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How Old is the Earth?

MC Just

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I'de like to know whether these "hominids" were men and if they were eligible for salvation.

It is my view that Neanderthals were just people.

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the earth is aproximately

as old as it is. GOd said let their be light. So from that point up until now.


When i die i will ask him.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jul 24 2005, 01:24 AM']How on earth do you people know so much?


I don't know enough...

What I don't know makes a great book :D

God Bless!

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White Knight

With Evolution on the decline to proof the age of the universe/ the earth, its getting harder and harder to tell, theres no solid evidence anymore. at first the common estimate was 3.4 billion, now some are saying its 10 billion years old. Other sources are syaing were way off. Some say the Universe is so old its messured in the trillions.

Now this is kind of trust worthy evidence, I guess, if you wanna settle for first dealings, when you get into the Creation vs. Evolution thing, were talking about how the Earth and Universe it self is not even a million years old. Now thats pretty hard for our minds to believe that all this could occur in under a million years. But, with God's Superior intellegence over humanities, it makes more sense than a bunch of random events happening for no reason, come even close to the slightest detail of today, and not have a intelliegent designer, its just not possible.

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[quote name='kateri05' date='Jul 24 2005, 07:29 PM']laudate, wouldn't that make adam and eve "cave men" who didn't have language or anything, or really enough intelligence to understand and disobey the Lord in the Garden?  that seems to contradict the Bible. 

where's bro. adam on this topic? :P:
Well, that's kind of been my whole point, I don't believe in "cave men" in the sense of men who are more just brute beasts. I've sort of been suggesting that if you were to raise a homo erectus child in, say.. long island, he would be a normal guy. I mean if homo erectus was supposedly building ships and sailing places (and there have been other things of this sort put forward by scientists), then it seems most likely that they had language and a high level of intelligence. And there is evidence in skulls that suggests that the section of the brain that is related to language was large enough to accept that they spoke.

I'm just entertaining some ideas here. There is an apparent gap between ancient apes and the creatures that "man" is said to have evolved from. I'm just looking into the possibility that these creatures were men. In this interpretation of the data, one has more of a clear divide between apes and man.
Otherwise we are left assuming that men are just more sopisticated monkeys. The biggest problem for my thinking right now are the fossils ER 1470 and ER 1813. But I have a lot more to look at as well, maybe something wil present itself.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 25 2005, 12:59 AM']With Evolution on the decline to proof the age of the universe/ the earth, its getting harder and harder to tell, theres no solid evidence anymore. at first the common estimate was 3.4 billion, now some are saying its 10 billion years old. Other sources are syaing were way off. Some say the Universe is so old its messured in the trillions.
Now this is kind of trust worthy evidence, I guess, if you wanna settle for first dealings, when you get into the Creation vs. Evolution thing, were talking about how the Earth and Universe it self is not even a million years old.  Now thats pretty hard for our minds to believe that all this could occur in under a million years. But, with God's Superior intellegence over humanities, it makes more sense than a bunch of random events happening for no reason, come even close to the slightest detail of today, and not have a intelliegent designer, its just not possible.

Evolution is not in decline, intelligent design is not a science and the earth is billions of years old not thousands of years old.

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As a Theologian in training, I would say it does not matter to Theology how old the Earth is.

And LD, I have always assumed that Cave Men did less grunting than we hollywood says they did.

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White Knight

[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 25 2005, 09:07 AM']Evolution is not in decline, intelligent design is not a science and the earth is billions of years old not thousands of years old.

Evolution denines any form of higher intelliegence, which is ABOSOLUTELY False, Because our existance could not have occured with this chance of extactness, with this complexisity.

Evolution says we came by blind chance, and blind chance only No reason for human beings to be here, etc etc thats Completely crazy, If anyone believes that we came by blind chance your selling yourself short. With our so called information age... we are beginning to think we are SURPREME in Knowolege, and WISDOM, When in fact, we are still Very Ignorant. theres still alot out there. We haven't even begun to discover all the knoweloge and wisdom in our existance.

If you wanna know more about Science and Creation go here.

