is: does the east view western marriages as actually being administered by the priest and does the west view eastern marriages as actually being administered by the couple?

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 29 2005, 11:13 AM']the east view marriage as a sacrament administered by the priest
the west view it as a sacrament administered by the couple to each other

so, does the east think that the priest administers the sacrament in the west?  does the west think the couple administers the sacrament in the east?  or does the couple really administer it in the west while the priest really administers it in the east?
In Eastern sacramental theology the priest is the minister of the sacrament of matrimony; and as a consequence, his blessing and the ritual of crowning are necessary for the validity of the sacrament and not merely for the sake of its licit celebration.

As Eparch Pataki of Passaic wrote: "Marriage in the Eastern Church is a sacrament confered by the priest by means of the [i]crowning[/i] and nuptual blessing, [b]not by the couple as in the Latin Church[/b]. Thus, a deacon may not officiate at the marriage of an Eastern Catholic. By law, marriages are performed by the pastor of the groom unless special permission has been received; and Eastern Catholic Churches do not typically give the dispensation which allows a marriage to a non-Catholic to be performed by a non-Catholic minister, which is sometimes given in the Latin Church."

As far as your questions are concerned, one must remember that in some sense the two traditions, Byzantine and Latin, are self-contained wholes, and so to blend them is not possible, because they are based upon different theological and metaphysical presuppositions.

In other words, the Eastern Churches hold that the priest is the minister of the sacrament of marriage and this doctrinal position must be maintained by all Eastern Catholics. Nevertheless, this doctrine applies only within an Eastern Christian paradigm.

In the Western Church, at least since the early part of the Scholastic period, it has been held that the man and woman administer the sacrament of marriage upon each other, and the priest only gives a blessing for the sake of a licit celebration of the sacrament. This doctrinal position holds for all Latin Catholics, but not for Byzantines.

As Theoketos indicated, both theological traditions require the consent of the man and the woman, but the Eastern tradition does not hold that this necessary consent is sufficient for a sacramental marriage. In other words, consent alone, in the Eastern tradition, does not make a valid sacramental marriage.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 31 2005, 09:45 PM']the question is: does the east view western marriages as actually being administered by the priest and does the west view eastern marriages as actually being administered by the couple?
On this issue East and West have different theological traditions, and it would be improper for either side to judge the other sides theological position by applying the presuppositions of their own tradition to the others doctrine.

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:unsure: so we're just not supposed to have an opinion about what happens on the other side?

like say I hold the western view... I suppose there's three options for me looking at an eastern marriage

1) since it's in an eastern rite the priest administered the sacrament
2) since I hold to the western position the couple must've administered it
3) no opinion...

now what you've done is eliminated #2. So what about #1? can we hold that the sacrament is confered differently in the east than it is in the west? or must we not hold any opinion on it (which to me is just avoiding the issue)
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Guest Eremite

[quote]This doctrinal position holds for all Latin Catholics, but not for Byzantines.

As Theoketos indicated, both theological traditions require the consent of the man and the woman, but the Eastern tradition does not hold that this necessary consent is sufficient for a sacramental marriage. In other words, consent alone, in the Eastern tradition, does not make a valid sacramental marriage.[/quote]

There is a problem with this thesis, because if the East holds that a priest's blessing is absolutely necessary for a valid marriage, then Western marriages cannot be valid.

Because we know infallibly that the form of marriage in East and West are valid, then there must be an explanation which harmonizes the two.

The blessing of a priest cannot be said to be ABSOLUTELY essential to the Sacrament of matrimony, because the Church of Rome does not require such, and it is the Church of Rome to which we look for agreement.

Thus, the blessing of a priest is essential in the East, not by necessity, but by the form of the Liturgical ceremony.

This issue is similar to the anaphora of Addai and Mari. The Holy See ruled it valid, EVEN THOUGH it does not contain an explicit utterance of the words "This is my body", "This is my blood". These words are essential to the Roman Liturgical form, but because of this exception, they cannot be said to be ABSOLUTELY necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bump first off because I'm still wondering about what each side should think about how the sacrament actually happens on the other side AND because I have another question:

suppose someone was very theologically and ritualistically Roman about most anything, but their theological position on marriage was eastern... what should they do when planning their marriage?

lol, maybe I just want a crown.. :cool: :D:

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