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The Latin Mass

MC Just

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[quote name='p-hawk' date='Jul 30 2005, 11:13 AM']My experience has been that SOME (not all, or even most) of those who frequent Tridentine liturgies are trying to turn back the clock. I wish that my diocese had a good Novus Ordo Mass in Latin, so I could compare. I've only been to a couple of Tridentine liturgies. I suspect that good implementations of the current Rite in Latina Lingua would be at least as beautiful and liturgically inspiring as the Tridentine.

When one gets lost in the woods the safest way out is to retrace your steps back to the point at which you got lost; that is, that point at which you last knew where you were. That is what most trads want to do (including myself). If there is to be a real reform of the liturgy (and most real traditionalists are not against that, per se), it must start at that point.

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Also, any legitimate criticism of the N.O. will not dwell on the language or beauty issue. There is no question that the N.O. can be as beautiful or esthetically pleasing, when it is said as you described and as I am sure it is said at St. Agnes and a few other places around the country (Christendom).

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Here is an interesting article I just read. I'll link it first here for those who do not wish to read the entire thing in this format:

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[quote name='dspen2005' date='Jul 30 2005, 05:11 PM']fantastic... any pictures to share?

If you are talking to me, sure.....take a look.....all Novus Ordo......No Tridentine here......

Don't believe that it is Novus Ordo? Look at the Roman Missal, it is the Novus Ordo Missal. That is actually a low Mass which is celebrated in English.


1938 -- Not many changes....only the paint and the addition of a marble floor and a couple of 15 foot statues. Gotta love Msgr. Schuler

Notice no wooden table, MC Just

That is Msgr. Schuler.

Bishop Perry from Chicago.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Jul 31 2005, 10:35 PM']That's St. Agnes! I've been there... :)

That's St. Agnes! I've lived there... :)

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 31 2005, 10:37 PM']I wanna go there! :)


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[quote name='Mrvoll' date='Aug 2 2005, 06:38 PM']Why?

[url="http://www.catholicliturgy.com/index.cfm/FuseAction/DocumentContents/Index/2/SubIndex/11/DocumentIndex/395"]Quattor Abhinc Annos[/url]

[quote name='QAA']But the problem perdures and the Pope wishes to be responsive to such groups of priests and faithful. Accordingly, he grants to diocesan bishops the faculty of using an indult on behalf of such priests and faithful. The diocesan bishop may allow those who are explicitly named in a petition submitted to him to celebrate Mass by use of the 1962 editio typica of the Roman Missal. The following norms must be observed......

3.The celebration is to follow the Roman Missal of 1962 and must be in Latin.

4.In the celebration there is to be no intermingling of the rites or texts of the two missals.[/quote]

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Not that I wholesale dislike the Novus Ordo, though I think the Anglican Use liturgy is MUCH better, when celebrated traditionally and fully,

BUT these traditional Novus Ordo celebrations, though I think they are great in concept, seem like a bit of a "Bruce Lee" liturgy, you know, the movements saying something different than the words.

I am a very moderate traditionalist (a term which I don't like because it suggests that Catholicism by its very nature isn't traditionalist) yet I wonder, "why the fuss?" The Novus Ordo seems to de-emphasize every major liturgical action in both organization and gesture, so why should ceremony and enthusiasm be forced to pick up the slack? Fix the problem not the symptoms!

Consider even the bare bones Tridentine Low Mass, while ceremony may be lacking ceremony and movement on the part of the congregation and assistants, this is more than made up by the role of the Priest in the liturgy. This only grows when applied to the Solemn High Mass. You can have your cake and eat it too!

Well those are just some of my thoughts.

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[quote]The Novus Ordo seems to de-emphasize every major liturgical action in both organization and gesture......[/quote]

Only when abuses abound. When it is done properly, the Novus Ordo is just as fulfilling as the Tridentine. Jesus is called down from heaven in both, equally.

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