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Women and Clothing - Men and Clothing


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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 18 2005, 11:35 AM']lol that's a funny picture... :ninja:

rofl :lol:

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 18 2005, 11:12 AM']umm what about pants lol

sorry I couldn't help it I needed to make myself laugh just then

Don't forget the lampshade

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 16 2005, 11:09 PM']As far as hair goes....God put it there, so it's a good thing!  I feel the same way about women who don't shave their armpits or legs, and I, for the most part, do not shave unless I'm going to the beach or it's a special occasion.  People say stuff like, "well, you're never going to get a boyfriend unless you shave."  But if a guy is that shallow then he's not the kind of guy I want to date.

That's right! Who cares what the rest of the world thinks anyway! It's only what God would think that matters:)

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 17 2005, 09:40 PM']What do you mean?  I think it just shows that this is indeed a perverse (perverted?) generation.  It's one of those things that started in the gay subculture.  Gays pretty much control fashion, the girls read the fashion mags, then they start buying into the whole homosexual standards of attractiveness.  I've noticed it's usually the worldly, "sophisticated" types of girls who seem most "put-off" by traditional masculinity.

I mean generally its older women who prefer a little more hair on their men. Youngwomen and girls don't. I don't think it has anything to do with homosexuals (must everything come down to this?). Plenty of men with SSAs have body/chest hair and leave it where God put it. I don't care for hairy men and it has nothing to do with what seems "fashionable" or what the gay men are wearing, it has to do with its fuzzy and tickles and I just don't like it. I don't like mustaches or beards either.

[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 18 2005, 12:32 AM']"These are [i]always [/i]the times that try men's souls."

It is true that men DO control the fashion industry, but that does not necessarily mean that they struggle with same sex attraction or are "gay" as you say.  Why would a "gay" man with SSA want to see MORE of a woman's body?  Wouldn't he want to see more revealing clothes on men?  The problem with women's fashion is that it's controlled by sex-crazed Larry Flint/Hugh Hefner types who all want women to look like heroin-addicted centerfolds.  Homosexual men couldn't really care less about women in spaghetti straps and Daisy Dukes.  However, the abercrombie + fitch catalog is a different story....

Good points. :)

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Jul 18 2005, 12:20 PM']Don't forget the lampshade

lol Never leave home without it :D

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Jul 18 2005, 01:08 PM']I mean generally its older women who prefer a little more hair on their men. Youngwomen and girls don't. I don't think it has anything to do with homosexuals (must everything come down to this?). Plenty of men with SSAs have body/chest hair and leave it where God put it.  I don't care for hairy men and it has nothing to do with what seems "fashionable" or what the gay men are wearing, it has to do with its fuzzy and tickles and I just don't like it. I don't like mustaches or beards either.
Good points. :)

Did you even read my refutation of those points?

Call me hopelessly old-fashioned, a traitor to my generation, whatever, but this is all part of the increasing feminization of the male. Now it is acceptable (and encouraged in fashionable circles) for men to shave their bodies, dye thier hair, wear lots of gold jewelry, have their nails done, and even wear makeup (thinkgs that would all be considered effeminate by past generations).

The observations about homosexuals and the fashion industry are not my own theories, but have been made by those with more knowledge of such things than myself.

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I did and I honestly don't agree with alot of it. Sure, there are alot of men with SSAs in the fashion industry but reading your posts it sounds like you are blaming it all on them and that just isn't so. Hugh Heffner has been around doing damage alot longer than most of the "heroin addict" type models.

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[quote name='kateri05' date='Jul 17 2005, 03:42 PM']1) hairy chests ARE hot ;) :cool:

hahaha depends on what ethnicity we're talking about....lol..(were u being serious cuz i generally agree if you are HAHA) oh-and i dunno if this applies about shoulders but in clueless she wears a spaghetti strap top in an attempt to seduce the kid who sits behind her HAHAHAHA
but then again
she diden't seduce him :P

Edited by Semperviva
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its sad that guyz are expected to be feminine (jewelry, clothing, shaving, and personality) while girls are expected to be masculine (not getting pregnant, wanting to have the same roles as the boys, hating that she isn't as physically strong as a guy) can't we just be happy with the roles God gave us?

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Jul 18 2005, 01:35 PM']..... Hugh Heffner has been around doing damage alot longer than most of the "heroin addict" type models.
this is off topic but hugh hefner is actually a really cool guy...believe it or not.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 18 2005, 12:08 PM']I think it's a pretty well-established fact that gays tend to be disproportionately involved in the fashion world.  This is a cultural thing (gays tending to be "aesthetes") and has absolutely nothing to do with wanting to look at women's bodies.  This is also part of the reason for fashion's obsession with ultra-thin heroin-addict type female models (who resemble boys more than normal women). 

Of course, the fashionistas much market to straights too, and so they have no problem appealing to male lust to market their stuff.  And the recent trend of very immodest, whorish fashions began with a fashion move to model women's clothes after those of streetwalkers (a typical gay-artsy attempt at "shock" and "edginess," in the same vein as "heroin-chic")
Using words like "gays" and "straights" makes it sound like sexual orientation is a defining characteristic in a person, when the Church teaches that we are not defined by the people we are attracted to, it is not who we are.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with guys caring more about their appearance. Women are supposed to paint their nails, shave their legs, wear makeup, go on 1000 different diets and get a new wardrobe every season, or else you're not "fashionable." Whereas guys can wear the SAME exact thing all the time and it's totally Ok...a lot of men I know barely even know how to wash their hair, or MATCH, and a lot of them also have the same haircut they had in 8th grade. They also don't know how to cook, clean up after themselves, wash their own dishes or decorate an apartment. These are basic life skills that men need to know.

I think you're operating under the faulty assumption that being an "asethete" or an artist, means you have to be gay.

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jul 18 2005, 01:39 PM']its sad that guyz are expected to be feminine (jewelry, clothing, shaving, and personality) while girls are expected to be masculine (not getting pregnant, wanting to have the same roles as the boys, hating that she isn't as physically strong as a guy) can't we just be happy with the roles God gave us?

By having the same roles as the boys what do you mean ?

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Jul 18 2005, 01:35 PM']I did and I honestly don't agree with alot of it. Sure, there are alot of men with SSAs in the fashion industry but reading your posts it sounds like you are blaming it all on them and that just isn't so. Hugh Heffner has been around doing damage alot longer than most of the "heroin addict" type models.

I was originally writing about male fashions and chest-shaving, so this is all kind of beside the point.

Heffner did help "legitimize" porn and immoral lifestyles, but he's a pornographer, not a fashion designer.

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Jul 18 2005, 01:39 PM']its sad that guyz are expected to be feminine (jewelry, clothing, shaving, and personality) while girls are expected to be masculine (not getting pregnant, wanting to have the same roles as the boys, hating that she isn't as physically strong as a guy) can't we just be happy with the roles God gave us?

I totally agree. :)

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