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Ok, We're going to continue with the "Democrats" thread because there is much to be discussed.

This time, we need to play nice.

I'll post the last few statements made and we can continue on with the discussion.


[quote]I will certainly pray for you, because I have witnessed the moral decay of the Democrat Party expand over my lifetime, and things are not getting better, they are getting far worse. If anyone had said in 1978 that there would be Democrat politicians for "gay" rights, and for "gay" marriage, that person would have been laughed at as an idiot, and yet, that is what we have come to today.

Good luck and best wishes to you in your efforts.


[quote]Jamie, just for clarification, could you list three Major principles of the Democratic Party which are in line with Catholic Social Teaching and main tennants of the Party...

And we must remember that the Church is not a third way, but a lens by which we gauge political movements.

hot stuff:
[quote]Well first of all I think that the letter I posted from the USCCB goes to answer your question.

But from the Democratic platform recently published

"Reject choice of healthy economy vs. healthy environment. "

"Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole"

" Knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade."

These are all major platform tenets

Understand that I am not arguing that the Republican party is wrong in their approach.

I am arguing that there are some good democrats out there. There are principles of the Democratic party that are line with Catholicism. As I've said, I will not vote for a pro choice candidate. (Didn't even vote for Bush because of that)

[quote]As far as the balance between protecting the environment and the proper development of the economy is concerned, although on the face of it the Democrat party platform coordinates well with Catholic social teaching, the methods often promoted by the Democrat party for achieving this end do not necessarily conform to Catholic doctrine. In other words, the Democrat party tends to expand the federal government into all aspects of the social order and this ideology of federal expansionism is contrary to the Catholic principle of subsidiarity. In Catholic doctrine the local government, as that which is closest to the people involved, should have the majority of power in the social order, and this is so, because it is more responsive to the needs of citizens and families. Moreover, local government can be controlled more easily by citizens, thus ensuring that it does not develop into a burdensome bureaucratic system.

As far as free trade is concerned, both political parties support free trade, and certainly on this issue neither groups methodology for achieving that good end can be declared to be exclusively "Catholic."


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I believe that Kilroy the Ninja closed that thread. Perhaps you should private message Kilroy the Ninja to see if she wants to reopen the thread.

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I tried PMing Kilroy twice and respectfully asked to have the thread reopened. I received no response from her.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='Jul 22 2005, 04:25 PM']I believe that Kilroy the Ninja closed that thread.  Perhaps you should private message Kilroy the Ninja to see if she wants to reopen the thread.
Actually, I did PM her and she gave me permission to reopen this topic, so long as we were all well behaved.

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morally i think conservativism is the correct way to go but i agree with the ideas of democrats when it comes to foreing policy and distrubiting the nations wealth..........did you know that currently 5% of the nation controls 95% of the nations wealth?

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 22 2005, 02:37 PM']morally i think conservativism is the correct way to go but i agree with the ideas of democrats when it comes to foreing policy and distrubiting the nations wealth..........did you know that currently 5% of the nation controls 95% of the nations wealth?

It is not the place of government to "distribute the nation's wealth." This simply doesn't work and ends up hurting everybody in reality. It does not really redistribute from the rich to the poor, but redistributes power over one's property from the individual to the government. If interested in this topic, I recommend you read the classic [i]The Ethics of Redistribution,[/i] by Bertrand de Jouvenal.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 22 2005, 04:33 PM']I tried PMing Kilroy twice and respectfully asked to have the thread reopened.  I received no response from her.

That's weird. She got back to me right away. :idontknow:

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 22 2005, 03:37 PM']morally i think conservativism is the correct way to go but i agree with the ideas of democrats when it comes to foreing policy and distrubiting the nations wealth..........did you know that currently 5% of the nation controls 95% of the nations wealth?

thats wrong

Sorry for being successful. Sorry for working hard and doing well. Yes there are poor that need to be helped but there are also alot of poor out there that are poor because they chose to drop out of school, not work hard, have kids when they couldnt support them, do drugs, etc etc. All poor need to be helped but that doesnt mean we go punish the successful.

I'm sorry but the modern day democratic party is full of lies, hypocrites, and to an extent anti Americans. Yes anti Americans. The democratic party is undermining the war effort. Everything is Americas problem. America and Britain caused the bombings not the terrorists. The libral elitists of this country think that everyday americans are nothing more than a bunch of ignorant hicks. They compare bush to hitler. I mean come on. Just look at their chairman howard AHHH dean. If he represents the democratic party of today then....................

But you know I hope they keep doing what they're doing because they're destroying themselves. The democratic party is destroying itself.

2 concessions. I agree with the party that death penalty is wrong- but in no ways is this issue at the top of their agenda

and I do like one democrat,

Zel Miller.

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This is from the papal encyclical Rerum Novarum

[quote]22. Therefore, those whom fortune favors are warned that riches do not bring freedom from sorrow and are of no avail for eternal happiness, but rather are obstacles;[9] that the rich should tremble at the threatenings of Jesus Christ -- threatenings so unwonted in the mouth of our Lord[10] -- and that a most strict account must be given to the Supreme Judge for all we possess. The chief and most excellent rule for the right use of money is one the heathen philosophers hinted at, but which the Church has traced out clearly, and has not only made known to men's minds, but has impressed upon their lives. It rests on the principle that it is one thing to have a right to the possession of money and another to have a right to use money as one ills. Private ownership, as we have seen, is the natural right of man, and to exercise that right, especially as members of society, is not only lawful, but absolutely necessary. "It is lawful," says St. Thomas Aquinas, "for a man to hold private property; and it is also necessary for the carrying on of human existence.''[11] But if the question be asked: How must one's possessions be used? -- the Church replies without hesitation in he words of the same holy Doctor: "Man should not consider his material possessions as his own, but as common to all, so as to share them without hesitation when others are in need. Whence the apostle saith, 'Command the rich of this world . . to offer with no stint, to apportion largely'."[12] True, no one is commanded to distribute to others that which is required for his own needs and those of his household; nor even to give away what is reasonably required to keep up becomingly his condition in life, "for no one ought to live other than becomingly."[13] But, when what necessity demands has been supplied, and one's standing fairly taken thought for, it becomes a duty to give to the indigent out of what remains over. "Of that which remaineth, give alms."[14] It is duty, not of justice (save in extreme cases), but of Christian charity -- a duty not enforced by human law.[/quote]

This encyclical talks about the sins of socialism. But it also talks about the responsibilities of the wealthy. (as quoted above)

Social justice and reform is a large part of the Democratic platform. Their principles resonate with what is being said in this encyclical. Their choice is to do this through social programs and taxation. Republicans might argue that it is better served through private donations.

