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Time travel


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My understanding of Einstein's theory of General Relativity is different from yours. Could you please tell me exactly where and how the theory says that everything that has and will happen is happening. I think it is saying something very different because of a finite speed of light determines that certain events do happen before or after another, one's that our outside certain events light cone. You are correct that events that happen inside the light cone are impossible to measure temporally, since time is a relative concept dependent on the reference frame.

And philosophically, your point about not being able to change the past is disturbing. You say:

We cannot change what has happened, even if we could go back in time
What has happened is convertible with what is happening and what will happen
We cannot change what is happening, that is, whe have no free will and just as our past is predetermined because it has "already happened" so is our present predetermined, because it also has "already happened."
So, I ask you directly, do you deny the possibility of free will? And if so, how do you reconcile the scriptural account of salvation history with that understanding?

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[quote name='foundsheep' date='Jul 25 2005, 11:37 PM']:loco: I can travel but i cant find my delorean.
i once had this car we called "the rat mobile"..........toyota corolla 88'

we used to joke about installing a horn that sounded like the time machine from back to the future

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Soccer 15 SWC

Well I saw a Nova show on this. It said that if it is possable we would go back into a different dimension. They proved that there is one becuase they shot a laser into a few mirriors and in to a sensor. It would break the laser into 5 different lasers when it hit the sensor. Then they put a fiddler in front of the sensor so that only one particle of the laser could go through at one time. The 5 bars still showed up. So where are these particles coming from. Well from other parrallel universes. So this explains why we aren't being over run by future people and how time travel would work if it was possable.

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White Knight

If we as human beings had the possibility to travel back in time, wouldn't that be, in many ways, not trusting God to handle the Past, Present, and Future? thats how I see it.

Free Will is over used in this agurement too much. There are some things Free Will cannot do.

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='argent_paladin' date='Jul 25 2005, 11:26 PM']Don,
My understanding of Einstein's theory of General Relativity is different from yours. Could you please tell me exactly where and how the theory says that everything that has and will happen is happening. I think it is saying something very different because of a finite speed of light determines that certain events do happen before or after another, one's that our outsideĀ  certain events light cone. You are correct that events that happen inside the light cone are impossible to measure temporally, since time is a relative concept dependent on the reference frame.

And philosophically, your point about not being able to change the past is disturbing. You say:

We cannot change what has happened, even if we could go back in time
What has happened is convertible with what is happening and what will happen
We cannot change what is happening, that is, whe have no free will and just as our past is predetermined because it has "already happened" so is our present predetermined, because it also has "already happened."
So, I ask you directly, do you deny the possibility of free will? And if so, how do you reconcile the scriptural account of salvation history with that understanding?

No, he doesn't deny free will. In fact, if he were wrong, then Truth as a meaningful term would fall apart, watch:

1.) I am right now typing on my computer.
2.) Therefore, it is true that I am typing on my computer.
3a.) Therefore, as of ten minutes ago, it was true that I [i]would be[/i] typing on my computer in ten minutes.
3b.) Therefore, as of ten minutes in the future, it will be true that I [i]had been[/i] typing on my computer ten minutes before.

Thus, while the truth of a statement may be known or unknown given the time (i.e. ten minutes ago, I did not know the truth of the statement "it is true that in ten minutes I will be typing on my computer"), the truth of the statement never [i]changes[/i] in time.

For this reason, among others, we assert that Truth is immutable. What is, is, what was, was, and what will be, will be. This is not opposed to free will, as free will is the ability to keep uprightness of will for its own sake.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='argent_paladin' date='Jul 25 2005, 11:26 PM']Don,
My understanding of Einstein's theory of General Relativity is different from yours. Could you please tell me exactly where and how the theory says that everything that has and will happen is happening. I think it is saying something very different because of a finite speed of light determines that certain events do happen before or after another, one's that our outsideĀ  certain events light cone. You are correct that events that happen inside the light cone are impossible to measure temporally, since time is a relative concept dependent on the reference frame.

And philosophically, your point about not being able to change the past is disturbing. You say:

We cannot change what has happened, even if we could go back in time
What has happened is convertible with what is happening and what will happen
We cannot change what is happening, that is, whe have no free will and just as our past is predetermined because it has "already happened" so is our present predetermined, because it also has "already happened."
So, I ask you directly, do you deny the possibility of free will? And if so, how do you reconcile the scriptural account of salvation history with that understanding?

Sorry I have been away i will get back to this asap ( though probably not tonight. )

Thanks Jeff.

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It's a piece of carp!

Darn thing doesn't work!

I'm going to the authorities and make that guy in Florida give me a refund in FULL!

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Time isn't all it's cracked up to be.
God, and angels exist outside of time.
And at the end of time, we will all (here's hoping) be in heaven, with God, and the angels, for eternity.

I would view time, like I view the earth. Something God made because people need it.

That said, I had a discussion on this around the campfire at field school, and the T.A.'s theory was that you could change things, but only if they didn't affect who you are.

So, let's say I read a book that awful. Like "Arms of Love."
I am upset about losing 2 hours off my life, so I build a time machine to fix it. Either by preventing it's writing, publishing or just from myself reading it.
I won't be able to go back and fix it, because I wouldn't have wanted to build the machine in the first place. I could, however, prevent something else from happening, as long as it wasn't my inspiration for building the time machine.

But the question is, do the events of our past shape who we are?
If I stop myself from reading that book, I won't go through the changes it caused.
If I change my past, will I return to the "present" to find a new me in my place?

... I gotta start a new thread...

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I would like to see some of those mathematicians who labored over infinity relate it to time and throw in a good formula for time travel sot hat ti bcomes theorically possible but physically impossible. That would be fun.

God bless,

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