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You know you're IN.... when....


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shelly! Excellent point on Millenium Park--- It may NEVER be finished, much to the chagrin of future archeologists who won't understand the bean!

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You know you're in/from Cleveland when....

Your idea of fine cuisine includes Winking Lizard wings, Geppetto's ribs, perogies from Parma and anything from Presti's or Corbo's washed down with a Great Lakes Ale.

You think the Antichrist walks among us and moved to Baltimore in 1995

You refer to Pittsburgh as a Third World nation

You believe plastic lawn flamingos are essential in any landscaping project

The phrase "lake effect" strikes terror in your heart

You always knew you lived in the Rock n Roll Capital of the World

You know you don't really have an accent, the rest of the world does.

You take credit for Cedar Point even though it is 2 hours away.

You honestly believe that Cleveland is the best city in the world.

You actually know how to pronounce Cuyahoga.

You can't tell Brook Park, Brooklyn, or Old Brooklyn apart.

You find yourself singing "Garfield 1-2323" in the shower.

You're still dumbfounded by the Leaping Fountain in Tower City.

You wear shorts the first day of the year it isn't below 30 and snowing, just because you can.

You have gotten 3 speeding tickets, and they are all from the mile long stretch of a suburb named Linndale.

You know who the Jake really is

You hate Baltimore and you have never been there.

You know Tower City isn't a city at all.

Cleveland Rocks!

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and by they way Cuyahoga is either

Ki - ah - hog- gah (Ki as in ice)


Ki - ah - hoh- gah

or if your from Akron/Cuyahoga Falls


Cohg - ah

and thus, you are educated!

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U know u live in CT when:
1. The drivers in front of u drive wayyy to slow
2. Teen girls are allowed abortion and birth control w/out parental consent :angry:
3. Everyone loves rock music
4. trees seem to be taking over the world
5. Everyone commutes to NYC
6. It becomes a war zone when u have Mets, yankees, and red sox fans in the same room (Go Yankees!)
7. roadkill is a part of life
8. Everyone in McDonalds speaks Spanish
9. Ur state is one of the only states that had a majority of votes for John Kerry in the election
10. Everyone in ur twon is either Irish, Italian, or both.
11.u always see deer playing around in someone's back yard

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You know you're IN Philadelphia when:

1. supporting anything besides a Philadelphia sports team
could cause your death
2. no one is a good driver
3. every street is one way and narrow
4. you constantly hear people having conversations about
whose cheesesteaks are better: pat's, geno's or jim's
5. people eat tastykakes all the time
6. scrapple is a typical breakfast food, but no one knows whats
in it
7. The right lane on the Ben Franklin Bridge is never open
8. Everyone is Italian...in south Philly at least
9. No one goes by their name, everyone has a nick name
10. During football season, all you hear is the Eagles fight
song played on every station
11. Tourists always run up the steps of the Art Museum to be
like Rocky
12. People shop at the 9th street market
13. Referring to a group as "yous" is perfectly normal
14. Charlie is "Chollie" and dollar is "dollah"
15. Boathouse row isn't exciting to the locals

There's so much more, but I'm sick of thinking! LOL.

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okay well i didnt bold and underline and enlarge so im doing that now ^_^

ya know youre in texas when....

*[b]Ya no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water.[/b]
--case and point - the trinity!

*[b] You can say 110 degrees without fainting.[/b]

* You notice your car overheating before you ever drive it.

* You eat hot chilies to cool your mouth off.

* The temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly.

* You can make instant sun tea.

* Your computer won't work unless it has it's own AC blowing on it.

* You learn that a seat belt makes a beaver dam good brandin iron.

* Hot air balloons can't go up, because the air outside is hotter than the air inside.

* You discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.
--even better is all the workin guys with a tshirt tan on one arm - the one thats been hangin out the window

* [i]You notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.[/i]

* Hot water now comes out of both taps.

* It's noon in July, kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is out on the streets.