However the question posed by Theo was to demonstrate how Catholic teachings were resonant with certain Democratic principles.

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Just to clarify, we were talking about Democrats for Life, which are democrats against abortion.

(in case people have joined this thread without having read the original)

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 22 2005, 03:14 PM']This is from the papal encyclical Rerum Novarum
This encyclical talks about the sins of socialism.  But it also talks about the responsibilities of the wealthy.  (as quoted above) 

Social justice and reform is a large part of the Democratic platform.  Their principles resonate with what is being said in this encyclical.  Their choice is to do this through social programs and taxation.  Republicans might argue that it is better served through private donations. 

However the question posed by Theo was to demonstrate how Catholic teachings were resonant with certain Democratic principles.

Charity is served by people freely giving to and ehlping other people. It is not served by taxation and impersonal government beaurocracies.
Our country does NOT need further expansion of the welfare state.

One must carefully look at what policies the Dems are actually advocating, not their rhetoric.
("Oh, I'm a Democrat because they're all about helping the poor and oppressed")

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 22 2005, 03:17 PM']Just to clarify, we were talking about Democrats for Life, which are democrats against abortion.

(in case people have joined this thread without having read the original)

You can find the site [url="http://www.democratsforlife.org/"]right here [/url]

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I sincerely doubt that any Catholic will disagree with the necessity of justice and the defense of the common good within society, but the methods advocated by the Democrat party are what people must examine, in order to see if they conform to Catholic social doctrine. The extension of federal power into every sphere of the social order must be resisted, because it reflects an improper understanding of the role of government and the principle of subsidiarity, as Pope John Paul II pointed out in his encyclical [u]Centesimus Annus[/u]. Sadly at the present time, there is a tendency on the part of some individuals and groups today (including some Catholics) to identify government with society; but it is society, and especially the family, which creates government. Moreover, Catholic social teaching favors the small over the large, just as it favors the local structures over the national structures in governing a society. I'm sure that we can all agree that local and municipal government has a greater role in organizing and protecting the social order, than does the federal government. Intrusion of the federal bureacracy into the lives of citizens must be resisted, because it reflects a view of the State that does not conform to the doctrine of the Church.

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[b]Timeline of Democratic Party National Platform Language[/b]—

1952 "[I]t is our prayerful hope. . . that Almighty God may grant us the wisdom to
"Under the guidance, protection, and help of Almighty God we shall succeed in
bringing to the people of this Nation a better and more rewarding life."

—1960 "In this spirit, we hereby rededicate ourselves to the continuing service of the
Rights of Man everywhere in America and everywhere else on God's earth."

—1968 The Democratic platform supports "family planning" for the first time, by encouraging the establishment of "family planning information
centers" throughout the country.
The platform states that "family 1972—
planning services . . . should be available to
all, regardless of sex, age, [or] marital

—1976 Abortion is explicitly mentioned in the platform for the first time, saying that amending the Constitution "to overturn the Supreme Court decision"
would be "undesirable." The platform pledges support for family
planning "around the world, as well as at home."
The following terms are used for the first
time: "sexual orientation" 1980—
"right to choose" "reproductive rights/freedom/choice"
"The Democratic Party supports the 1973
Supreme Court decision on abortion rights as the
law of the land and opposes any Constitutional
amendment to restrict or overturn that decision."
"The Democratic Party recognizes reproductive
freedom as a fundamental human right."

—1984 The terms "gay" and "lesbian" are used for the first time.
"We will assure that sexual orientation per se does not serve as a bar to
participation in the military."
The platform states that 1988—
"the fundamental right of reproductive
choice should be guaranteed regardless of
ability to pay."

—1992 The party pledges for the first time to support "comprehensive family life
education" [A euphemism for a type of sex education which teaches kids
that contraception and abortion are legitimate options.] The term "Roe v.
Wade" is used for the first time, and the platform explicitly supports
reforming American health care to "provide for the full range of
reproductive choice," which includes "the right to a safe, legal abortion."
"Democrats stand behind the right of every woman to choose, consistent with
Roe v. Wade, . . . and support a national law to protect that right."
"We will . . . provide civil rights protection for gay men and lesbians."

—2000 "This year's Supreme Court rulings show to us all that eliminating a woman's
right to choose is only one justice away. That's why the stakes in this election are
as high as ever."
"We support the full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of the nation.
This would include an equitable alignment of benefits."
Statements in Italics are direct quotes from the text of the party platform for the given year. By Scott Johnston.

Yeah, the democrat party is great if you like porn, free sex without responsibility, and drugs.

Interesting reasoning for leaving the dem party....

[quote]I used to be a democrat and ceased to be one when the party took the stand that innocent human life was second and subservient to a woman’s choice to destroy that life. I cannot support a party that has as its leader, a man who claims to believe life begins at conception and is willing to support the killing of that life. Kerry is beyond the pale of reason and a vote for him is a vote to support a grave evil.


I was raised in a home by lifelong Democrats. My parents grew up in the Depression, children of Irish Catholic immigrants. The Democratic Party was a place where their kind were welcomed when they were shunned elsewhere.

Since the 1970s, when the Party began its drift to the far left (at least on a national basis) I began to quiver as I was forced to pull Republican levers in the polling booth. George McGovern began this with his quest for homosexual and abortion rights, along with legalization of drugs. Jimmy Carter continued it, as he counterbalanced his Middle American, Navy background with a sop to the left by virtue of his assertion of abortion rights. It got worse with Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton and Gore. Making matters all the more disgraceful, a review of history showed that many of the Democratic national leaders (Kennedy, Clinton, Gore, Jesse Jackson) had been pro-life up until the early '80s, when they developed national aspirations.

Abortion is a threshold issue: I don't care a whit for their tax or education plans, if they can justify the slaughter of innocent human beings. Am I to be persuaded by their concern for the downtrodden? I am not fooled, and I am no longer a Democrat.

