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Your favorite jokes!


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So this priest wanted to impress the little girl of a family who just joined his parish. After Mass one Sunday, he asked the little girl, "What did you think of the Mass today?" To which the little girl replied, "Well, I liked the part where I got to shake everyone's hand and I really liked the singing, but the commercials were way too long."

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This really only works if you have water on hand, but its one of my fav's

Knock, Knock
(who's there?)
(John who?)
John the Baptist! Proceed to splash them with water... or it works really well if you are in a pool and you can do a full immersion ;)

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:spit: :crackup:

knock knock

who's there?


sippi who?

Mistersippi and Mississippi. Can we come in?

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[quote name='amy' date='Jul 19 2005, 12:37 AM']This really only works if you have water on hand, but its one of my fav's

Knock, Knock
(who's there?)
(John who?)
John the Baptist!  Proceed to splash them with water... or it works really well if you are in a pool and you can do a full immersion ;)

i use this one ALLLLL the time!!

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[quote name='amy' date='Jul 18 2005, 11:37 PM']This really only works if you have water on hand, but its one of my fav's

Knock, Knock
(who's there?)
(John who?)
John the Baptist!  Proceed to splash them with water... or it works really well if you are in a pool and you can do a full immersion ;)
I think I will try this one next time we go to the beach...that otta be fun! lol :D :sweat:

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A first grader ignored the parish priest every time she saw him. He would say hello and she would keep walking. This went on all during Lent, he was frustrated trying to think of what was going on.

On Easter morning she comes running up to him and jumps in his arms and gives him a hug and screams 'HAPPY EASTER'. Bewildered he asks her, "Why have you been ignoring me all this time?"

She said, "Remember you said for Lent we had to give up something we loved. Well I love you. I gave you up for Lent."

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what happens when you fall in the toilet?

your rearend gets wet.................hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaahahahhahhahahahhaaha.........i just made that up.

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the new bishop comes to visit a senior citizen home

he askes one of the seniors there- Do you know who I am?
the senior replies (pointing in the direction of the nurse)- If you dont know who you are go talk to her

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Little Johnny was sitting behind little Mary in Sunday school. Little Mary would fall asleep while the teacher was giving the lesson and Little Johnny thought he'd poke her with a safety pin. The teacher asked the class, "Who is the savior of mankind?" Little Johnny poked little Mary and Mary awoke and blurted out, "Jesus Christ!" "Very Good," said the teacher. The teacher continued her lesson and asked the class again, "Who created the world in six days?" Little Johnny poked Mary again with the pin and Mary blurted out, "God Almighty!" "Right again, Mary," said the teacher. The teacher continued the lesson and then asked, "What do you think Isreal's wife told him after she just gave birth to their twelfth son?" Johnny poked Mary again, and she screamed, "If you stick that thing in me one more time, I'm gonna take it and break it in half!"

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