*[b] You actually burn your hand opening the car door...[/b]
--cant even count the number of times ive done that!!

* You discover that it only takes two fingers to drive your car.
--this is the best one. i love it! i almost choked laughing so hard. its funny cuz its true!

* The swans in the Zoo come in "original recipe" and "extra crispy."

* Hotter water comes from the cold water tap than the hot one.

* The strawberries are ripe and the cab drivers are riper.

* Your pool water starts to boil in the sun.

* Pigs complain about sweating like fat humans.

* A scalding hot shower still cools you down.

* You've been getting hot flashes, and you're a man.

* People walking down the sidewalk spontaneously burst into flames.

* A $20 surcharge is added to your bill when you eat at air-conditioned restaurants.

* The politicians take their hands out of your pockets to fan themselves.

* You need a spatula to remove your clothing.

* When the beer gut and big butt don't keep you from wearing shorts.

* You wish you had gotten the cloth seats instead of leather.

* You ask your boss for extra work so you can be in the FREE air conditioning as much as possible.

* You are sweating in both directions -- up and down!

* Lawyers kill themselves because they know it's cooler in Hell.

* Sunscreen is sold at the front of the checkout counter, [b]a formula less than 30 SPF is a joke[/b], and you wear it just to go shopping.

* You are sitting inside reading these jokes.

* Your brother's braces make blisters on his lips.

*[b] You break a sweat the instant you step outside...at 7:30 a.m. before work.[/b]

* No one would EVEN dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car not havin air conditioning.

* Yer biggest bike wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"

* Airplanes can't land because the asphalt is too soft.

*[b] You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.[/b]

* The city is rationing the water supply, and it aint even summer yet!

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More on Chicago (my own this time!)

- You have to go around the pigeons, 'cause [i]they[/i] sure aren't moving for [i]you[/i].

- A street musician is somewhere nearby.

- You watched actual tourists falling for an actual shell game on the el.

- All the women have windblown hair, designer suits, briefcases, and are wearing running shoes.

- At night in the suburbs, you can navigate by the orange glow on the horizon (that's east). In the daytime in the city, you navigate by where the buildings stop (that's east too).

- The cabbies start honking before the light turns green.

- You tip your cab driver extra for speeding, driving on the sidewalk, and going the wrong way down one-way streets.

- The river is still green.

- You have gone to O'Hare just for the hot dogs.

- Every morning the Polish ladies sweep their doorsteps.

- Everyone went to a Catholic school... whether they were Catholic or not.

- Baseball stadiums look weird without ivy on the walls.

- You know you better get out of the way when the CTA bus puts its turn signal on

- The correct answer to "What music do you like?" is "Everything but country."

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[quote name='philothea' date='Jul 15 2005, 12:14 PM']More on Chicago (my own this time!)
- You tip your cab driver extra for speeding, driving on the sidewalk, and going the wrong way down one-way streets.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='philothea' date='Jul 15 2005, 11:14 AM']- The cabbies start honking before the light turns green.

- You tip your cab driver extra for speeding, driving on the sidewalk, and going the wrong way down one-way streets.

- The correct answer to "What music do you like?" is "Everything but country."
ha ha... those are good... and just for the fun of it:

-SIdewalks should have two lanes, one for fast traffic and one for slow traffic.
-Standing right on the edge of the sidewalk waiting for a light to change is fine and if some hits you, its their fault.
-Walk, don't run... unless you are going to miss your train
-The building marked with the name of the train station is not the train station...

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[quote]Everything that possibly can be is shaped like Texas.[/quote]

That was one of my favorite things when I lived in Houston for a summer! lol

[quote]The phrase "lake effect" strikes terror in your heart[/quote]

TOTALLY true of upstate NY as well! (Even though I don't live there now I grew up there and often refer to it as "home" :) )

Some more for Upstate NY:

You refer to downtown Albany as "The City."

"Vacation" means going to Lake Ontario or Niagra for the weekend.

There is a mini-mall or shopping plaza every 1/4 mile, if not, you are in Vermont.