S. M.


I am one of those who left the Democratic Party over their pro-choice platform. The Democratic Party of today is not the same party championed before the Sexual Revolution of the Sixties. They used to be the party of the poor, disenfranchised and powerless. Now they declare war on the smallest and most powerless of all. It broke my heart to turn my back on a party which has done so much good for so many.

But their position is hard and heartless. They are so far in the pocket of special interest groups, that they are not even willing to discuss the most modest protections for the unborn. My husband went to the last Democratic caucus in our area, and spoke out for life. He was immediately cut off and shut down. Pro-life Democrats are not welcome in the party, especially at the national level. I am now left without a party. I vote mostly for Independent candidates who do not have a chance of winning. I just pray that Pro-life candidates will receive enough votes to cause Democratic politicians to pause and reflect on their rigid positions with regards to the unborn. Yours in Christ,

K. J.

As the mother of two adopted children, plus a first darling grandchild who was an "unplanned pregnancy" - I can no longer support the Democratic Party’s platform.

I am a registered Democrat who most often votes Republican. Haven’t voted for a Democratic candidate for president since LBJ. We pray for an end to abortion at mass at my church.



I belong to an active Pro-Life group at my parish. Our associate pastor is our leader & his passion is contagious. We always march in the July 4th parade & the Christmas parade. We sponsor booths at festivals & are always looking for new ideas. I was a Democrat for 45 yr. This year I changed to Republican. I feel that I can’t be a member of any organization that openly supports and work for actions that mare without a doubt are contrary to the teaching of my church and my God. Thank you for all you do.


A. P.

I believe a person cannot both be a Christian and be in the Democratic Party at the same time.

L. W.

I was raised a Democrat, as were most Catholics of my era. Unfortunately, this once-splendid party of the working man has been hijacked by university-based radicals and now thumbs its nose at the Catholics and other Christians that were its mainstay in the first two-thirds of the last century. Unfortunately, our bishops haven’t seemed to notice this, and they have been extremely timid at facing up to heretical Catholic politicians. Also totally afraid of telling us Catholics in the pews that it’s a grave sin to vote for a pro-death candidate.

The irony of this is that...were Christians and Catholics to assert themselves in the Democratic party, and have it become a pro-life party...they would bring back the Reagan Democrats and gain a ‘lock’ on Washington for generations to come!!!

That principle in "Faithful Citizenship" stating that we should never intentionally kill innocent life is the cornerstone of all other principles about life, and certainly unravels the late Cardinal Bernardin's shameful and misleading ‘Seamless Garment’ in a hurry.

Keep up your wonderful apostolate. Your shows on EWTN are very effective.


D. S.


All my family voted Democrat from Roosevelt’s Day. Most people don’t realize that in Albany, N.Y. if you were a democratic property owner your taxes were lower because of the Demo machine. I am 78 now and have always voted Democratic until they started to promote abortion. I changed parties because I need to honor God and His innocent babies. I will never vote for a person who is not truly pro-life. Usually I will ask a candidate to write me a statement on their position on the abortion issue.

B. C.

New York

In the mid-1990’s when Bill Clinton was running for a second term, both my husband and I had made a firm decision to switch parties from Democrat to Republican due to the abortion factor.

My father, a 73 year old lifetime Democrat, voted for George W. Bush due to the abortion factor.

If a person is not for life, then he/she is for the antithesis of life - death.

B. S.


My whole family was lifetime Chicago Democrats. We had a picture of J.F.K. right alongside Pope John XXXIII in the dining room when I grew up. My Grandfather (who just passed away at 101) and was as Democrat as you could get, my mother, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters all became Republican because of the abortion issue.

God Bless You,

P. E.


I was an active Democrat for several years. Although pro-life and anti-abortion, I could stomach the pro-abortion rhetoric as long as it included no program or action in support of abortion. After the partial birth abortion issue came to the forefront, both sides of the life/abortion issue stepped up activity and found I could not support anyone who interferes with action to limit abortion or to promote a right to life. I found there is no one I can vote for in the Democratic party here, although there are about 30 pro-life Democratic congressmen and several pro-life Democratic senators. I am no longer a Democratic Committee member, but I am a member of Democrats For Life, Inc. and I hope they make headway into the party. But for now, the Democratic Party has been hijacked and crashed by the abortion industry and its mad feminist advocates. The November 2004 elections are extremely critical for the pro-life efforts in the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, as well as state and local elections. If Life loses the House, the Senate, or the Presidency, progress on Life issues will slow for years. The abortion supporters have 10 times the money as the life supporters, and many life candidates have very poor positions and records on related issues, making their support weak.

Although the Democratic party of empowerment has endorsed immoral or amoral positions, it has a better human rights and dignity platform and record than the Republican party of privilege. Voters must decide their vote on the merits of each candidate, not the party. For me, I will hold my nose and vote for Bush because, in spite of all his bad positions, his court appointments and his pro-life policies outweigh all the bad that he can do, and Kerry will be much worse.

J. C.

For what it is worth, let me add to the chorus of those who remember when the Democratic Party was my Party. I grew up in Chicago, part of the Ward politics of the Czar Richard Daley. Up to the Johnson era we were all in the Democratic Party lap.

Overnight my family made the switch---and all because of Abortion. We now vote against the Party. Its social liberalism is extreme. Its outright rejection of traditional moral values complete.

G. B.


It was watching the Democratic Convention in 2000 that my stomach began to get tight and I truly felt nauseous. Mrs. Hilary Clinton, along with others, continually spoke about how they were going to defend a woman’s right to choose to keep life in her womb or destroy it. That same year my prayer group worked to get the missionary image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The election took place. Still we did not have a president. Dec. 3, 2000, we received the image and for the next five days more people than we ever expected turned out to pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe. On her feast day, Dec. 12, President George Bush was declared the winner of the presidential election.

The following month, January 2001, I made a trip to the courthouse, and to the shock of the ladies in the county clerk’s office I changed my party. It was a shock, because I had been so active in our local Democratic party. I was the former Democratic treasurer and the former vice-president. I was a former Deputy County Clerk. I was the first woman in our county to run for county commissioner. I ran on the Democratic ticket. Some of my Democratic friends have shunned me, but I must do what I believe in my heart is right. I must defend God’s gift of life.

