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The Latin Mass

MC Just

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[quote name='Oik' date='Jul 24 2005, 03:40 PM']WHAT!!!  You are that close to St. Alphonsus!
You are truly blessed! Find a way!
haha...yeah, i'm close to St. Alphonsus.

well, i certainly can't walk there, and even if i were to take the bus into Baltimore and walk a few miles, it still would be implausible because the buses here are so unpredictable. Sometimes, I wait for the #11 bus for HOURS and it never comes, and it's notbecause there was a mistake on the schedule. it's because whoever was supposed to drive the MTA bus was too strung out on crack to go to work that day. baltimore is the worst city ever. they shouldn't even call it a city.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 24 2005, 11:09 AM']The Tridentine Mass is Theologically richer; both in its text and liturgical symbolism.

Indeed. This is why I drive and hour and a half to Mass every Sunday morning.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 24 2005, 02:29 PM']I wish I could go to Latin Mass.  I've never ever been to one.  There is a parish down in Baltimore that has one but it's not on the bus line and i don't have a car :(

I used to go there all the time. I still get up there a few times a year.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 24 2005, 12:43 PM']And I could point out the the NO Mass is a refined and less cluttered Mass than the TLM, but I won't. :D: because we don't do catholic-catholic here. :blush:

Besides the issue of Catholic vs. Catholic debate, the staement would simply be false. That is the most important reason not to 'point it out'. :saint:

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I've just started going to a Latin Mass recently and I like it better personally. One thing I miss though is the Latin Mass doesn't do an Old Testament Reading or the psalms am I correct? Other than that I like it much better. I hope the NO gets redirected in a better umm, direction :). But for now I like the Latin Mass better.

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[quote name='goldenchild17' date='Jul 25 2005, 03:03 AM']I've just started going to a Latin Mass recently and I like it better personally.  One thing I miss though is the Latin Mass doesn't do an Old Testament Reading or the psalms am I correct?  Other than that I like it much better.  I hope the NO gets redirected in a better umm, direction :).  But for now I like the Latin Mass better.

Not true. The Latin Mass is saturated with the Psalms and OT verses, from the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar down to the post communion prayers by the priest and everywhere in between.

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The Tridentine Mass is wonderful...my Bishop just expanded the idult in my diocese (Phoenix). We might get an indult Parish and a new church.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Jul 24 2005, 02:16 PM']I do believe that Pope Benedict himself thinks that one is better.  :)  I could be wrong, but he has reservations about one and prefers the other, but says they should now both exist and are both good.
I would say that it's actually a redefined (correct word for my purposes) latter Ambrosian Rite Mass minus some of the pretty stuff.  That's my experience anyways, they are so similar!!!  :shock:

Wasn't the Holy Father at the VII as an aid to one of the COuncil Fathers? I dont think he thinks one is better than the other; i will go so far as to say, that he thinks the NO as celebrated routinely is not in congruence with the mind and thinking of the Council. FOr example, he adamantly holds to the to priest ad orientem... amongst other things -- and we can all say that he is a lover of the Latin language and good, sacred music...

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He was in fact, but he was pretty distraught when the Novus Ordo took over as the main Mass, and I think he said something along the lines of that wasn't what Vatican II called for, and it really wasn't.

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There is one Latin Mass per month in the Toledo Diocese. And I don't imagine anything will get better... Were closing parishes right now, not building them. I think the FSSP would do well in the city though...

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The Tridentine Mass uses the Psalms in different places than the NO: the Introit, the Gradual, the Offertory, and the Communion. Sometimes the Gradual uses an entire Psalm, especially during Lent.
Also, the Tridentine Mass sometimes does have a reading from the Old Testament, and sometimes more than two readings, such as on Ember Days. The Scripture readings, however, are much more integrated into the whole Mass as part of the prayer itself, as opposed to being set in a block right after a "penitential rite."
The Tridentine Mass is not meant to stand alone with regards the rest of the daily liturgy. Oftentimes the scriptures from the Old Testament which should accompany the Epistle are included in the readings for Matins, a service rarely sung or attended these days.

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[quote name='zabbazooey' date='Jul 24 2005, 09:17 AM']I want to attend a Latin Mass, but the only church that holds a Latin Mass is a CMRI church, who are Sedevacantists.

Or you could go right to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Its the FSSP seminary and its right outside of Lincoln. I go to St. Gregory the Great seminary right in Seward, so I've had my encounters with those CMRI folk.

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FSSP was set up by Pope John Paul II to pomulgate the tridentine Mass. They answer to the Holy Father. They aren't like the SSPX who are schimatic.

Recieving communion from an FSSP priest would be the same as recieving communion from any Priest with valid orders.


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