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statistics on homosexuality


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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 18 2005, 05:35 PM'][quote name='infinitelord1']i think it is a worldly, physical representation of the consequences of homosexuality[/quote]

How are they consequences of homosexuality? How does just being gay cause you to have 100 partners per year? Or being irresponsible? Explain why these kinds of behaviors are not caused by culture and society, but must be inherent in homosexuality?

SSA shouldn't cause anything more than OSA does. So basically you are saying that there is more to homosexuality than just the SSA, while heterosexuality only has OSA.
These are good questions. I meant the diseases were consequences. There is no logical connection between society's treatment of homoseuals and their behavior. They choose to do these things society doesnt tell them to do it........society treats them badly for it. remember, society's treatment of homosexuals, based on my own observations, really hinders homosexuality. A lot of times people dont want to be gay because of the way society treats homosexuals. As far as SSA dictating our behavior compared to OSA goes..........if their was no god then yes i think there would be no difference in the behaviors of homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. remember that christianity teaches that the more we sin the more we become blind to our sins......its kind of like being attached to strings and the devil is controling us.

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I love the soy stuff. Next time someone offers me soy I'm going to say, "no thank you, I don't eat soy". And when they ask why I can't wait to see the look on their face when I respond, "well, it's not good for you. All that stuff about it being healthy is propaganda intended to make us all buy soy products. And soy also causes homosexuality; that's part of the agenda". They will think I'm totally crazy.

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[quote name='infinitelord1']There is no logical connection between society's treatment of homoseuals and their behavior. They choose to do these things society doesnt tell them to do it........society treats them badly for it.[/quote]

I didn't mean that the way gays are treated causes them to behave certain way (except for the suicides, alcoholism, and the like). I was talking about a subculture.

If another country, France for example, had significantly higher STD levels, I doubt you would argue that it's because they have evil french genes or something. It would be due to cultural and societal differences.

[quote]if their was no god then yes i think there would be no difference in the behaviors of homosexuals compared to heterosexuals. remember that christianity teaches that the more we sin the more we become blind to our sins......its kind of like being attached to strings and the devil is controling us.[/quote]

So your reasons are supernatural. Fine. I can't really argue about this then, since I don't believe in such things (being blind and all). We would be arguing about the existance of god.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 18 2005, 06:46 PM']I love the soy stuff. Next time someone offers me soy I'm going to say, "no thank you, I don't eat soy". And when they ask why I can't wait to see the look on their face when I respond, "well, it's not good for you. All that stuff about it being healthy is propaganda intended to make us all buy soy products. And soy also causes homosexuality; that's part of the agenda". They will think I'm totally crazy.

Don't poke fun of it too much, infinite takes that site very seriously.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 18 2005, 07:31 PM']So your reasons are supernatural. Fine. I can't really argue about this then, since I don't believe in such things (being blind and all). We would be arguing about the existance of god.
your right its pointless since morality separates us.

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i was just trying to point out worldly, physical evidence that what the bible says about homosexuality about being an evil is being suggested here. If you can come up with worldly, physical evidence that suggests there is no god be my guest. You might as well scratch homosexuality off the list.

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 18 2005, 08:33 AM']Yet another topic which you know little to nothing about. If you want to open a thread about morality be my guest.
i dont understand what you are saying.......if you are talking about me knowing nothing about morality that is false. Ive read the bible......have you? I dont think you know what you are talking about......correct me if i perceived this wrong. Really since morality doesnt apply to you it would be pointless to start another thread.......like semalsia said.........it traces back to whether there is a god or not.

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 18 2005, 07:47 PM']Don't poke fun of it too much, infinite takes that site very seriously.
ask your ape friend if he is gay..........that was a joke.

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[url="http://www.narth.com/index.html"]NARTH[/url] is a good place for stats, especially the 1979 "Gay Report", even though it's not up to date, one can only imagine how much bigger the percentages have gotten since then. Wierd, the report was done by gay activists and the report itself was blunt enough to know the real danger the lifestyle poises for the emotional, physical and spiritual for those with SSA. Thier definitions of terms certainly changes alot of things, especially thier definition of promiscuity.

And frontpage is just plain evil. :devil:

and the music was just......added torture on the website.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 18 2005, 11:53 PM']ask your ape friend if he is gay..........that was a joke.

