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Democrats - From someone's blog


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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jul 20 2005, 11:14 PM']I'm not condemning anyone.

I'm saying the action is wrong.

The Church is very clear that it is wrong to vote any party line, our votes should be guided by issues not which party we are registered with.

I did write that the same could be said about republicans above somewhere.
God Bless,

You are condemning their actions......

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[quote name='Ironmonk']Almost all dems that claim to be for life will change their view if they seek national office. When will you people get the clue that the party is evil.[/quote]

I love the charity.....love it, love it, love it......what about those Republicans that I listed as being pro-choice? Are they the evil wing of our Party?

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Jul 21 2005, 12:19 AM']Don't forget Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I do not assume that the party hinges on pro-life, but right now the national agenda of the rep party is pro-life. We need more Catholics to join the ranks because we need Catholics in office who are pro-life. The majority of the reps national agenda items are closer to Catholic teachings. It is less of a fight with a reasonable chancte of success to get the republican party even closer in-line with Catholic teachings. In this past primary that we had, there were 4 or 5 Catholics who are loyal to the Church (from what I could find).... I voted for them in the primaries, they made it to office. I campaigned for them in my office (on my own of course) on the issues that they stood for and helped others decide to vote for them. That is why I'm a rep.... I was considering independant, but I wanted to be able to have a voice in the primaries.

Things that boil my blood about the dem national agenda:
1) Abortion
2) anti-Christian stuff
3) Same sex marriage
4) Porn as free speech
5) The lies about the republican plans (I'd say 80% of the things I hear them say about rep plans are lies - like Jack Chick) ( I do see some reps lie, but not nearly as many as I do the dems)
6) Bigger government
7) Unlimited welfare
8) Thinking diversity is only skin deep
9) Selecting office employees because of sex and race (i.e. Clinton when he said things like "I'm going to have a Black Woman do this...." instead of selecting the person based on what they brought to the table. (not really a party agenda but I see this type of thing alot)
10) abortion
11) abortion
12) abortion

I am disappointed that anyone who has read any of my writings would have to ask if I would vote for a abortionist rep. I think all reps who support any abortion should be booted out of the party.

God Bless,

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 21 2005, 12:33 AM'][quote name='Ironmonk']Almost all dems that claim to be for life will change their view if they seek national office. When will you people get the clue that the party is evil.[/quote]

I love the charity.....love it, love it, love it......what about those Republicans that I listed as being pro-choice? Are they the evil wing of our Party?

You don't pay attention very well do you.

The sarcasim is your post is oh so charitable... calling someone uncharitable in a public forum is oh so charitable. (I'm not trying to be charitiable here in case anyone wants to say I'm not... this is comical - nor am I trying to be unchariable)

When people are obstinant to common sense and simple logic sometimes they need things explained to them in a variety of ways before it sinks in... That is why I think a few people here need to get a clue.

Calling someone uncharitable is just as ironic as someone telling someone else that they can't force their opinions on someone.... by doing it, you break what you are thinking you are against. Take the wooden beam out of your eye before you try to help someone else with a splinter in theirs.

I find it amusing how there is a lot of crying but nothing of substance to correct me, just a bunch of crying about me being wrong.... Well, if I'm wrong, then I will accept correction with open arms.... but that correction needs to be proper correction with reaon, logic, and most of all - based on the faith. ALL of my opinions on politics are based solidly in the faith....

................so bring it......................

or stop wasting my time.

If you want to prove me wrong and want some insight to what I might rebut with.... [url="http://www.MoralTruth.com/MTBBS/"]http://www.MoralTruth.com/MTBBS/[/url]

If I am wrong, it will be easy to prove it.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jul 20 2005, 11:53 PM'][quote name='Cam42']I love the charity.....love it, love it, love it......what about those Republicans that I listed as being pro-choice?  Are they the evil wing of our Party?

You don't pay attention very well do you.

The sarcasim is your post is oh so charitable... calling someone uncharitable in a public forum is oh so charitable. (I'm not trying to be charitiable here in case anyone wants to say I'm not... this is comical - nor am I trying to be unchariable)

When people are obstinant to common sense and simple logic sometimes they need things explained to them in a variety of ways before it sinks in... That is why I think a few people here need to get a clue.

Calling someone uncharitable is just as ironic as someone telling someone else that they can't force their opinions on someone.... by doing it, you break what you are thinking you are against. Take the wooden beam out of your eye before you try to help someone else with a splinter in theirs.
I find it amusing how there is a lot of crying but nothing of substance to correct me, just a bunch of crying about me being wrong.... Well, if I'm wrong, then I will accept correction with open arms.... but that correction needs to be proper correction with reaon, logic, and most of all - based on the faith. ALL of my opinions on politics are based solidly in the faith....

................so bring it......................

or stop wasting my time.