D. R.


When Perot ran for president I voted for him, and my Dad asked me why I wasn’t voting pro-life, for Bush #1 and I said Dad I really don’t think there is any difference between any of the candidates. Well, I was so wrong. Clinton passed partial birth abortion and that the US would pay for abortions around the world. I was so wrong, it can always get worse when life is not a priority to a candidate and I tell people that. I have since confessed that sin. I will never vote for anyone but pro-life candidates.



I registered as a Democrat in 1960, during the Kennedy/Nixon campaigns, and voted Democrat in every presidential election until 1980, when I voted for John Anderson because I was disappointed in Carter and opposed to Reagan’s proposed policies. I voted for third party candidates again in 1992 and 1996 because I was opposed to Clinton’s pro-choice position but could not bring myself to vote for GHW Bush or Bob Dole. In 2000, Al Gore’s strident pro-abortion position was enough to force me to vote for GW Bush, even though I disagreed with him on just about everything else. When Bush stated, in the Jan ‘01 State of the Union Address, that he would sign a bill banning partial birth abortion, and not one Democrat applauded, I decided to leave the Democratic party, registering as un-affiliated the very next day. I do not support any of Bush’s policies except his pro-life positions, but I am so angry with the Democratic party and their candidates regarding abortion, alternative lifestyles, gay marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, etc. that I will continue to vote Republican.

E. C.

I grew up in a blue color town and lived with working class families. Growing up, the Democrat party was the right choice in the 60’s and 70’s. So when I was 18 in 1976 I registered as a Democrat. At the time the party was the party of the working man.

This was long ago. Over the years the party changed. The women’s movement took to the democrat party, the party of equality and civil rights so it seamed. As the party became entrenched in women’s issues they took up the cause of abortion. At first I prayed that the party would change. Compromise and only consider medical reasons or some limitations. As the women’s movement pushed and National Organization of Women, NOW, became more militant the party.

During the Reagan administration I was a Reagan Democrat. But as I looked at the party leadership I felt that I could no longer stay in the party. The party no longer represented the workingman. It was not the party of a coalition of interest.

Today the party is a party of hypocrites. A group of men and women that say they are pro-family but do not support marriage. A party that has an interest in education Americas youth but commends the murder of the unborn. A party that is lead currently by the greatest hypocrite of all times. A man that claims to be a Catholic but votes to keep abortions legal, and takes communion regularly in churches not in communion with the Holy See.

But what should we expect this is the same party that gave us Bill Clinton, who committed pudgy while holding the nations highest office. I am glad I am no longer a Democrat.

J. O.


I was of the Democrat Party ... at 12-years-old, even working for the election of John F. Kennedy. Thirteen years later after Roe v Wade, I decided to switch my allegiance and in 1974 during the off-year elections voted in my first Republican Primary, the way in which party affiliation is declared in Texas and I have yet to be sorry that I did.



In your most recent newsletter, you asked for stories of those who have left the Democratic Party because of its extremist views and support of abortion. Well, I fit that profile. I grew up in Maryland, a very liberal area, to parents who worked for the State. I was told from a young age to, "vote democrat, they care about the working class." I saw my mother and father work endless hours and never acquire anything close to upper middle class status. My mother died in debt and devoid of any assets, all this while a Democrat was in office!

When I was in my 20’s, I knew that I would never choose an abortion if I ever experienced an unplanned pregnancy, but I was less adamant of another woman’s ‘right to choose.’ That all, however, changed with the birth of my son, Dylan last November….I found out about the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion and how Democratic Presidential candidate, John Kerry became the first candidate EVER to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood! It shocked me even more that he was Catholic. I am now beginning RCIA classes this month and hope to be welcomed into the Church next Easter, and I know the evils of abortion and the importance of the Eucharist and I can’t believe that anyone would abuse that for political gain. When I changed my voter’s registration address and name (to my married name) I also changed parties. I have found a great deal of information that shows the Republican Party is as dedicated to the unborn as I am. So, this November, and for years to come, that’s who has my vote.


L. Z.


I was an ACTIVE lifetime Democrat until 1992 when I decided to leave the Party and vote for George H. Bush against Bill Clinton. It was this election that was the catalyst for me-I could no longer vote for any Democrat or anyone period who supported abortion. (I had been a Party activist all through college, my 20’s and early 30’s). I’ve always known abortion was killing, but was silent on this issue for many years. I never held the position that many Catholics have today-that of-I am personally opposed but it’s ok for my neighbor, etc. That argument made no sense to me at all. I just lacked the courage I needed to speak out, then God gave me the insight and the grace to have some good old fashioned courage and stand up for LIFE! There’s been no turning back ever since. Our Lord has been calling me to more activism in my family, church and community ever since. I thank God for using that ‘92 Presidential Election to open up my eyes and make the change! God bless! P.S. the real tragedy is these Democrats do not have a clue as to the darkness they are in...


I have wavered between the Democrat and Republican parties since I first voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 as a nineteen-year old. In 1992 I returned to the Catholic Church thanks to a faith experience on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. However, I voted later that year for Bill Clinton, thinking I was doing the right thing.

It was through the patient direction of another Catholic Christian that I was made aware of the impossibility of living my faith and being pro-choice. What she said made absolute sense. Through further discussion and study of the Catholic faith I realized that it is my duty to first check on any candidate’s stand on life. I cannot in good conscience vote for anyone who is not pro-life.

A. M.

One thing I am grateful for in America is the freedom to choose. Voting for Democratic candidates is rightfully ingrained in me from my working class family, but the Democratic Party no longer represents the people. When I moved and registered to vote in a different county, I selected "no party affiliation" after years of proudly being a registered Democrat. My "no party affiliation" is a strong statement that the Democratic Party no longer defends the truth. The Democratic agenda destroys the family unit by supporting unnatural unions and vehemently defending, "the legal logic of Roe v. Wade". When I vote in November, I will vote to give all people the opportunity to share in the political process and the chance to advocate just laws. What does it matter if a person enjoys Medicare, fair labor laws, or a good economy, if they are not assured the right to life or the protection of a natural death? When I consider the "legal logic" of choice, I refuse to choose a candidate that does not protect life. It’s my choice.

K. F.


In November 1993, I changed my registration from Democrat to Republican because I could not in good conscience be associated with a party that supports abortion-on-demand and homosexual marriages. I was always pro-life and supported pro-life candidates even prior to this.

