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I'm Angry


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Carrie your in my prayers, good for you for sticking up for the unborn..if I was you I would grab your friend who claims to be Catholic and remind her that if a person who is Catholic sides with pro-death agenda's they are no longer Catholic.

I actually went on a date about a month ago and this chick saw my Picture of Mary and my Crucifix in my living room and started bashing me saying I was wierd because I had a picture of Mary. I told her that She is our Mother..hehe

But she started talking about this abortion she had and how she didnt feel guilty about it at all..I was amazed that I was in the presence of a murderer..sometimes I wish it was still an eye for an eye...grrr some people. :angry:

Keep up the prayers and patience Carrie, eventually they'll grow up and see their error.

God Bless,


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I actually went on a date about a month ago and this chick saw my Picture of Mary and my Crucifix in my living room and started bashing me saying I was wierd because I had a picture of Mary. I told her that She is our Mother..hehe

  But she started talking about this abortion she had and how she didnt feel guilty about it at all..I was amazed that I was in the presence of a murderer..sometimes I wish it was still an eye for an eye...grrr some people. :angry:

Aww man, that musta sucked. <_< Probably would of made a sorry "Blind Date" episode, but that's alright cuz that show already smells of elderberries. :P

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Dearie anytime they resort to personal attacks you know you have won the argument.

Their pride simply keeps them from admitting it.

THe CAtholic girl probably never thought about it, she just absorbed the culture of the moment and spouted it back to you.

Catholic and fanatical if you ever talk to her again and the subject somes up again, explain how her and her baby would be looking forward to visiting Santa, picking out gifts for aunts and uncles, people would be saying she looks just like her mommy etc. Sometimes they need to see what exactly they have lost.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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Faithful heart

I used to think like those girls. I wish someone like you could have set me straight. You did a great job sticking up for our babies. I agreeyou at least put an argument into their minds.

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Carrie, I'm really sorry about what they said and did. But like other people on here have said, they resorted to personal attacks because deep down they knew you were right! They're just too prideful to admit it. Actually, my mom is the same way (no, she never was Catholic -- I'm a convert). She doesn't listen to my arguments against abortion and dismisses any argument I put forth as propaganda or as my "opinion." All my life my mom has always complained about me being hard-headed and that she can't tell me anything. Amazing how she has no room to talk . . . <_<

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As I understand it, the Wiccans have only one commandment, (paraphrasing) "As long as it harms none, do as you will."

So, how does sucking the brains out of a partially-born baby's skull, "harm none?" (Seems to me that getting your brains sucked out would be harmful! ;) )

Before getting all caught up in the emotionalism of the argument, they should first investigate the facts of what they're supporting. I wonder if they even know what a partial birth abortion is, much less any other form of abortion or even contraception!

Wow, am I glad to be Catholic. :)

Edited by Anna
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Anna, I was wondering the same thing about the Wiccan girl. She always says, do as you will, as long as you harm none. I argued that point back to her and she claimed that noone was being harmed because the "fetus" wasn't yet a baby, so she doesn't consider the baby a person.

I explained to them what partial birth abortion was and they brushed it off as if the method wasn't important. I don't understand how someone cannot be appalled when they hear about the way these babies are murdered. I think people try and convince themselves that the babies aren't people and so they feel nothing, which is just not true. Maybe just maybe they'll think about it.

Everyone, thank you so much for the prayers. I'm sure I'll need them as I have to see these girls everyday.

Lord, help me to be strong.

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Well Anna, we cannot judge any sort of religious group from a single person. I can't really say that they all share tha whole abortion carp but I do know for a fact that most Wiccans lack some of the morals that Christians have like abstinence of sexual activity with another. <_<

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Of course we know that the Catholic Church is the fullness of truth, but take comfort in knowing that you do not have to convert these girls to Catholicism in order to convert them to being pro-life. For the Catholic and the Jehovah's Witness, abortion is expressly forbidden by their religions. If they're going to claim these titles, they should practice the tenets of the religions. You may want to remind both of them that their religions are quite explicit in teaching that abortion is very wrong, and even the greatest evil in the world today.

The Wiccan will be a bit more difficult. With her, I think convincing her that the baby is a living human being may do the trick. If she has any intention of holding to the "prime directive" of her religion, it will. As others have pointed out, Wiccans believe that they can do what they want, but provided that it harms no one. Clearly, abortion murders an innocent human being, and convincing her of the humanity of the baby in the womb could sway her to the pro-life side. There are pro-life neo-pagans, even though they're few and far between. Some of them actually do practice their only rule; others only spout it at people so they'll believe Wicca is a benign religion. I'd imagine the latter is true for this girl, but who knows? More than likely, at her age, she is far more interested in the spells and magic aspect of Wicca than the religion itself. More than likely, she is only interested in the "rebellion" aspect of Wicca... as was I at her age.

But you should still continue to point out that her religion teaches she they can't harm anybody, and continue to stand by the fact that the baby in the womb is a living human being. This is a fact, supported by science. It is not just a religious issue.

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Seatbelt Blue

"The 'True Path' is found in indulgence instead of abstinence."


"Do as thou wilt."

You forgot the one caveat to all of that - "If it harms no one."

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Good Friday, thanks so much for your advice. You're right in that trying to show her that the baby is in fact a human being, is the first step.

Blazer, pictures are exactly what I have. I brought in a bunch of flyers and pamphlets about abortion that I have from Priests for Life. Tons of info! I'm going to show this to the girls today. A little bit of information (and patience) can go a long way!

Thanks everyone for your help!

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