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yay! student loans!


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well not quite yet. i just finished printing and mostly filling out my application materials for the MA in Theology Program at FUS through the Distance Learning Program :graduate:

AHHHHHHHHHHHH :twitch: :bugeyes: :yahoo:

i put up a prayer request over in the prayer forum, but thought i would announce to my pham, since apart from my husband, not many other people would care! :P:

so much prayers for my recommendation letters, apps, and eventual treck through signing the rest of my life away in student loans. :greedy:

although, steubie is WAY cheaper than anything else i've found, even having to go live there for 6 weeks one summer! (ps. anyone want to let me room with them one summer in the next few years? :help: )

oh yea AND they like the pope, go figure! (ie. i live in LA and the 2 grad schools here for Theology are WICKED WACK on their catholicism :topsy: <-- like that guy! :lol:)

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Now I have a quick question:

Steubenville has a Distance Learning program for Masters??? :blink:

I didn't know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be finishing my bachelors (FINALLY) by next year. I was thinking about going for my Master's but am not at all thrilled about doing it at the one Catholic college here (of which will be giving me my bachelors.) I despertly wanted to go to Steubenville but.....that's not gonna happen.

But if there's a distance learning program.....................that's a whole other story!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could you give me a link? Or more information?? (Feel free to PM if it's not applicable for the thread).

I don't mean to hijack your thread either so again:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! And many prayers for you!!!


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not a problem :) i just found out actually for sure last weekend, because i had heard rumors but its confirmed! :) and its SO cheap, at least compared to the 2 "catholic" universities in LA. the only downer is you have to take minimum 2 classes AT steubie, BUT they offer summer courses where you take one class in 3 weeks, so you would have to go live there (we should room together, cuz i know NOONE there! :P:)

also, you need a bunch of undergrad reqs that i didn't have since i majored international studies such as Old/New Testament, CHristology, 2 philosophies, Sacraments, and Ecclesiology)

just go to the franciscan website and on the first drop down menu on the left, you'll find distance learning :)

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[quote name='kateri05' date='Jul 28 2005, 09:21 PM']not a problem :)  i just found out actually for sure last weekend, because i had heard rumors but its confirmed! :)  and its SO cheap, at least compared to the 2 "catholic" universities in LA.  the only downer is you have to take minimum 2 classes AT steubie, BUT they offer summer courses where you take one class in 3 weeks, so you would have to go live there (we should room together, cuz i know NOONE there! :P:)

also, you need a bunch of undergrad reqs that i didn't have since i majored international studies such as Old/New Testament, CHristology, 2 philosophies, Sacraments, and Ecclesiology)

just go to the franciscan website and on the first drop down menu on the left, you'll find distance learning :)

Great! Thank you!!!

And I've got all those undergrad classes finished!!! Awesome!!!

Although this may be something in the future for me.....maybe it'll happen some day!!! And it sounds good taking classes there....summer ones would be great! Hmmm. Maybe someday this will happen????


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[quote name='kateri05' date='Jul 28 2005, 03:50 PM']
although, steubie is WAY cheaper than anything else i've found, even having to go live there for 6 weeks one summer! (ps. anyone want to let me room with them one summer in the next few years?    :help: )

cool i have been considering their MA in theology too--God only knows how i will feed myself come graduation ---
.......i just got an apartment down the street if yeh really need DO needa place in a summer

Edited by Semperviva
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Umm "yay" student loans? are you NUTS??? Student Loan = Bane of my existence! I have one more year in my program then I :graduate: then I have to start PAYING BACK THE MONEY :deal: :blink: :bigshock: :weep:
But congrats for you anyhow! :bigclap:

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lol i would have used the sarcasm icon if there was one :P:

and semper... are you a girl? :blush: cuz then i might take you up on that offer ;)

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prayers please!! :bigpray:

i just mailed off all my recommendation requests and grad school applications so now its time for the waiting game!

:cans: :popcorn: :tumbleweed:

:kitten: <-- my kitty is waiting with me :love: :P:

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