S. R.


Let me just say that I first voted as a Democrat during the 1992 election; at that time I was 21 and not very politically informed. I voted primarily because of my passion for environmental issues, believing that Al Gore’s involvement was going to make some necessary changes. It wasn’t until I was 27 that I realized the error of my ways, when I became a convert and joined the Catholic Church (I was an agnostic before then). Thank God I became aware of the evils of abortion and quickly realized the significance of voting pro-life. I have since changed my party designation and will continue to vote for pro-life politicians, as well as attempt to spread the pro-life message.


Yes, I left both parties actually and have signed onto " Pro-Life " party. I will not vote for anyone who is for abortion. My Catholic faith and just sense of morality would never allow me to vote for someone who is pro-choice. No matter the situation I strongly believe that ALL life is created by God and each life has a purpose. Thank You and God Bless You.

G. K.

I left the Democratic Party recently, partly due to its’ continuous support for abortion. The Democratic Party has always championed itself as a party that stands up for human rights and equality, and I felt that to be an important quality to have. But, after recently converting to Catholicism, I had to make a choice: be a Catholic or be a Democrat. Clearly, the choice was easy.

In November of 2000, I did not vote for George W. Bush, however, I plan on doing so this coming election. He is more Catholic than John Kerry will ever be.

God Bless You,


In Chicago, I was a Democrat, an affiliation which I retained when we moved to the Southwest. I volunteered at the precinct level. Basically the reason I joined that party was their stand on equal rights for all races which if you remember, in the 1960’s and early 1970’s was very strong. I was an admirer of Martin Luther King and marched in civil rights marches.

In Chicago, they referred to the Democratic Party as the Democratic Party machine. Top officials were known mafia connected and we at the precinct level KNEW that Mayor Daley had been stuffing the ballot box for years (had not fairly won election to mayor for several years when I became involved). We closed our eyes to this because we believed in the Democratic Party. I feel bad that I was not more vigilant on seeking morality in politics. The man who helped Gore to try and cheat on the 2000 election was Mayor Daley’s son. He had had good training.

In the last several years I found myself voting increasingly Republican because we have the civil rights bill now and thus, the greatest violation of civil rights is abortion - a practice which hurts the mother as well as is lethal for the unborn baby whose choices are totally disregarded. It should be noted that the Democratic stand on abortion is against the civil rights that they used to be so in favor of. So I formally switched to Republican about 8 years ago.

Now the Democratic Party seems to have added re-writing history to their increasing list of immoral stands. I am happy to be Republican now.

S. W.


Hi! I was originally a Democratic Party voter. As I turned 18, I registered to vote. I've voted ever since. There've been times that I've voted Rep., because the other choice was purely evil. In Mich. we were up against a man that wanted nothing less than to create a state where we could have 'mercy killing' just as easily as abortions. I went with the only other choice, even though he wasn't a good man either. Before I knew enough about abortion, I made bad mistakes in my voting. These I deeply regret. Now I'll never have any other regrets. As I became more aware of how this country was affected by abortion and other great evils, my interest grew in our political stances. I came to realize that the only real choices I have are to vote Republican! Most of those who have concerns about life, marriage, euthanasia, environmental issues, tax reduction for the poor or nearly poor, help for those who can't make ends meet, and help for the uninsured, are those that are Republican. Yes, Democrats make noise about jobs and education, but that's all that they ever talk about. Most are pro-abort, but won't come right out and say it, because its shameful! Most are for gay-this, gay-that, blah, blah, blah... What about the rest of the country? We ARE a CHRISTIAN nation!!!! Not a homosexual, not a lesbian, not a lets kill everybody under ten months old or over 62 years. We are a nation of people who are slowly loosing it sense of right and wrong due to these insanely evil groups who have somehow got $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! And the ones who are trying top protect the innocent struggle, constantly to just try to keep up! Now there are 'gay' ads on TV! (Disgusting!) I don't know what to do aside from voting to get at least one more vote for God's truth! It seems that the only way to do that is to vote Republican. I will always believed in the Democratic (original) way of thinking, no big government, protect us working class citizens, protect our rights of the constitution, etc... But that is no longer the Democratic Party way. They've lost their original vision. The Constitution says the right to LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. In that alone the Democratic Party has lost its way! They go against the constitution. The Judges go against the constitution! Those judges are, of course, Democratic! Another reason to vote Republican! There is no other choice, and I wouldn’t try to vote any other way. My Catholic faith won't let me, if I'm to be a real Catholic, I have to vote the way that upholds God's laws as much as possible. Even if it is a little scary, but the other choice is not a choice! Not if you care about what's happening to our country. Also, if Kerry gets in the White House we are done! He has sworn to dismantle our militaries and turn out country over to the U.N. We would no longer be a Sovereign Nation. We would be under U.N. rule. Seem familiar? It's the British trying to rule us all over again! Only this time a LOT more is at stake! GOD HELP US!!!

L. S.

My husband and I did not leave the Democratic Party. It left us. Unfortunately, we live in a heavily Democratic area where people who claim to be Catholic and pro-life still vote Democratic. I believe we may have changed a few with discussions, but the vast majority have closed minds and feel people like Archbishop Burke are wrong to speak out.

L. and M. P.

I want to thank God and His Blessed Mother for having such people like you in our Catholic Church. I am a practicing Catholic. Since I met the Lord through a church prayer group, I became aware and fervently involved in the unborn children defense for their life. I got in shocked, when I found out for the first time the numbers of Abortions done here in America. It is so terrible to know that these babies die and nobody defends them. With this coming elections here in America, we the Catholic brethren, have a huge responsibility before God and before the unborn babies. These elections are going to be decisive for their life and the future welfare of our Nation. I want to tell you that you can count with our prayers and sacrifices for this cause which is the Cause of God. To tell the truth, I have become aware of both parties agenda and the one that really defends the Life of the Unborn is the one of the Republican Party.