If you want to prove me wrong and want some insight to what I might rebut with.... [url="http://www.MoralTruth.com/MTBBS/"]http://www.MoralTruth.com/MTBBS/[/url]

If I am wrong, it will be easy to prove it.
God Bless,

Do you think that you either impress me or intimidate me? You do neither.

I am not crying about anything.....I am simply pointing out your inconsistencies. They are obvious. And as far as sarcasm goes, you started that one.....it was dripping off your very first post.

And who is forcing opinions on whom here? Let us see......

[quote name='Ironmonk']That is one of the most ignorant statements that I've read in a long time. Ignorance is not bliss..[/quote]

[quote name='Ironmonk']There is no logical reason for a Catholic to be a democrat in today's times. It is foolish to remain loyal to a party simply because of the party. The agenda should dictate what party to belong to.[/quote]


[quote name='Ironmonk']nor am I trying to be unchariable[/quote]

I don't think that Carrie or hot stuff would agree with that.....especially since you lobbed this their way........
[quote name='Ironmonk'].....anyone who is a Catholic and insists on voting democrat and being a part of that party fits one or more of the following.....

1.) knows little about our faith
2.) is a fake Catholic
3.) has been dooped by lies
4.) does not possess a high enough intelligence to realize how the modern democrat party agenda is crooked and incompatible with Catholicism[/quote]

You first say:

[quote]The Church is very clear that it is wrong to vote any party line, our votes should be guided by issues not which party we are registered with.[/quote]

Yet you go on to say.....

[quote]There is no logical reason for a Catholic to be a democrat in today's times. It is foolish to remain loyal to a party simply because of the party. The agenda should dictate what party to belong to.[/quote]

So which is it?

And I will not go over to your blog.....I prefer to stay right here thanks.

So, we are in agreement then that Catholics can be Democrats today, contrary to what you said directly above.

Because you say:

[quote]As long as the person is not voting for a dem simply because they are a dem and not voting for a pro-abortion candidate over a pro-life one.[/quote]

So, which is it on this one too.

These are two places where you contradict yourself, quite blatantly.....you are losing credibility, fast.

Who is wasting who's time time? Surely you jest.

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Let's let the IM and Camster play!! I can tell by what Camster's writing that he isn't worked up at all. In fact he hasn't even broken a sweat on this one.

Can't speak for the Monk, of course.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 21 2005, 01:31 AM']Let's let the IM and Camster play!!  I can tell by what Camster's writing that he isn't worked up at all.  In fact he hasn't even broken a sweat on this one. 
Can't speak for the Monk, of course.

You're not helping. :angry:

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 21 2005, 01:31 AM']Let's let the IM and Camster play!!  I can tell by what Camster's writing that he isn't worked up at all.  In fact he hasn't even broken a sweat on this one. 
Can't speak for the Monk, of course.

Oh hot stuff, hot stuff, hot stuff......I am simply a bit player in all of this. This is really your thread....I will back off now and let you continue.....I was simply pointing out certain inconsistices....

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:41 AM']I was simply pointing out certain inconsistices....

And there were quite a few...

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 21 2005, 07:41 AM']Oh hot stuff, hot stuff, hot stuff......I am simply a bit player in all of this.  This is really your thread....I will back off now and let you continue.....I was simply pointing out certain inconsistices....


This reminds me of the time when you and Joe came over and when I was making some pizza. I pulled the pizza out of the oven and ran upstairs to my office to grab a couple of things.

When I got back all that was left was a couple of pieces of crust!!


Camster you are ALWAYS welcome for pizza. No matter how little you leave me!!

Sheesh... not even a crust

( Dear Lord thank you for giving Ironmonk an enormous and giant IQ so I won't have to explain the story to him)

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:16 AM']LOL

This reminds me of the  time when you and Joe came over and when I was making some pizza. I pulled the pizza out of the oven and ran upstairs to my office to grab a couple of things. 

When I got back all that was left was a couple of pieces of crust!!


Camster you are ALWAYS welcome for pizza.  No matter how little you leave me!!
Sheesh... not even a crust
( Dear Lord thank you for giving  Ironmonk an enormous and giant IQ so I won't have to explain the story to him)

It's all because you are such a good cook.....I love your pizza.

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I've got the funny feeling that Ironmonk isn't going to even consider any of the points made.

I'm with Paladin on this. Not worth it.

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 21 2005, 09:48 AM']I've got the funny feeling that Ironmonk isn't going to even consider any of the points made.

I'm with Paladin on this.  Not worth it.

hot stuff has a great theory on uninformed conservatives......perhaps he will share it with us.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 21 2005, 08:58 AM']hot stuff has a great theory on uninformed conservatives......perhaps he will share it with us.

Well I don't want to take up too much space sharing the theory. But it partially has to do with being so insecure that it drives one to brag about things like "giant IQ" to try to divert attention from their own shortcomings.

Although for the life of me, I don't know what that has to do with this thread...

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