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You know you're a Catholic Nerd when...


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..."offer it up" is in your vocabulary (extra nerdiness if you add "for the good of Holy Mother Church")

...you get excited that you can buy cheap Guadalupe candles in the ethnic section of the grocery store.

...you compare a shower to confession...instead of confession to a shower

...your biggest turn on is a man wearing a scapular!

...you think it is *very* romantic to switch rosaries with your boyfriend.

...your roommate tells you that you were talking about the pope in your sleep

...you refer to having a bit too much to drink as, "not in the best state to evangelize."

...you receive a invitation to dinner that warns you that it will violate your Friday fast, and so you may wish to choose an alternate fast for that day if you attend.

...your VCR is programmed to tape every episode of Fulton Sheen's "Life is Worth Living" that airs on EWTN.

...you know which Eucharistic prayer is being used in 5 words or less.

...you have a favorite Mass setting (I like the Mass of the Angels and the Saints)

...you pick dates for significant events by looking up feast days.

...you dress to match the liturgical season or feast

...you greet a friend with "Happy Feast Day!" because today is the feast of the saint whose name he took at his Confirmation.

...when problems at work (or in life in general) get out of hand, you go looking for a good novena.

...you stop and compare ashes with friends after Ash Wednesday Mass.

...you have a disturbing dream that a series of misprints in the breviary shatters your prayer life.

....your gauge your movie pix based on their ratings: A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV and O.

...you stereotype people by their apostolate, i.e. Opus Dei, Regnum Christi, etc.

...you can rattle off the times for every Sunday and Daily Mass in town.

...you've been to an All Saint's day party where everyone dresses like their favorite Saint

...you can do a really cool Scott Hahn, G.K. Chesterton, Mother Angelica or Christopher West impression.

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oh yeah, i stole this from [url="http://catholicnerd.blogspot.com/"]http://catholicnerd.blogspot.com/[/url]

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Brother Adam

...you refer to having a bit too much to drink as, "not in the best state to evangelize."

....be ready always to give an answer for the hope that lives in you....

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 15 2005, 04:29 PM']
...you know which Eucharistic prayer is being used in 5 words or less.

...you pick dates for significant events by looking up feast days.

...you dress to match the liturgical season or feast

...when problems at work (or in life in general) get out of hand, you go looking for a good novena.

...you can rattle off the times for every Sunday and Daily Mass in town.

:sweat: Uh huh.


You shop for a new house based on its proximity to a perpetual adoration chapel.

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[quote name='philothea' date='Jul 15 2005, 08:34 PM']You shop for a new house based on its proximity to a perpetual adoration chapel.
yeah, I'd totally do that.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 15 2005, 06:49 PM'][quote name='philothea' date='Jul 15 2005, 06:34 PM']
You shop for a new house based on its proximity to a perpetual adoration chapel.
yeah, I'd totally do that.
Oddly, it's hard to configure real estate searches for this criterion! :rolleyes:

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 15 2005, 04:29 PM']...you dress to match the liturgical season or feast


Don't laugh...I used to choose my tie based on the vestment color of the day!

[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 15 2005, 04:29 PM']...you can do a really cool Scott Hahn, G.K. Chesterton, Mother Angelica or Christopher West impression.

I've actually made people at the parish laugh with my Fr. Corapi impression!

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I LOVE Fr. Corapi!!! He's so inspiring and down-to-earth. Totally my kind of guy. I actually had never seen him or listened to his testimony, and then I saw him giving a talk on EWTN a few days ago. good stuff!

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 15 2005, 07:08 PM']I LOVE Fr. Corapi!!!  He's so inspiring and down-to-earth.  Totally my kind of guy.  I actually had never seen him or listened to his testimony, and then I saw him giving a talk on EWTN a few days ago.  good stuff!
He's on my radio at 10 am every day on relavent radio :)

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-when, instead of admiring jewelry in the jewelry store, u admire rosaries
-u start taking current songs and making Catholic versions of them (i've done this with "Hey Baby" and i am making one for Drop it like its Hot)
-when asked about ur fav celeb, u say the Pope

Edited by avemaria40
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jul 15 2005, 07:45 PM']-when asked about ur fav celeb, u say the Pope
heck yes!

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