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How Old is the Earth?

MC Just

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Noel's angel

[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 23 2005, 10:25 PM']I have to strongly disagree with you Noel's Angel.  Quoting Simon from another song he's famous for
Granted he's quoting Sam Cooke but he sounds sincere..

But to quote another Simon song:

'I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said'

Paul sounds pretty certain that he knows what he knows and he wouldn't say it if he didn't know 'cause you know he sings what he knows and he knows what he says.

Paul also says that we don't know anything:

God only knows
God makes his plan
The information’s unavailable
To the mortal man
We work our jobs
Collect our pay
Believe we’re gliding down the highway
When in fact we’re slip slidin’ away

So we should remember that when we are here talking away, thinking we're doing great, we're slipping away, another second passes, slowly sliding away......

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  • 2 weeks later...

My theories have been modified and expanded since the life of this thread as I was able to actually do some substantial research. I'm bumping it for a certain phamily member to peep. He was curious. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

With how long Evolutionists and Certian sciences claim how old the Earth is, I think is, less than half of how long they claim it. I dont believe the Universe is more than a million years old to be honest with you.

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Actually the Earth is much younger than the Universe. even though it was created by God at the sametime, the Universe as it is now is much older than the Earth ever is, during the rest of creation God focuses on Earth mainly.

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I woke up dreaming about this thread with the following thought in my head:

Since God created all of this ex nihilo (from nothing) could He have not created the Universe in the certain state of decay? In other words...When God created the Universe it was created to be x billions of years old already?

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Aug 7 2005, 05:05 PM']My theories have been modified and expanded since the life of this thread as I was able to actually do some substantial research. I'm bumping it for a certain phamily member to peep. He was curious. :)

Thx for bump. I was curious how you resolved the biblical account of creation with current, generally accepted scientific evidence.

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"How old is the earth?"

At least as old as yesterday, and no older than tomorrow. It wasn't for some random cause that God said "and there was evening, and there was morning." We are created between these, and grow between these.

By the way I just read a great, great section of "On Loving God" by St. Bernard of Clairvaux that I think applies to most investigations in empirical (and therefore sensual) evidence concerning such things,

"Not knowing himself as the creature that is distinguished from the irrational brutes by the possession of reason, he commences to be confounded with them; because, ignorant of his own true glory which is within, he is led captive by his curiosity, and concerns himself with external, sensual things."

He goes on to say that such curiosity makes us no better than animals.

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[quote name='hierochloe' date='Sep 6 2005, 02:08 PM']Thx for bump. I was curious how you resolved the biblical account of creation with current, generally accepted scientific evidence.

With accepted Scientific evidence doesn't mean anything, if it doesn't line up with Sacred Scripture than its contradicting it.

Besides Sacred Scripture is infalliable, Scientific evidence is not infalliable, matter of fact there have been so many forgeries, its hard to believe what is actually real and what is actually forged.

Those so called First Generation Human Fossils were forged.

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[quote name='hierochloe' date='Sep 6 2005, 03:08 PM']Thx for bump. I was curious how you resolved the biblical account of creation with current, generally accepted scientific evidence.

The Scriptures trump all, the Church is the servant of the Holy Scriptures, and the only authentic interpreter. If the ever and always changing science of man is in contradiction to the Sacred Scriptures, the scientific theory is wrong.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Sep 6 2005, 10:09 PM']The Scriptures trump all, the Church is the servant of the Holy Scriptures, and the only authentic interpreter. If the ever and always changing science of man is in contradiction to the Sacred Scriptures, the scientific theory is wrong.

Amen to that.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Sep 6 2005, 10:09 PM']The Scriptures trump all, the Church is the servant of the Holy Scriptures, and the only authentic interpreter. If the ever and always changing science of man is in contradiction to the Sacred Scriptures, the scientific theory is wrong.

I won't argue that.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 6 2005, 02:07 PM']I woke up dreaming about this thread with the following thought in my head:

Since God created all of this ex nihilo (from nothing) could He have not created the Universe in the certain state of decay? In other words...When God created the Universe it was created to be x billions of years old already?

I think it's possible, yet it would be strange and without precedent indeed for very few new things, if any, are born aged.

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