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How Old is the Earth?

MC Just

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Jul 23 2005, 07:47 AM']How old is the earth?

The best answer you can get is "unknown".

Various dating systems are reliable to a point, but to be certain one would need something to compare the sample to.

Scientific statements are not "facts", even though science is based on facts - science is based on observable facts - - "It appers to be because of 'this' for now, but that can change if were learn something new"
The way scientist thought fossils were created was recently proven wrong, a T-Rex's bone fell and broke in two and it had moist meat inside. Given this latest revelation, I do not think oil was created the way they had originally thought. For all they know there could be (and I believe there are) oceans of oil that we have not found yet. The deepest ever drilled has been about 4 miles if memory serves me correctly... There is a lot we do not know about the earth... the answer to the age of the earth will be nothing more than a theory until we die and are able to ask God.... unless of course a Saint from Heaven comes down to tell us. :)

God Bless,

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[quote name='thedude' date='Jul 23 2005, 03:44 PM']I don't trust the dates put forth for the appearance of humans so I distrust the dates for the age of the earth.  I don't see how modern man was around for 40,000 years but only started doing stuff for the last 8,000 or so.
teehee, I disagree with the conventional theories regarding the appearance of man, but I go in the opposite direction. I believe that man has walked the earth for longer than 40,000 years. And he did not start doing stuff in the last 8,000 years. It's complicated, but cool.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jul 23 2005, 10:54 PM']The best answer you can get is "unknown".
Various dating systems are reliable to a point, but to be certain one would need something to compare the sample to.

Scientific statements are not "facts", even though science is based on facts - science is based on observable facts - - "It appers to be because of 'this' for now, but that can change if were learn something new"
The way scientist thought fossils were created was recently proven wrong, a T-Rex's bone fell and broke in two and it had moist meat inside. Given this latest revelation, I do not think oil was created the way they had originally thought. For all they know there could be (and I believe there are) oceans of oil that we have not found yet. The deepest ever drilled has been about 4 miles if memory serves me correctly... There is a lot we do not know about the earth... the answer to the age of the earth will be nothing more than a theory until we die and are able to ask God.... unless of course a Saint from Heaven comes down to tell us. :)
God Bless,
Do you have an article or anything you can direct me to regard the moist meat thing? That seems incredible. Just curious.


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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 23 2005, 10:25 PM']I have to strongly disagree with you Noel's Angel.  Quoting Simon from another song he's famous for
Granted he's quoting Sam Cooke but he sounds sincere..
LOL, that's funny. :D:

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 23 2005, 12:15 PM']I was just talking with some friends about how I don't trust the dating systems... we were talking about how they apparently grossly overestimated how long fossil fuels take to come about with such dating methods and that ACTUALLY some oil fields have begun to replenish themselves (apparently, it might only take a couple hundred years for fossil fuels to be formed)... and then the Shroud's dating that ended up being in complete error...

romantically I like the idea of the young earth... with evidence I really have yet to be convinced by either side... :huh:
I like to think I have a healthy skepticism of the dating methods as well, but in the past I recall examining the evidence of the Earth's age and it seemed pretty concrete.

And what's the problem anyway? I think the young earth stuff is usually motivated by an interpretation of the Bible that doesn't seem all that great to me. The Bible is not, and never was a science text book. Even when it is a history book, it's often elucidating the Theological meaning of history rather than the strictly literal facts of history.

If the Church were to declare that the Earth is less than 5000 years old, I would believe it and give it some serious investigation, but that won't happen because it's not proper to faith and morals. I think mainstream science is most likely right on the issue of the earth's age. It's not really a big deal and I don't know why some Christians are threatened by the idea (well, I know, but I don't relate).

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 24 2005, 12:57 AM']Do you have an article or anything you can direct me to regard the moist meat thing? That seems incredible. Just curious.


[url="http://www.nytimes.com/auth/login?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/24/science/24cnd-dino.html&OQ=exQ3D1112331600Q26enQ3D5a88279207414f4bQ26eiQ3D5065Q26partnerQ3DMYWAY&OP=129f42e7Q2Fln5vlMhOpchhP_l_Q25Q25Q3ClQ25Q5Cl_blpO!5BO5l_bOBM)M!BhJ2PQ2Fg"]NY Times[/url]

[quote][b]Tissue Find Offers New Look Into Dinosaurs' Lives[/b]
Published: March 24, 2005
A 70-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex has apparently yielded soft tissues, including blood vessels and possibly cells.[/quote]

I do not believe the 70 million years thing... it's a theory and nothing more. There is no way to know. The most accurate dating I believe is only good to about 5000 years... the carbon 14/12 system of dating... but things like smoke can screw up the results.

God Bless!

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jul 23 2005, 11:03 PM'][url="http://www.nytimes.com/auth/login?URI=http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/24/science/24cnd-dino.html&OQ=exQ3D1112331600Q26enQ3D5a88279207414f4bQ26eiQ3D5065Q26partnerQ3DMYWAY&OP=129f42e7Q2Fln5vlMhOpchhP_l_Q25Q25Q3ClQ25Q5Cl_blpO!5BO5l_bOBM)M!BhJ2PQ2Fg"]NY Times[/url]
I do not believe the 70 million years thing... it's a theory and nothing more. There is no way to know. The most accurate dating I believe is only good to about 5000 years... the carbon 14/12 system of dating... but things like smoke can screw up the results.
God Bless!
Thanks Ironmonk!

I think it's funny how bad water can screw up carbon dating. I heard that they dated some brand new volcanic rock in Hawaii and that a batch of the cooled lava on land dated to just a few years old, whereas samples that were submerged underwater dated to millions of years old. haha

Considering that most of the earth was under water at some point, it makes you wonder if carbon dating can be trusted at all. But there are other dating methods.

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which each have their own individual flaws... like where they miscalculated the half-life of fossil fuels :D

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 23 2005, 11:10 PM']which each have their own individual flaws... like where they miscalculated the half-life of fossil fuels :D

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 24 2005, 01:08 AM']Thanks Ironmonk!

I think it's funny how bad water can screw up carbon dating. I heard that they dated some brand new volcanic rock in Hawaii and that a batch of the cooled lava on land dated to just a few years old, whereas samples that were submerged underwater dated to millions of years old. haha

Considering that most of the earth was under water at some point, it makes you wonder if carbon dating can be trusted at all. But there are other dating methods.

www.HowStuffWorks.com has some good articles on the dating systems. Basically with carbon 14/12 everything living has carbon 14 and carbon 12 in it, carbon 14 has a much shorter half life than carbon 12. As long as we're alive the carbon 14 is kept at the same level as the carbon 12... when we die the carbon 12 remains and the carbon 14 goes into rapid decay compared to the carbon 14, so with a calculation you can determine how long since something has been alive, but eventually you'll run out of carbon 14 to compare to the carbon 12.. roughly 5000 years.

God Bless :)

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I think the earth was made last week, and everything was made to look as if it was really old and all the structures were made to look like they had been built some time ago, and we were all created yesterday with a bunch of random memories in our brains dating back to a supposed date of birth.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jul 23 2005, 11:24 PM']How on earth do you people know so much?
We're geniuses Micah.. Mad Geniuses!!! Bwoohoooahahahaaaaa!!!!!!!!

You should know that I'm a Guinness by now.. I've posted enough to make that evident. :P:


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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 24 2005, 01:33 AM']We're geniuses Micah.. Mad Geniuses!!! Bwoohoooahahahaaaaa!!!!!!!!

You should know that I'm a Guinness by now.. I've posted enough to make that evident. :P:


Nice spelling for a "Guinness" ;) :P:

Edited by goldenchild17
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