I wouldn't make fun of that ape if I was you! That's not Melchisidec's friend, he's [b]family[/b]! (See the avatar!)

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 18 2005, 05:35 PM'][quote name='infinitelord1']i think it is a worldly, physical representation of the consequences of homosexuality[/quote]

How are they consequences of homosexuality? How does just being gay cause you to have 100 partners per year? Or being irresponsible? Explain why these kinds of behaviors are not caused by culture and society, but must be inherent in homosexuality?

SSA shouldn't cause anything more than OSA does. So basically you are saying that there is more to homosexuality than just the SSA, while heterosexuality only has OSA.

Consequences of the homosexual act lies near its origines in the fact that it removes one of the fundamentals elements of a healthy union between partners. This element being openess to procreation within the sexaul act.

Being homosexual, in a very real way, is the ideal contraceptive since neither partner can possibly get inpregnated and the pleasure remains available at a whim. In effect, one of the very real consequences of sex is removed.

This is a key element that leads to promiscuity of homsexuals, especially within the younger groups of homosexuals who tend continue this habit throughout their adult lives.

The young will often refrain from sex much more out of fear of becoming pregnant (or inpregnating their partner) than from fear of sexual diseases - and no i do not have solid statistics to back up this statement, but from my experience and knowledge i know it is most likely true.


All sexual acts must be open to procreation, and this is one of the reasons the Catholic church teaches abstenance until marriage since children should only be conceived within a family context - when a couple is ready to raise a family. Homosexuality removes most of the responsibility of this burden, and thus the individuals are 'free' to engage in sex.

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Jul 19 2005, 03:57 PM']
How are they consequences of homosexuality? How does just being gay cause you to have 100 partners per year? Or being irresponsible? Explain why these kinds of behaviors are not caused by culture and society, but must be inherent in homosexuality?

SSA shouldn't cause anything more than OSA does. So basically you are saying that there is more to homosexuality than just the SSA, while heterosexuality only has OSA.
Consequences of the homosexual act lies near its origines in the fact that it removes one of the fundamentals elements of a healthy union between partners. This element being openess to procreation within the sexaul act.

Being homosexual, in a very real way, is the ideal contraceptive since neither partner can possibly get inpregnated and the pleasure remains available at a whim. In effect, one of the very real consequences of sex is removed.

This is a key element that leads to promiscuity of homsexuals, especially within the younger groups of homosexuals who tend continue this habit throughout their adult lives.

The young will often refrain from sex much more out of fear of becoming pregnant (or inpregnating their partner) than from fear of sexual diseases - and no i do not have solid statistics to back up this statement, but from my experience and knowledge i know it is most likely true.


All sexual acts must be open to procreation, and this is one of the reasons the Catholic church teaches abstenance until marriage since children should only be conceived within a family context - when a couple is ready to raise a family. Homosexuality removes most of the responsibility of this burden, and thus the individuals are 'free' to engage in sex.
why do you refer to things like [b]family[/b] and [b]procreation[/b] as burdens? :angry:

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That still doesn't make homosexuality the cause of all this. What I mean is that homosexuals are not by nature any more promiscuous or horny than heterosexuals.

Besides, contraceptives and abortion are so widely used that I don't think pregnancy is viewed as much of consequence anyway.

[quote]Being homosexual, in a very real way, is the ideal contraceptive since neither partner can possibly get inpregnated and the pleasure remains available at a whim.[/quote]

And this is a good thing, right?

(Funny thing, though. Last night I had a dream in which I gave birth. It hurt a bit..)

[quote]All sexual acts must be open to procreation[/quote]

Reasons for this are religious.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 19 2005, 07:17 PM']Didacus,

That still doesn't make homosexuality the cause of all this. What I mean is that homosexuals are not by nature any more promiscuous or horny than heterosexuals.

Besides, contraceptives and abortion are so widely used that I don't think pregnancy is viewed as much of consequence anyway.
And this is a good thing, right?

(Funny thing, though. Last night I had a dream in which I gave birth. It hurt a bit..)
Reasons for this are religious.
do you think maybe that subconsciously you would be scared to go through the pain of giving birth? just a question thats all.

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