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statistics on homosexuality


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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 15 2005, 09:55 AM']Why should I believe such a biggotted site like this, anymore than you should believe the stats of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance? heh. Lets take a look on some of the statements followed:
#Part of the homosexual agenda is to turn people from Christianity:
# Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an orgy setting
#25-33% of homosexuals and lesbians are alcoholics
Most of the sources for this list are from the 80s, some from the early 90s, nothing recent ofcourse.  Its just plain funny some of these statements like:

#Depending on the city, 39-59% of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites like worms, flukes and amoebae, which is common in filthy third world countries (8)

The source of this statement is from a book called:
Is Homosexual Activity Normal?

By Dr. E. R. Fields

Now the Dr has also written books about alot of subjects, such as how the holocaust was a conspiracy made up by the jews. In his :

What Really Happened with the "Holocaust"

by Dr. E. R. Fields

The Dr. proceeds to point out how the holocaust was made up so the jews could begin to execute their evil plan of world domination.

So in short, could you please tell me why I should believe anything a man like this has to say, much less about homosexuality, I'm listening?
mel you are just as bad as the article when it comes to providing unbiased information. Most of the sources were based on U.S. governement census.......you simply picked out a few questionable sources and made it look like the whole article was like that. And please feel free to keep coming back to phatmass and criticisize us........i like that it keeps us in check.

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Jul 15 2005, 02:11 PM']didn't you accuse me on the other thread of disreguarding anything that did not fit into my beliefs?

What I notice amongst all people of guilty conscience is they tend to accuse everyone else of the very things they are guilty of. 

Believe what you want to believe... the best I ask the liberals and the 'I want to feel good' religions of these days is leave us alone... lie to yourselves all you want, but leave us to our truths.

I didn't disregard the site at all, I actually read the complete page, read parts of the overall site, and researched the sources. I was also highlighting the ever so long 'liberal' matra you love to exspouse. Had I posted contrary statistics to those presented above, and the source had been a Gay and Lesbian alliance, I'm sure many would have been screaming 'liberal media' bias. Hence the slight chuckle in my statement. The sites purpose is one to belittle and demonize homosexuals. Surely you can see that? For instance how can you even begin to prove this statement:

#Part of the homosexual agenda is to turn people from Christianity:

its absurd, I've met homosexuals who are devoutely (regardless of how ironic it is to me) christian. I guess that means that even though they are gay , they are not part of the homosexual agenda. So how does one sign up to this homosexual agenda?

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 15 2005, 02:25 PM']mel you are just as bad as the article when it comes to providing unbiased information. Most of the sources were based on U.S. governement census.......you simply picked out a few questionable sources and made it look like the whole article was like that. And please feel free to keep coming back to phatmass and criticisize us........i like that it keeps us in check.

Maybe you should peer further and think critically my friend. The source I cited was used over 9 times throughout the article. The United States Census Bureau
while cited as a source, was not at all referenced in any of the bullet points. Its essentially paper fodder.

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Jul 15 2005, 09:57 AM']An interesting example of the misuse of statistics is this study's claim:

"Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases,"

Therefore, heterosexuals account for 96 to 97% of gonorrhea cases. Is this the point the author is making? :D

at least the article includes more facts than necessary........where as a liberal/gay article would probably exclude all facts that make homosexuals look bad.........i hope somebody can come up with homosexual statistics from a liberal site.

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 15 2005, 03:06 PM']Maybe you should peer further and think critically my friend. The source I cited was used over 9 times throughout the article. The United States Census Bureau
while cited as a source, was not at all referenced in any of the bullet points. Its essentially paper fodder.
my advice to you melchisedec........take the document rewrite it as if it didnt have any biased remarks.....and exclude the source that you find skewed. I agree.......that source is kinda funky. I dont find anything that that sorce has to say very intresting.......its the other facts and percentages that are interesting. And there are plenty of them. As far as the sources being a little outdated i dont see how that changes anything. im sure a lot of these people are still alive to this day and there are only more, younger, homosexuals out there doing the same types of things. Maybe the numbers of disease amongst homosexuals is decreasing but that would probably mean that they are using contraceptives more exclusively. becasue of the increased awareness of diseases. i bet the percentages are still of the same proportions though.

