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These are the ripe fruits of the mortified soul: tolerance and understanding of the defects of others; intolerance of one's own.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #198[/i]

A man, a 'gentleman', ready to compromise would condemn Jesus to death again.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #393[/i]

To compromise is a sure sign of not possessing the truth. When a man gives way in matters of ideals, of honour or of Faith, that man is a man without ideals, without honour and without Faith.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #394[/i]

Listen to a man of God, an old campaigner, as he argues: 'So I won't yield an inch? And why should I, if I am convinced of the truth of my ideals? You, on the other hand, are very ready to compromise... Would you agree that two and two are three and a half? You wouldn't? Surely for friendship's sake you will yield in such a little thing?'

And why won't you? Simply because, for the first time, you feel convinced that you possess the truth, and you have come over to my way of thinking!
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #395[/i]

Treat those who are in error with loving kindness, with Christian charity. But do not compromise with anything that goes against our holy Faith.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #863[/i]


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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jul 18 2005, 09:40 PM']These are the ripe fruits of the mortified soul: tolerance and understanding of the defects of others; intolerance of one's own.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #198[/i]

A man, a 'gentleman', ready to compromise would condemn Jesus to death again.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #393[/i]

To compromise is a sure sign of not possessing the truth. When a man gives way in matters of ideals, of honour or of Faith, that man is a man without ideals, without honour and without Faith.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #394[/i]

Listen to a man of God, an old campaigner, as he argues: 'So I won't yield an inch? And why should I, if I am convinced of the truth of my ideals? You, on the other hand, are very ready to compromise... Would you agree that two and two are three and a half? You wouldn't? Surely for friendship's sake you will yield in such a little thing?'

And why won't you? Simply because, for the first time, you feel convinced that you possess the truth, and you have come over to my way of thinking!
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #395[/i]

Treat those who are in error with loving kindness, with Christian charity. But do not compromise with anything that goes against our holy Faith.
[i]- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #863[/i]

Just for kicks... :D

Doesn't the first quote contradict the others?

On the 2nd, it reminds me of some stuff St. Louis de Montfort said, but I'm kinda fuzzy on where exactly it was. I'm thinking it was in [i]The Secret of the Rosary[/i].

Edited by scardella
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All of Monks quotes are taken from St. Josemaria Escriva from the book "The Way."

Its a little book that can be purchased in any Catholic bookstore.

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[quote name='scardella' date='Jul 19 2005, 06:48 AM']Doesn't the first quote contradict the others?
I don't think so, because I think the last quotation helps to explain the first quotation. It is always important to remember that it is only God who can judge a person's soul. A man can only judge the actions and statements of another person, and if those actions and statements do no conform to objective truth, then one is obliged to say so (in charity), but that doesn't involve judging the person's soul.

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[quote name='scardella' date='Jul 19 2005, 10:48 AM']Just for kicks...  :D

Doesn't the first quote contradict the others?

On the 2nd, it reminds me of some stuff St. Louis de Montfort said, but I'm kinda fuzzy on where exactly it was.  I'm thinking it was in [i]The Secret of the Rosary[/i].

Not at all. "Compromise" has to do with changing. We should never change any opinion we hold that is Catholic. We should never compromise our morals.

An example:
2 + 2 will always equal 4. To compromise that would be to say "it might or could equal 3". It would be foolishness to compromise that 2 + 2 might not equal 4, we know the truth of 2+2=4. We need to hold our faith in the same light. The Church of God is the Catholic Church, which is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth. It will never be any other church.

[quote]These are the ripe fruits of the mortified soul: tolerance and understanding of the defects of others; intolerance of one's own.
- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way, #198[/quote]

Tolerance and understanding of the defects of others is to show people love. To show people love we must correct them when we see something wrong. One who does not correct, does not love. We should see ourselves for what we are, and not tolerate our own faults, we must improve ourselves, everyday we must strive to do better. We should not judge others and think that they are "unworthy" of anything.

God Bless,

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