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Falling in Love


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What does it mean to fall in love? I'm not asking what love is (that's God, right?), I mean the romantic kind of love... being in love.

I'm guessing you catholics don't think of it as just a chemical reaction in the head. A bit too materialistic for you, I would think. So is it a supernatural thing? Does God have anything to do with it? Does God do the work of Cupid? If not, then what causes it, where does it come from? Is it always a good thing?

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 28 2005, 04:19 PM']What does it mean to fall in love? I'm not asking what love is (that's God, right?), I mean the romantic kind of love... being in love.

I'm guessing you catholics don't think of it as just a chemical reaction in the head. A bit too materialistic for you, I would think. So is it a supernatural thing? Does God have anything to do with it? Does God do the work of Cupid? If not, then what causes it, where does it come from? Is it always a good thing?
this is what i think.........from a worldly perspective............anybody can "fall in love" with anybody. I think it is a matter of finding someone who is like you and who will treat you good. I think that when you feel that connection with somebody it is because you both are sharing the same feeling with each other. Its almost like a mental telepathy thing or something. The only thing about this kind of romantic love is it may go away some day. The couple might start to learn more about their differences. That is why it is important to take a relationship very slow.........get to know each other very well before getting married. When you get married it is supposed to represent a covenant between man and woman..........their love is now considered unconditional..........kind of like god's love for us.

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I'm bored.. just foolin around..

Tá taistealaí breá in sa tír
'S tá se scríofa ar a bord
Chuir me litir in sa phost
Agus gealltanas a post'

'S iomaí bean a phós go h-óg

Tiocfaidh mo rún searc
Le bánú an lae
Agus buailfidh sí tiúin suas
Le cumhaidh i mo dhiadh

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Jul 28 2005, 07:39 PM']Romantic love is nice, but sacramental love is better. :)
Sacramental romantic love is the best. :)

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Fidei Defensor

Love is not just a feeling. Feelings can fade. Real love is not only emotions for someone, but wanting what is the best for them, which for us, would be Heaven. So you also help eachother on your spiritual journey.

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Feelings are fickle. They come and go. You get mad at the ones you love. Why shouldnt that happen with someone you "fall in love" with?

My point is, is that yes there is that butterfly in your stomach thing, which is enjoyable. But you cannot make that the reason for being with someone. Like fidei defensor said, you need to think about the spiritual journey of the other person. If the good of the other person is not your main goal, then it is most likely a selfish love.

I must say, I was quite selfish recently, thank goodness I realized my error.
I had a huge crush on a young man who wants to be a priest. I couldnt understand why God would put someone like that in my life and not let me fall in love with him. Well I realized a few months later that I could only love him fully if I wanted what his heart desired, to be a priest. I must say, things with him and I have gotten deeper than they would have if I had hung on to my selfish ambitions and continued to view him as something to acheive.

So, love is more about the other person than ones own feelings. Not to say that feelings are all bad, but they can be misleading. Get to know a person before giving in to them.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 28 2005, 06:54 PM']Sacramental romantic love is the best. :)

here here!!! :cheers:

:love: said by our PM don juan. :donjohn:

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[quote name='jmjtina' date='Jul 29 2005, 11:53 PM']here here!!! :cheers:

:love:    said by our PM don juan.  :donjohn:


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From what I gather from JPII, CS Lewis and lots of chatting, in my limited knowledge:

This is in regards to romantic love... "Falling in love" is not actually love itself. Properly speaking, one recognizes a good in the other, then desires that good. What we call "falling in love" is properly an infatuation or emotional response based on that apprehension of the good. It creates a fertile ground for love, [i]per se[/i], to grow. Loving is an act where one wills the good of the beloved.

The expressions of it are different based on the status of the relationship. Romantic relationships tend to express themselves in progressively deeper ways. Trying to go further than is appropriate, physically or emotionally, actually tends to destroy love, as does lacking.

Ok, enough of the brain-speak. Romantic love is wonderful. It's a beautiful aspect of God's Creation. I just hope to be appropriately patient with God for that girl I will eventually share sacramental love with...

It seems like a love relationship is like digging a well. After the first few strokes of a shovel, it's easy to pour water in and have it overflow. However, it's just as easy to fill it back up with dirt and go looking for another spot to dig a well. As your well is driven deeper and deeper, it gets harder to get it to overflow, but it is far less ravaged by dry spells and it contains much more water. Eventually, if you dig deep enough, you find that it will spring up with waters of its own. It is no longer just a container, but a source of water. It becomes something that people will come from far and wide to drink of the waters of that deep, deep well. It will survive drought and sun.

Anyway, that's just a few thoughts...

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Noel's angel

'The Road Less Travelled' deals with 'falling in love' well, i think. Peck explains that in every relationship you fall out of love because falling in love is basically where all you ego barriers fall down, like a child in the first weeks of life-it can't destinguish what is its own and what is the world around it. But when you fall out of love, you can go two ways-the relationship will break down, or will become stronger. Falling in love is failing to see the faults in the other person, or seeing their faults as a positive thing but when you fall out of love, your ego barriers are built up again and if you choose to love still, even if you don't feel like you are being loving, then your ego barriers will expand resulting in spiritual growth.

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"falling in love" refers to the infatuation or emotional high in the first stages of attraction, but i don't think we should just dismiss this as "merely" a feeling, its a stage in a relationship and should never be the focus of a relationship (emotional high, that is). although not meant to be improperly emphasized, feelings and emotions are faculties given to us by God through which we come to know Him and others more deeply. but love we all know, everyone and anyoone you ask knows is
[i]'mooooooooooore then a feeeeling' [/i]LOL

good call with this scardella--This is in regards to romantic love... "Falling in love" is not actually love itself. Properly speaking, one recognizes a good in the other, then desires that good. What we call "falling in love" is properly an infatuation or emotional response based on that apprehension of the good. It creates a fertile ground for love, per se, to grow. Loving is an act where one wills the good of the beloved.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 28 2005, 04:19 PM']
I'm guessing you catholics don't think of it as just a chemical reaction in the head. A bit too materialistic for you, I would think. So is it a supernatural thing? Does God have anything to do with it? Does God do the work of Cupid? If not, then what causes it, where does it come from? Is it always a good thing?

Falling in love is both a material and spiritual thing i think.

In the old testament it says9to the effect of) [b]you have drawn the animals together by your spirit and none is without his mate[/b]

if them how much more for us the crown of his creation...

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