[color=blue][b][url="http://www.creationevidence.org/"]Welcome to Creation Evidence Museum & Archaeological Excavation[/url][/color][/b]

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 25 2005, 02:38 PM']Evolution denines any form of higher intelliegence, which is ABOSOLUTELY False, Because our existance could not have occured with this chance of extactness, with this complexisity.
Evolution says we came by blind chance, and blind chance only No reason for human beings to be here, etc etc thats Completely crazy, If anyone believes that we came by blind chance your selling yourself short. With our so called information age... we are beginning to think we are SURPREME in Knowolege, and WISDOM, When in fact, we are still Very Ignorant. theres still alot out there. We haven't even begun to discover all the knoweloge and wisdom in our existance.
If you wanna know more about Science and Creation go here.

[color=blue][b][url="http://www.creationevidence.org/"]Welcome to Creation Evidence Museum & Archaeological Excavation[/url][/color][/b]

Evolution says nothing about how life was created, only how existing life evolved. Creationism tells us to reject what we DO know about our world and resort to believing myths and fables, such as great floods that covered the earth. Giant wooden ships that held all the worlds "kinds" of animals. Hence we have people claiming the earth is 6,000 years where we have a massive amount of science against this. There conclusion drawn being that science cannot be correct because the bible is inerrant and literally true. If you want to prove that all of science is incorrect and the earth is indeed 6,000 years old, than present your evidence and collect your nobel prize.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 25 2005, 04:38 PM']Evolution denines any form of higher intelliegence, which is ABOSOLUTELY False, Because our existance could not have occured with this chance of extactness, with this complexisity.
Evolution says we came by blind chance, and blind chance only No reason for human beings to be here, etc etc thats Completely crazy, If anyone believes that we came by blind chance your selling yourself short. With our so called information age... we are beginning to think we are SURPREME in Knowolege, and WISDOM, When in fact, we are still Very Ignorant. theres still alot out there. We haven't even begun to discover all the knoweloge and wisdom in our existance.
If you wanna know more about Science and Creation go here.

[color=blue][b][url="http://www.creationevidence.org/"]Welcome to Creation Evidence Museum & Archaeological Excavation[/url][/color][/b]

Real evolution is a theory on how God did it. It does not deny God.

The bible does not indicated that the earth was created in six, 24 hour days.... the bible is true, but people's interpretations can be false and in error, that is why we have the Church to guide us in the proper interpretation as Christ promised.

The bible goes onto state that time is irrelivant to God, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. Then you must define a day... a day is one reveloution of the earth... during creation, it might have taken thousands or even millions of years for the earth matter to revolve once... it might have taken 1 hour or even ten minutes....

Point being: It doesn't matter and it does not deny God in any way shape or fashion. There are people who are not that smart that think it denies God, but it doesn't... most of those people haven't given much thought to the fact that if evolution was true, then it has nothing to do with God existing or not existing.

God Bless,

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Thanks for the good posts fellows.

Does anyone know of any good books, articles or authors that might pertain to the ideas I've been spouting off? I'm sure there are people who have thought of this stuff who are much more knowledgeable than myself. I'd love to read what they have to say.
The more scholarly the better by the way. Most of the creationist type stuff I've seen (I haven't looked into it much to be honest) has seemed simplistic and not very scholarly.

Thank you

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 25 2005, 07:19 AM']Otherwise we are left assuming that men are just more sopisticated monkeys. The biggest problem for my thinking right now are the fossils ER 1470 and ER 1813. But I have a lot more to look at as well, maybe something wil present itself.

actually no we aren't left assuming that because Genesis 1&2 tell a very different story :D:

and pm Bro. Adam about scholarly articles on creationism, he's got good stuff! ^_^

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White Knight

Evolution is a flawed theory in its depth, it can't explain anything, only assume something for what it is. No way does Evolution work. Evolution denines An Intelligence Designer, otherwise they'd try to prove His existance, but they dont.

Heres a known fact for everything in life.

Nothing Gets more Complex, things always stay the same, inless Intelligence is applied to that.

You drop a ton of bricks on the ground and walk away, does the wall build it self? no intelligence has to be applied to it. A Wall just doesn't come up on its own without some intellience complaticating things.

Thats what our existance is, its a gaint realm of intelligent, complex, beings forming what we know as Life.

God Himself was/is the molder of our life, the One who Makes our Life, work, with His complaticated system, Only He can do what He does. Nothing can do anything without God, without intelligence.

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