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Jesus after the Resserection...

White Knight

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jul 21 2005, 05:23 PM']Of course, the  more reasonable explanation is that we're dealing with differing legends here and different writers. ;)
That is absurd in the light of history and early Christian writings.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 21 2005, 06:27 PM']so how long do you suppose it took them to get to Bethany?  it doesn't say ;) It doesn't say that was the same day.  the NAB footnote is not part of sacred scripture and could be a misinterpretation very easily.


Bethany is located about one and a half miles from Jerusalem. So about 45 minutes.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 21 2005, 08:41 PM']Well if you read the entire chapter of Luke 24, You will notice time differences..... plus people had to walk everywhere, so if they traveled to a different place in Israel, that takes some time, plus, He (Jesus); ate with some people, later in the evening..... of that Reserrection Day. thats like half of the chapter there. point is, Luke wasn't talking about Christ ascending on High on Easter Sunday, but rather a different day, because, Luke did right the gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. and Book of Acts is basically alittle bit of a filler of what happened during this time. Plus I was right, about 500 something people seeing Jesus after the Resurrection, check 1 Corthinians 15:6 for that. I'll post it later but I'm eating.
But my point is. If people saw the Glorified Christ in His New Glorified Body, He'd have to be around aleast awhile for 500+ people to see Him. They didn't have radio or television then, and walking took half a day or days even to get to your next location.
The time difference, displays that Jesus stayed around for aleast 40 days after the Resurrection.

Nope, sorry. Same Day. And only one person claims that 500+ people saw Jesus. And Paul wasn't one of them. Neither was he ever there to witness the 500+ people seeing Jesus.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 22 2005, 12:03 AM']Christ only ascended once.

Yes. So one of the two accounts must be in error. Or perhaps both are in error. But both cannot be correct.

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jul 22 2005, 05:59 AM']RESPONSE:

Yes. So one of the two accounts must be in error. Or perhaps both are in error. But both cannot be correct.
You are acting as if the Church discovered the whole canon of scripture in 1968 and is bound to defend it's harmony. Do you think that the Church would have placed contradictory scriptures in the Bible? And if I read the writings of the early Christians, I am at a loss to find anyone who supports your position.

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[quote name='thedude' date='Jul 22 2005, 09:01 AM']Les,
You are acting as if the Church discovered the whole canon of scripture in 1968 and is bound to defend it's harmony.  Do you think that the Church would have placed contradictory scriptures in the Bible?  And if I read the writings of the early Christians, I am at a loss to find anyone who supports your position.


In choosing the "canon" of scripture from among many such writings, the Church chose those which best reflected its teachings at that time.

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White Knight

Have you read the entire chapter of Luke, if you have and if you read it carefully you will find out that there are time differences, huges one, maybe even days. From the point where Christ reveals Himself to his Disciples to the point where He's teaching them about the scriptures right before His Ascension.

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jul 22 2005, 10:31 AM']RESPONSE:

In choosing the "canon" of scripture from among many such writings, the Church chose those which best reflected its teachings at that time.
These texts were used by the Church before the "official" declaration of their canonicity. The four Gospels/Acts were in use from the outset by Christians who do not follow your view.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 22 2005, 11:46 AM']Have you read the entire chapter of Luke, if you have and if you read it carefully you will find out that there are time differences, huges one, maybe even days. From the point where Christ reveals Himself to his Disciples to the point where He's teaching them about the scriptures right before His Ascension.


Not only did I read it but I listed all the time specifications "that same day" etc. Suggest that you read my earlier post.

Luke 24 takes place during one day.

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[quote name='thedude' date='Jul 22 2005, 01:38 PM']These texts were used by the Church before the "official" declaration of their canonicity.  The four Gospels/Acts were in use from the outset by Christians who do not follow your view.


Really? I thought Paul was the first to write around 52 - 64 A.D. ,Mark around 70 A.D., Matthew and Luke around 80-85 A.D., and John about 90-95 A.D.

Please list the books that the Christians had "from the onset" ie. 33 A.D. :wacko:

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White Knight

No Because the same person who wrote Luke and the Book of Acts would be condricting, there is no condriction, just condiction. Jesus Christ was with us for Forty Days after His Resurrection but Before his Ascension. If you study that chapter carefully, you will notice that there is Time confrontations.

Jesus spent half the day on the road before running into those two people. Once again this was before He even met the Disciples after He Rose that Morning.

No where in the chapter does it say He ascended on the same day as a He rose. Its logical that there are time differences.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 22 2005, 02:13 PM']No Because the same person who wrote Luke and the Book of Acts would be condricting, there is no condriction, just condiction. Jesus Christ was with us for Forty Days after His Resurrection but Before his Ascension. If you study that chapter carefully, you will notice that there is Time confrontations.

Jesus spent half the day on the road before running into those two people. Once again this was before He even met the Disciples after He Rose that Morning.
No where in the chapter does it say He ascended on the same day as a He rose. Its logical that there are time differences.


Stick to the plain meaning of word and don't try to read something into it for doctrinal reasons. The event described occurred on the same day. (Even the NAB admits that.)

Luke 24 describes the events of one day beginning with :

The Resurrection at daybreak ,Lk 24:1."But AT DAYBREAK..."

Luke 24:13 "Now THAT VERY DAY two of them were going..... Jesus has a meal with the two on their way to Emmaus, Lk 24:30.

Luke 24:33 So they set out AT ONCE and returned to Jerusalem.

Then in Lk 24:36 Jesus appears in Jerusalem. Jesus asked for food and ate fish at Lk 24:41.

"THEN he led them (out) as far as Bethany..., Lk 24:50.

But I agree that it is highly improbable that the same person wrote the gospel we attribute to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles that we also attribute to Luke. :rolleyes:

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White Knight

Its not the sameday because it doesn't align up wtih the other Gospels. or the book of Acts. and There are no Condrictions in the Bible at all, just condictions. I think you may be reading it wrong, to be honest. Its extremely likely that the last 20-30 verses take pass over a few days or even a few weeks. ethier way Jesus did not Ascend on his Resurrection Day.

Besides even Luke said He was here for 40 days, and was seen by many with Christ's infalliable proofs that He has Risen.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Jul 22 2005, 03:46 PM']Its not the sameday because it doesn't align up wtih the other Gospels. or the book of Acts. and There are no Condrictions in the Bible at all, just condictions. I think you may be reading it wrong, to be honest. Its extremely likely that the last 20-30 verses take pass over a few days or even a few weeks. ethier way Jesus did not Ascend on his Resurrection Day.

Besides even Luke said He was here for 40 days, and was seen by many with Christ's infalliable proofs that He has Risen.


"Its not the sameday because it doesn't align up wtih the other Gospels. or the book of Acts" Congratulations on your insight! :blush:

"There are no Condrictions in the Bible at all, just condictions. I think you may be reading it wrong, to be honest" Really? Read the thread on Storytellers.

"ethier way Jesus did not Ascend on his Resurrection Day".
From the New American Bible: In the gospel, Luke recounts the ascension of Jesus on Easter Sunday night, thereby closely associating it with the resurrection.

"Besides even Luke said He was here for 40 days, and was seen by many with Christ's infalliable proofs that He has Risen."
No. The writter of Acts said Jesus was here for forty days but curiously doesn't tell us anything Jesus did or said during this period. The writer of Luke says Jesus was here for one day before ascending on Easter, the same day he rose.

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