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Democrats - From someone's blog


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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 21 2005, 08:35 AM']Rosa Parks was one woman.
A journey of  a thousand miles begins with a single step
There comes a time when a person sees that something is so corrupt that it is irreformable. At that point a person is better off starting afresh by creating something new. If you feel called to try and change the Democrat Party, you have my prayers.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='Jul 21 2005, 12:33 PM']but I don't foresee them having any effect in the short term on either the abortion issue or on preventing the moral decay brought about by the endorsement of homosexual activity and so-called "gay" rights.

Most major changes do not happen in the "short term."

Things take time and effort.

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 21 2005, 08:39 AM']Most major changes do not happen in the "short term."

Things take time and effort.
I will certainly pray for you, because I have witnessed the moral decay of the Democrat Party expand over my lifetime, and things are not getting better, they are getting far worse. If anyone had said in 1978 that there would be Democrat politicians for "gay" rights, and for "gay" marriage, that person would have been laughed at as an idiot, and yet, that is what we have come to today.

Good luck and best wishes to you in your efforts.

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I am kinda of shocked or maybe startled at the lack of charity on many accounts here. That being said, I think the person who consistantly wears a storm tropper costum was the most mature...

Jamie, just for clarification, could you list three Major principles of the Democratic Party which are in line with Catholic Social Teaching and main tennants of the Party...

And we must remember that the Church is not a third way, but a lens by which we gauge political movements.

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[quote]Jamie, just for clarification, could you list three Major principles of the Democratic Party which are in line with Catholic Social Teaching and main tennants of the Party...[/quote]

Well first of all I think that the letter I posted from the USCCB goes to answer your question.

But from the Democratic platform recently published

"Reject choice of healthy economy vs. healthy environment. "

"Reauthorize assault weapons ban, close gun show loophole"

" Knock down barriers to free, fair and balanced trade."

These are all major platform tenets

Understand that I am not arguing that the Republican party is wrong in their approach.

I am arguing that there are some good democrats out there. There are principles of the Democratic party that are line with Catholicism. As I've said, I will not vote for a pro choice candidate. (Didn't even vote for Bush because of that)

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[quote]I am kinda of shocked or maybe startled at the lack of charity on many accounts here.[/quote]

Incidentally Theo, in your opinion [b]when did the lack of charity begin[/b]?

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Kilroy the Ninja

Ironmonk, hot stuff, Cam42 and Carrie - you've all been so rude throughout this thread I don't know where to begin.

But I know where to end.

Go pray.

God Bless.

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As far as the balance between protecting the environment and the proper development of the economy is concerned, although on the face of it the Democrat party platform coordinates well with Catholic social teaching, the methods often promoted by the Democrat party for achieving this end do not necessarily conform to Catholic doctrine. In other words, the Democrat party tends to expand the federal government into all aspects of the social order and this ideology of federal expansionism is contrary to the Catholic principle of subsidiarity. In Catholic doctrine the local government, as that which is closest to the people involved, should have the majority of power in the social order, and this is so, because it is more responsive to the needs of citizens and families. Moreover, local government can be controlled more easily by citizens, thus ensuring that it does not develop into a burdensome bureaucratic system.

As far as free trade is concerned, both political parties support free trade, and certainly on this issue neither groups methodology for achieving that good end can be declared to be exclusively "Catholic."

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