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Since you believe this site to be a very credible source for information. Than maybe you agree with the many Catholic articles on the site , especially in regards to statistics.

[url="http://www.inoohr.org/catholicpriestaidsstatistics.htm"]Catholic Priest AIDS statistics[/url]

The article goes on to mention that many catholic priest die of AIDS and the church covers it up, is that true?

Heres another interesting headline off the homepage:






The site is provacative to say the least :bugeyes:

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I don't really have anything to say about this topic, but I do find the Soy connection to be suspicious. :P

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Catholic Fanatic

One fact that should be added:
Homosexuals who engage in homosexual activity and die unrepented will burn in the fires of hell forever and ever and ever, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and they will not be released until they have paid the last penny.

It is better for them to cut off their hands if they cause these sinners to sin, or even their privvy members than to be thrown into Gahanna. The bible does say those without privvy members will not see heaven, but this is their only hope in the mercy of the Terrible Judge.

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i was watching "same sex America" the other day and was frightened. America is a giant Sodom and Gommorah. This is truly a "gay country".

Many of them are militant, powerful and hate christianity more than anything else. They carry around rainbow flags that say "peace".

So now a days "disorder"=Peace. "Good" =bad and "bad"=good. Thats the way many of these liberals and secularists on the documentary were painting the picture.

Sad thing about it is, there were nuns and so called "christians" for gay marriage. One dude was complaing saying "i was made in the image and likeness of GOD, this is not a sin!!

Where does it say this is a sin? Where does it say this is wrong? The dude was crying saying "this is not wrong."

Another sad thing, The DNC is right behind them all. The demoncrats help further the gay and lesbian movements. If this place keeps getting worse, I'm out of here.

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[quote name='Catholic Fanatic' date='Jul 16 2005, 10:28 AM']One fact that should be added:
Homosexuals who engage in homosexual activity and die unrepented will burn in the fires of hell forever and ever and ever, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and they will not be released until they have paid the last penny.

It is better for them to cut off their hands if they cause these sinners to sin, or even their privvy members than to be thrown into Gahanna. The bible does say those without privvy members will not see heaven, but this is their only hope in the mercy of the Terrible Judge.

[b]Anyone[/b] who is in the state of mortal sin and is unrepentant when they die, will more than likely be in hell.

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[quote name='Catholic Fanatic' date='Jul 16 2005, 10:28 AM']One fact that should be added:
Homosexuals who engage in homosexual activity and die unrepented will burn in the fires of hell forever and ever and ever, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and they will not be released until they have paid the last penny.

It is better for them to cut off their hands if they cause these sinners to sin, or even their privvy members than to be thrown into Gahanna. The bible does say those without privvy members will not see heaven, but this is their only hope in the mercy of the Terrible Judge.

This applies to ALL sinners.

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Catholic Fanatic

All unrepented sinners will burn in hell forever.
I did not unduly target evil homosexuals. This is the topic of the thread, and I thought this should be added. If I had unduly targeted them, I could see your concern. We do not want those sinners to think that they are the odd ones out. But by coming on here and with, "they are not the only ones" etc, when I did not unduly target them, creates the impression that they are in a support group of sorts with the other hellbound. This is not want the Terrible Judge, the Lord God Almighty wants.

Unrepented homosexuals will burn in the fires of hell forever. End of discussion.

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 15 2005, 04:50 PM']infinite,

Since  you believe this site to be a very  credible source for information. Than maybe you agree with the many Catholic articles on the site , especially in regards to statistics. 

[url="http://www.inoohr.org/catholicpriestaidsstatistics.htm"]Catholic Priest AIDS statistics[/url]

The article goes on to mention that many catholic priest die of AIDS and the church covers it up, is that true?

Heres another interesting headline off the homepage:
The site is provacative to say the least  :bugeyes:
i totally am not surprised that these priests have aids dude.....there are a good amount of homosexual christians who feel that they are called to priesthood because of their orientation. Priests are also known to be child molestors, because of their orientation, like other fellow homosexuals are. Its a good thing that the catholic church is taking a stance against homosexuals becoming priests. I was on landover baptist and saw a bumper sticker that read........"support your local pedophile.......attend a catholic church".

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