Our president George Bush perhaps has made some mistakes in his presidency tenure, but it is the President who has firmly defended the cause of the unborn children. Well, I think I have already said too much, but I tell you that the Lord’s Grace is on our side. Amen

In the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary

N. and A.


I think I have always been a Democratic since the Clinton administration because I thought the party was standing for health care needs and better educational needs. Until this election when I found out that the Democratic Party was for abortion. I was thinking to myself, well this is something new, why would they want to kill babies who literally have no say or even have to the mind to say that they want to live or not. It just does not seem fair for others to decide on the baby's fate, the baby is a gift from God and obviously the Democratic Party is rejecting the wonderful gift of birth. I have heard a lot of my friends talking about the issue of abortion and how they think the baby should not be brought into the world if they were to have an abusive father or mother that don't treat them right. To me you should not stop what nature has given you or in other words what God gave you. There are many women out there I am sure that are not able to have babies at all because of some medical problems that they have and they would be dying to have a baby of their own. While people who could have babies are here killing them. It is just very selfish and very savage of these people to allow abortion to be done in the world period. I am sorry if I had gone off topic a little bit but it is kind of an issue that I feel really strongly about. Thank you.

W. L.

I left the Democratic Party because THEY had taken our right to choose away. Democrats for life are not welcome and are not being given their right to have their say. I can not be part of their pro-death agenda.

J. W.


I, like many, grew up in the days when the Kennedy’s were admired and well liked. I was six when President Kennedy was shot. I remember the sisters at my catholic school making the announcement over the PA that we would assemble to pray the Rosary during this most tragic time. Being a Hispanic Catholic whose father was an immigrant, in our house, the Kennedy’s stood for justice and protection of equal rights.

I recall the statement the President made when there was concern by Americans that he would follow the Pope/Vatican instead of the people. In those days, too young to understand, it sounded right to me. I didn’t ask anyone, and my parents, just trying to seek out a living, were not savvy enough to distinguish the ramifications of what that really meant. I suppose many still believe that way.... I did for a very long time. I was confused and didn’t "get" the distinction between truth and lies or between rights and choices. Praise God for His goodness and grace for He enlightened my soul and showed me the evils of the world.

I know abortion is wrong. My preteen kids know abortion is wrong. I know that a baby comes to life from the moment of conception. I know that a baby has a right to life. There is no more confusion for me. If the Democrats are confused, they are lying to themselves; they are lying to the people. I longer support the lies. Two years ago I left the Democratic party. I now support those Republicans who support the right to life and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. We can’t rest on the nostalgia of what we once thought political parties stood for. It’s about being informed, but more so, it’s about allowing God to rest in your heart so we may know the truth.

Thank you for all you do,

God Bless,

S. M.

My parents were Democrats, and I chose to follow in their footsteps. I was among the first to be able to vote at age 18 when the voting age was lowered. I didn’t care about drinking alcoholic beverages when I turned 18 in Kansas, or about driving a car, which I actually postponed until I was nearly 19. I was excited, though, about being able to register to vote. I never voted a straight party ticket, but for years, I voted for the Democrat in a race if I had no specific reason to choose the Republican candidate. Most of my votes went to Democrats. Gradually over the years, I noticed that I was able to vote for fewer and fewer Democrats, as I could not bear to cast a vote for someone who was not pro-life. An image would arise in my mind of defenseless babies being brutally murdered, and I could not get around that image to take into account any other position of the candidate.

Finally and regretfully, several years ago my husband and I both went to a primary election and requested, for the first time, Republican ballots. We’re not 100% behind everything in the Republican platform, but we have to support the party that doesn’t consider human beings to be disposable when they are in the most dependent stages of life.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

M. S.

My husband and I were both Democrats until the early 90’s. It was during my ‘conversion’ that I knew I could no longer support a party that doesn’t defend the least of its citizens. This decision has brought subtle and not so subtle criticism from family members. I come from a Mexican American background. I truly believe most Mexicans remain in their errors due to ignorance and the lies that they have been told. "The republicans are for the rich". I’ve been praying & trying to tell others to pray now that our president will win another term. My hope is that this country is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

May our Lady of Guadalupe help convert this country.

God bless you and may St. Michael protect your ministry

Sincerely in the Two Hearts


Thank you so much for your pro-life ministry and the courage to tell our message to a broader audience. Your leadership is a gift from God and we are all very grateful for you.

I was born into this background in a Catholic Family whose rules included: 1. You do NOT miss Mass 2. Confession at least once a week 3. NO meat on Friday 4. ALL babies were named after saints and 5. Democratic Party was THE party.

President Reagan had a profound impact on me and was the impetus for my change to the Republican Party. My pro-life, limited government, lower taxes, etc views melded with Reagan’s and the Republican Party platform. I remember asking the question out loud one day, "What am I doing belonging to a Party (Democratic) that is opposed to every thing I stand for?" I made the switch and never turned back—and since have re-thought my stance on capital punishment of which I am also opposed to. We Catholics have to be consistent in a secular world that offers justification and confusion to those weak in spirit and beliefs. There is no justification for killing of any kind no matter how heinous the crime. God should always have the option open to all sinners to repent and believe any in the last hour.

I am proud to say that now I am a pro-life Catholic Republican who abides in accordance with the Holy See!!

May God bless your work!

Best regards,

S. S.


Throughout my adulthood, I consistently voted a Democratic ticket, not necessarily because I favored the Democratic candidates, but because I believed the Republican Party’s economic policies fail most members of our society. This is because I focused on economic issues, health care, and anything BUT abortion, and I considered the Democrats the party that cares about social welfare. Then I saw the pro-choice march on Washington held earlier this year.

There, I saw Democratic women of power and prestige, who I had once held in high esteem for their intelligence and accomplishments. They were waving coat hangers and screaming about protecting women’s rights. I am all for women’s rights (show me a candidate who will admit he or she is against them!). Equal pay for equal work, access to health care for families, and research into women’s medical health issues are all areas where women require extra protection to even the playing field. However, abortion is not about equality among the sexes. We do not become equal by denying who and what we are biologically.

Furthermore, having learned that it is the poor and minorities who are most often victimized by this legalized assault, I can only conclude that the Democratic Party is not the party of the common people, as it may once have been, and currently claims to be. They not only allow, they demand the right to reduce the population of poor and minority citizens through the genocide of their unborn children. How many abortions has Janet Reno had? Madeleine Albright? Hillary Clinton? Theresa Heinz Kerry? Have any of these women ever been poor, pregnant and abandoned by everyone close to them?

