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An Old School Catholic Message Board

The Latin Mass

MC Just

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I disagree. Saying that two rites are just as fulfilling would deny the whole point in the diversity of liturgies now in the Catholic Church. For example, I doubt a large number of Byzantine Catholics would say that the Novus Ordo liturgy was equally as fulfilling. However, both are equally sacramental in quality.

But it should be remembered that the Novus Ordo DOES have to prove itself next to the Tridentine liturgy, which I do not see it doing adequately. After all the Novus Ordo is the "johnny-come-lately," not the Tridentine rite. Rather, the older Missal is, by both Conciliar mandate, papal approval, long-standing heritage, and intrinsic beauty the received liturgical rite of the Church, whereas the other is the liturgy created by the Church. Therefore, the latter bears the burden of proof.

Moreover, I attend a parish with a wonderful priest, particular devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and which, in the official texts given on the subject, celebrates a picture-perfect vernacular liturgy versus populum. I also attend the Tridentine Mass which is celebrated there by an indult community. I can say then as someone who experiences both, on a regular basis, that the major, and minor, liturgical actions of one rite, the Tridentine, are much more emphasized and brought out in both the rubrics and texts than the Novus Ordo rite. The liturgy should be a sermon in itself. That being said, while the old Mass itself is a better sermon than the Novus Ordo, in my opinion (the latter sounding like some modernist rambling on about some inconsistent, purposeless topic), the priest at that new Mass is a much better homilist than the one at the other, clearly formed by the holy attention given to the Sacred Scriptures during the New Mass.

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