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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 24 2005, 08:36 PM'];)

pssst sometimes Cam likes to be called "punkin"

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 24 2005, 10:46 PM']pssst sometimes Cam likes to be called "punkin"

Thanks for the tip!

[quote]Get out!!!!  You are?  I would have never guessed that.....oh wait, maybe I did......

Thanks for the clarification of your position Carrie.....I thought I had read your post correctly.
You are welcome.....[/quote]

Thank you punkin! ;)

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 24 2005, 10:54 PM']You are welcome.

You are the first girl to call me punkin since 1992.


1992? Wow, since it's been awhile, I'll go one step better.


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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 24 2005, 10:01 PM']1992?  Wow, since it's been awhile, I'll go one step better.


And now you are the first Democrat to ever throw me kiss.....most usually do one of two things....

1. Throw rotten tomatoes at me. :tomato:
2. Puke on my shoes. :sick:

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[quote]If you don't have any, I'll simply leave this as a matter of your opinion and certainly not your expertise.[/quote]

Isn't that an ironic statement, based upon recent history???????

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 24 2005, 11:15 PM']And now you are the first Democrat to ever throw me kiss.....most usually do one of two things....

1.  Throw rotten tomatoes at me. :tomato:
2.  Puke on my shoes.  :sick:

(pppssttt...I'm actually a registered Republican. I'm thinking of switching to Democrat after seeing hot stuff's link).

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 24 2005, 10:22 PM'](pppssttt...I'm actually a registered Republican.  I'm thinking of switching to Democrat after seeing hot stuff's link).

OHHHHHHH well.......then

:cool!: :twothumbsup: :kicking: :woot: :woot: :woot: :yahoo:

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 24 2005, 11:25 PM']OHHHHHHH  well.......then

:cool!:  :twothumbsup:  :kicking:  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:  :yahoo:


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Don John of Austria

Alright guys first remember that ya'll and I agree so I am not agrueing agianst you position, but I still think ya'll are missing the position Appy has he is contending that these guys are not Terrorist that there Jihad seperates them from a traditional Terrorist. And was that a Diary? I thought it was more like a guide given by a superior to the soldier.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' date='Jul 25 2005, 12:19 AM']Alright guys first remember that ya'll and I agree so I am not agrueing agianst you position, but I still think ya'll are missing the  position Appy has he is contending that these guys are not Terrorist that there Jihad seperates them from a traditional Terrorist. And was that a  Diary? I thought it was more like a guide given by a superior to the soldier.

I realize what Apotheoun is saying.

But that is not how the conversation began or what the conservation was about. We were talking about terrorism in general. Apotheoun brought up the Jihads to prove his point, which just doesn't work.

And thanks for standing with us on this one. ;)

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Don John of Austria

Well it started with the London bombings so I thought it was about the Jihadest too.

By the Way I wouldn't want someone looking through my luggage either, I don't think I'd allow it, I'd have to get a bike or something, if work was to far for a bicycle and I couldn't afford a car, bell that why mopeds and motorcycles where invented. But of course I am a radical who thinks everyone has the right to be armed anywhere and at all times so I find the looking for weapons offensive anyway.

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[quote name='Don John of Austria' date='Jul 25 2005, 03:12 PM']By the Way I wouldn't want someone looking  through my luggage either,  I don't think I'd allow it, I'd have to get a bike or something

That's actually not a bad idea and would be a fabulous workout everyday.

Hmmmm. *note to self* Learn to ride a bike.

Well, except in the snow. That might be a problem.

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 24 2005, 10:11 PM']Apotheoun, I've provided you with expert literature backing up my position.  If I'm to take you seriously, I'd like to see some literature backing up your position.

If you don't have any, I'll simply leave this as a matter of your opinion and certainly not your expertise.

bumper cars for Todd


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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 22 2005, 04:44 PM']This is [b]exactly[/b] the point of terrorism.

Terrorism is not about the killing, although massive deaths are a big bonus to them.

Terrorism is about instilling fear and terror in people.

Hi again Carrie,

Here is some interesting information. The USA PATRIOT Act defines terrorism as an activity that meets all of the following three criteria:

1. It intimidates or coerces the government or civil population
2. It breaks criminal laws
3. It endangers human life

[url="http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/CRMAnnualReport2004.pdf"]The 2004 US Department of Justice Annual Report [/url] prioritizes and summarizes the 2004 Statement from John Ashcroft on the issue.

Here are some of the most credible theories as to the cause of terrorism:

1. Sociological explanations, which focus on the position of the perpetrators in society
2. Conflict theory which includes their relationship to those in power
3. Ideological explanations, which focus on the differences in ideology, and the different goals of the ideologies
4. Media theory explanations, which treat terrorist acts as a form of communication.

Notice that murder is not listed anywhere.

Here, also, are the most credible motives of groups for terrrorizing:

1. Reference to the ideals of the group, implying that they justify, in themselves, the actions. Separatist groups, for instance, often
2. Emphasise the name and flag of their future independent state.
3. Reference to historical grievances - usually the oppression of an ethnic or religious group.
4. Retaliation for specific acts, including ongoing military campaigns. Islamist groups, for instance, repeatedly refer to the occupation of Iraq in this context.
5. A specific demand related to the above factors, for instance the demand to withdraw troops from Iraq.

Notice that murder is also not listed a motive. It is clear that the authorities on the matter consider terrorism as a means to either justify, emphasize, or retaliate. Not murder.

The US Government defines terrorism as:
[quote name='Title 22 of the US Code' date=' Section 2656f(d)']premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.

The term "international terrorism" means terrorism involving the territory or the citizens of more than one country.

The term "terrorist group" means any group that practices, or has significant subgroups that practice, international terrorism.[/quote]

Under this definition, the US State Department and Canadian government define Hamas and Islamic Jihad as terrorist organizations, and outlaw all financial or logistical support for their activities. Even Yasser Arafat, writing in The New York Times on February 3, 2002, described Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians as "terrorist."

Does that help to support your position Carrie?

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