Neither of the political parties promises what I want for our country, and neither represents Christian values. Unjust war and imprisonment, deceit, and greed are not Christian values. However, the nations upon whom we make war, or from whose misery we profit, have a voice in the world, many voices. The unborn have no voice. It was only when I realized they needed a champion that I finally learned I cannot vote for any candidate who will follow a party line simply because it’s the party line, even if it ends precious lives before they begin, and even if it means they, the candidates, have to compromise the teachings of their professed faiths. For the first time in my adult life, I have considered withholding my vote in the upcoming election. I will not vote for a pro-choice candidate or anyone in the Democratic Party, but I’m also unwilling to vote for our current imperialistic administration who claim to value life, but who are as inured to violence and oppression as their friends on the other side of the aisle.

This country needs a new political party that focuses on the value of life, from conception to natural death. If we respect and value life, then we will put the social programs in place that we need to provide medical care, gainful employment, and equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of race and economic success, especially the silent pre-born citizens who need advocates today.


J. S.


I was a democrat and even a delegate for a few conventions to the State. We did not feel welcomed so left the party.

R. P.

My wife and I left the Democratic Party primarily because of their rabid support for abortion. After being a Democrat for nearly 40 years and having worked in the election process, helped with campaigns and ran for the U S House of Representatives four times as a Pro-life Democrat, we finally switched to the Republican Party in 2001. It’s been a good switch, but, there is still plenty of room for Pro-life people to bring the Republicans into a stronger Pro-life posture.

C. and B. H.

The Democratic National Convention falsely promised the dawn of a new era but included only passing mention of the God of our nation’s founders and excluded all of His faithful. The Democratic candidate possesses the courage to fight in a war, but he is indifferent to the weakest, most vulnerable member of American society, the developing child. The convention lacked substance, detail, and logic because objective moral truth was not invited. The most significant struggle in the 2004 Election was only vaguely alluded to. It is the battle for the impending Supreme Court vacancies.

E. S.

I was a Democrat in the 1980s and early 1990s. I was disturbed about many Democrats supporting abortion, but at that time, there were some very good pro-life Democrats, particularly our Governor Bob Casey. Then came the 1992 Democratic Convention, with Bill Clinton being nominated for President. I was shocked when the so-called "inclusive party" refused to allow Governor Casey to speak at the convention. Here was the governor of one of the biggest states in the country, but he was not allowed to speak because of his opposition to abortion! At that moment, I realized that the Democratic Party had no room for me, so I was left no choice but to become a Republican. Since that time, the Democratic Party has become more and more liberal and anti-life in every respect, from abortion to euthanasia to stem cell research to homosexual unions etc., etc. Back when I was 18, I was excited to be a Democrat because they were for the working people and were involved with helping the down-trodden. That party is long gone. The self-proclaimed inclusive, tolerant party is actually anything but. It is only inclusive if you support abortion and the "gay" lifestyle and it is tolerant only if you support the ultra-liberal agenda. Tolerance does not count if you happen to be a conservative Catholic (or Christian) who actually practice your faith. It is tragic to see what has become of this party.

M. L.


I used to be a Democrat who thought "conservative" was a four-letter word.

My family is traditionally Democratic.

I voted for Bill Clinton in 1996. I didn’t know about the Democratic Party’s liberal agenda to push for special rights and no regard to morality back then.

Homosexuality was a foreign word to me until I met a good friend in 1995 who happens to be gay. We cared for each other, but he knew where my views were and didn’t try to push himself on me. It turns out that he is adamantly against "gay rights." He feels that he should not be hated, ridiculed or hurt just because of his sexual orientation. Even after 8 years, I don’t know what he thinks of these "gay marriage" fallacies. But, living with a gay roommate forced me to realize how bad and sinful this "lifestyle" he’s been living actually is. He also happens to be a Democrat, but a moderate one at that.

I admittedly knew virtually nothing about abortion before 1998. I did remember watching Operation Rescue on the local news. I did find that fascinating. But I let it pass (I was only a sophomore in high school). I started learning about abortion when we first got EWTN on cable. I ran into EWTN by accident. I was just flipping through the TV looking for something to watch and realized that I just found a Catholic TV station. I was just ecstatic (getting really tired of these "evangelists" that begged for money every time the wind shifted directions). It was on EWTN that I started noticing "Defending Life" late at night. It really peaked my interest.

I learned more about the Democratic Party and was horrified to find out that they are pro-abortion. I finally registered as a Republican in 1999 and voted for Bill Graves for Kansas Governor. I did, however, vote for a Democrat, Kathleen Sybellius, last year and boy am I regretting that one. She’s not getting my vote the next governmental election. Since 2001, I have voted Republican

D. W.

I left the Democratic Party the year they adopted the pro-abortion platform. As a high school student who first heard about abortion I was horrified that this could actually take place in this great country of ours. My Dad, a surgeon at the time, helped me collect facts to so that I could present a constructive argument against abortion during speech class.

My Mother and Father also left the Democratic Party for the same reason. Then Roe v Wade passed that January 22 on my Mother's birthday. It was sad day for us. We have never voted with the party that continues to support abortion. When all is said and done and all the arguments are made it comes down to this for me. There are many challenges our country faces but until we get this one right, we should not expect to get the other ones right. First and foremost we must choose life. We should all be asking, "how can we help you live?"

M. M.


As a South Dakota resident, I left the Democrat Party about 15 years ago because I could no longer, in good conscience, remain affiliated with the party of then Representatives Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson. In 1990, I attended "Rally for Life" on the Mall in Washington, DC, and later wrote a letter-to-the-editor in Sen. Daschle’s hometown newspaper exposing how he and Rep. Johnson had refused to visit with our group of 250 South Dakota pro-lifers in Washington, but how pro-life Sen. Larry Pressler had welcomed us warmly and hosted a nearly hour-long meeting with us.

In 1993 my friends and I were instrumental in starting a pro-life chapter in our area. At that time I was a Respect Life contact at my church, and have since become a legislative liaison/lobbyist at the state-level for a pro-life/pro-family organization. I believe God called me to rise up and become more active in the pro-life movement. Leaving the Democrat Party was just the beginning of a very rewarding time in my life---helping in some small way to extend a "culture of life" to those with whom God brings me in contact.

C. F.

South Dakota

I don't remember the year, but I do remember that it was the year that the Democrats refused to let Gov. Casey speak at the convention because he was pro-life. That's what woke me up to the hypocrisy of the Democrats. I then wrote to Governor Casey, asking him if he thought there was hope for a pro-life voice in the Democratic Party. I was pleasantly surprised to receive a personal reply from him, but I was disappointed that he was not hopeful about the prospects for pro-lifers in the Democrat ranks.