You know to avoid tractor trailers (or cars for that matter!) on the Northway with Canadian plates.

You don't consider what Domino's or Pizza Hut sell as pizza.

You know that "First Night" isn't a Sean Connery movie.

There is no such thing as waiting for the left turn arrow at an intersection.

Your career ambition is to work for NY State.

Even with the slightest threat of snow, you know that Ichobob Crane schools are closed.

You're in line to get the first ice cream cone when summer comes. (or in the dead of winter at Stewarts...)

Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway. (SO annoying!)

You measure distance in hours.. (Almost always)

You know several people who have hit deer more than once. (Yup.)

You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.

You use a down comforter in the summer. (I'm guilty of using a comforter in the summer haha)

Your grandparents drive at 65 mph through 13 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. (I do that and it freaks people out...)

You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events.

You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.

You think of the major food groups as deer meat, beer, fish, and berries

You carry jumper cables in your car and your girl-friend knows how to use them.

There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the Stewart's (convenience store chain) at any given time. (AND its the BEST place to get ice cream!!!)

There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the P&C or Hannaford (grocery stores) at any given time. (One of our jokes as kids was "Where do you buy see-thru toilets? AT THE P&C!!!")

It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town. (sounds like my mother...)

You design your Halloween costumes to fit over a snowsuit. (totally true!)

The mosquitoes have landing lights.

You have more miles on you snowblower than your car.

You have 10 favorite recipes for deer meat.

You thought "Grumpy Old Men" was a documentary.

The hardware store on any Saturday is busier than the toy stores at Christmas.

You live in a house that has no front steps, yet the door is one meter above the ground.

You've taken your kids trick-or-treating in a blizzard and you all have fun.

Driving is better in the winter because the potholes get filled with snow.

You think everyone from down-state has an accent.

Down-State starts just south of the Thruway.

You think sexy lingerie is fleece socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons.

You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.

At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant. (deer season)

The most effective mosquito repellent is a shotgun.

Your snowblower gets stuck on the roof.

You think the start of deer season is a national holiday.

You know which leaves make good toilet paper.

You know what it is like to be without leaves (see above)

You find -30c a might chilly.

The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freeze. (In the winter it doesn't matter if you leave groceris out in the car haha)

You attended a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewels and your Sorrels.

You are proud to be able to pee through the snow and ice and reach ground, much less write your beaver dam name.

You can tell the difference between a chipmunk and a squirrel from 300 yards away.

You know the 4 seasons: Winter, Still Winter, Almost Winter, and Construction.

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Jul 15 2005, 09:41 AM']* You discover that it only takes two fingers to drive your car.
--this is the best one. i love it! i almost choked laughing so hard. its funny cuz its true!
Ha! I love that! Probably because it just happened to me about 5 minutes ago! :cool:

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Now for another city (also making these up myself).

[i]You know you're in Peoria when...[/i]

- You hear constant alarm-clock-like bleeping from every intersection.

- The parking enforcement car goes by every three minutes.

- When the wind is from the southeast, everywhere smells like bread. Or maybe it's beer.

- The sign on the highway says "Left Lane Closed" And... everyone slows down and politely gets in the right lane! :blink:

- Getting off the highway, and following road markings, there is no possible way to get to where the exit sign said you were going.

- All the loonies come from Pekin.

- An old black guy sells the best [i]tamales[/i]

- Everyone works for Caterpillar.

(Coming from Chicago, Peoria looks like an adorable little toy city to me. A real native will have to add the subtler details.)

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[quote name='philothea' date='Jul 14 2005, 10:28 PM']"Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?" is a normal way of saying hi. (east Texas)
my mom used to work in midland, texas and when she was starting out her first job there someone greeted her with that.... no hi, no how are you, just "Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?"

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Jul 15 2005, 05:27 PM']You're in line to get the first ice cream cone when summer comes. (or in the dead of winter at Stewarts...)
I LOVE Stewart's.

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