Though I had been a life-long Democrat, I sadly switched parties. I had believed the Democrats were the ones who cared about the rights of the least among us, and about freedom of expression. When I found out they really don't, I had to leave the party.

C. N.


When I started voting some fifty years ago I was a very staunch Democrat, however, when they became pro-choice I left the party as did many of my friends, and, I encourage others to do the same. The Democratic Party promotes the culture of death and I do not want to be part of it, as a matter of fact I wish all pro-choice politicians were voted out of office. God bless you.

R. D.

Actually it is the democrat party that left me with their abortion beliefs. My husband and I were raised with democrat parents and it was a difficult transition moving from the democrat party to the Republican Party. We felt like we were being traitors to our parents so we understand why so many people when asked claim they are independents. We went from being democrats to then claiming we were independents and then finally settled in as Republicans where we belong as long as they are and continue to be the pro-life party.

We are happy with the change we made and wouldn't go back for anything. We can look at ourselves in the mirror and know that we are not voting in people that will continue the death march of abortion.

We also feel that you can NOT be pro-choice (which is pro-abortion) and be a practicing Catholic, it is total hypocrisy.

Thank you for letting my husband and me to voice why we are no longer Democrats.

M. and T. S.

South Dakota

I remember my years as a democrat. I worked when I could to further the "peoples' party" until a few years ago. It was after Clinton came into office and immediately signed the bill to make murder legal through abortion. It was as if he could hardly wait - it must have been top priority in his mind and signing that bill capped his presidency when had only just begun.

One day as I was driving toward town, I suddenly became almost nauseous with the thought that I was in the same party as the man who signed such murderous legislation. I felt personally liable and "soiled" by his actions. I turned my car toward the County Courthouse and changed my registration to the Republican Party. The county clerk, a person I knew, was behind the desk and she tried to change my mind.

"Things come and go," she said. "Don't let it worry you. Yes, I've seen those people with the placards about abortion. I sometimes see them from my window. "

"I am one of those people," I said "and it is the only issue."

I continue to be nauseous when I think what we in our country allow. Pope John Paul II said: A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.

Thank you for all you do and God bless you,

G. I.

New Mexico

I did change my party from Democrat to Republican, because of the pro-life cause. I lived in California, the first time I noticed the stance the Democrats were taking on abortion. I was registered as a Democrat, but I believed I could vote a split ticket. I have always believed in voting for the right person, regardless of the party they belonged to. I found out that I was not allowed to vote a split ticket, so I left the Democratic Party and became a Republican. I have voted Republican ever since. If there was a Republican who was not pro-life, he or she would never get my vote. After all, if one does not believe in the "Thou shall not kill" and especially, doesn't see the need to protect the most of life, what kind of values do they have? I believe that the evil one is attacking babies through abortion, just as he did, when Jesus was born. Who know how many future priests, nuns, presidents, scientists, inventors, etc. have been murdered. The long-term impact this will have on our society, as a whole, has not yet been experienced. We really need to PRAY! In Christ,

V. L.

I grew up as a Democrat but changed because of the abortion issue. I have been yelled and screamed at because of this, am I wrong to try and talk to my family about it to where they get so upset at me. They need maybe someone else like a priest or bishop even. I don't know if even that will change them. My mother is going to vote for the Democratic Party and just says that prayer alone will end abortion. My family attends church sometimes but I don't think they listen to the message on humility and pride. Am I crazy? I come from a large family and I am the only one in my family of 21 brothers (4) and sisters (17) that is going to vote for life in this coming election. I need to find out also about the legislation that president Bush has done or is trying to do. I need your prayers and advice. I have spoken to them about the "Gospel of Life" but I think even if the Pope himself told them that they would even reject his words.

T. E.

A Primer on the Democratic Party

The democrats are for the little man so long as you aren’t an unborn little man

The democrats are for the black man unless your name is Walter Williams or Clarence Thomas

The democrats are for the Hispanics so long as your name isn’t Miguel Estrada

The democrats are for women so long as they aren’t Concerned Women for America

The democrats are for the working man so long as you don’t become rich from being a working man.

The democrats are for the people so long as such people are the people of the Democratic Party.

The democrats avoid stereotyping unless you are a white male, a Christian, pro-life, own a gun or just simply disagree with the Democratic Party.

The democrats are for diversity so long as your diversity does not diverge from the agenda of the Democratic Party.


Abortion is killing the Democratic Party.

Many issues are politicized and embraced by a particular party, only to be forgotten with the passage of time. While abortion has been widely politicized for over 30 years, it is ironically, an issue that will not die. It may even determine the outcome of the coming election. Modern technology continues to improve our ability to see the reality of life in the womb and the results are steadily undercutting the fundamental arguments of abortion proponents and the support of pro-abortion politicians.

The truth about abortion becomes clearer with each new advance in medical technology. For years, parents have listened to the ka-swish, ka-swish of a healthy heart while they waited for the technologist to interpret the fuzzy black and white images. Today, 3-D Ultrasound technology needs no interpretation. Crisp, clear, imaging technology allows parents to see their moving, living baby, and answers the age old question; "Is it a boy or a girl?’

This question, and the technology that answers it, reveal a truth that is irrefutable. The fetus, far from being an indiscernible "mass of cells", has a sex, heartbeat, head, arms and legs. The fetus also carries it’s own unique DNA, making it an individual human in every sense of the word. Making this little life within the womb, dependant on the mother’s body, but not a part of the mother’s body.

Truth, having been rejected, is sometimes difficult to see and even harder to acknowledge. Occasionally, our Supreme Court and politicians have failed to recognize truth, as was the case with slavery. Yet, just as the truth about the horror of slavery ultimately prevailed, so will the truth about abortion. Thomas Jefferson eloquently wrote, "We find these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...."

Abortion cannot stand as a women's right, because it ignores the fact that the fetus is a living human being. With every heartbeat, the fetus cries for the right to be born, just as slaves cried for the right to be free. There is also another truth: politicians who support abortion cannot win the votes of an ever-growing number of people who recognize that the life within the mothers womb is a baby, a baby who has the right to be born!

M. K.



God Bless!

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