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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:09 PM']You were cheerleader?

yes lol

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:10 PM']yes lol
That is amusing. I remember when one of my sisters wanted to be a cheerleader and to this day I can't understand why. What's that all about? Just curious.

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as far as tank tops go, I think they're more of a liability for men than women. There's nothing really eye-catching about my shoulders, or any woman's shoulders. But for men, that's often a big selling point ( i hate saying it that way, but muscles are often considered attractive--on guys). I wear tank tops sometimes, and don't have much of a problem with it, unless they're the camisole type, or if they have midriff.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:11 PM']That is amusing. I remember when one of my sisters wanted to be a cheerleader and to this day I can't understand why. What's that all about?  Just curious.

lol Cheerleading was rather fun. Got to go to all the games. And being a naturally peppy and cheerful person it was just natural lol

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:13 PM']as far as tank tops go, I think they're more of a liability for men than women.  There's nothing really eye-catching about my shoulders, or any woman's shoulders.  But for men, that's often a big selling point ( i hate saying it that way, but muscles are often considered attractive--on guys).  I wear tank tops sometimes, and don't have much of a problem with it, unless they're the camisole type, or if they have midriff.
I don't think they're a big deal myself, but they would be very inappropriate to wear to an office job.

Also, I'm sure everyones different, but I think shoulders, arms, tummies... pretty much any part of the female body, hands, ears, legs, toes, etc.. can be eye catching.. But I realize most probably would not feel this way. If I am all about someone, anything and everything about her makes me loose it a little bit. hehe

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When I was working at CBS news in New York City last summer, i used to go to this Adoration Chapel....and they had a very strict dress code. It was in a mission, staffed by an order of (mostly Hispanic) nuns who did not speak English. Their dress code was:

-no shorts or skirts that go above the knee, no low-cut t-shirts, no tank tops, no jeans, no dresses/skirts with slits down the side.

I would wear a skirt sometimes that had 2 slits on both sides...but it wasn't raunchy or anything. The slits only went up to my knees, so technically it could be considered a knee-length skirt. I got turned away from the Blessed Sacrament several times because of that skirt, even though there was nothing really wrong with it. I still think it's pretty ridiculous.... they made me feel like some dirty whore when really there was nothing wrong with my outfit. I don't think people should be turned away from Mass or Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament because of what they're wearing.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Jul 16 2005, 11:18 PM']IAlso, I'm sure everyones different, but I think shoulders, arms, tummies... pretty much any part of the female body, hands, ears, legs, toes, etc.. can be eye catching..
maybe we should all just wear burquas...

I think the most appealing part of my body is my hair. I have really long, blonde, silky smooth hair that some little kid with cancer is going to be really happy to get when I donate it to Locks of Love. But it's totally fine for me to wear it down in public...

in some cultures, women cover their hair, because it is considered to be very precious... the kind of thing only her husband could see. Should I wear a scarf over my head all the time?

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:25 PM']maybe we should all just wear burquas...

I think the most appealing part of my body is my hair.  I have really long, blonde, silky smooth hair that some little kid with cancer is going to be really happy to get when I donate it to Locks of Love.  But it's totally fine for me to wear it down in public...

in some cultures, women cover their hair, because it is considered to be very precious...  the kind of thing only her husband could see.  Should I wear a scarf over my head all the time?

Think you're missing Laudate's point. A woman's feature's can be eye-catching or attractive without being immodest. It seems like some of you girls have this idea that being modest means making oneself unnattractive to the male sex, and if guys are still attracted to you it means you're doin something wrong. We're Catholics, not Muslim fundamentalsists that beleive a woman's beauty needs to be completely hidden in public.
A face can be quite eye-catching, yet no Catholic says you need to wear veils like Muslim women.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:20 PM']When I was working at CBS news in New York City last summer, i used to go to this Adoration Chapel....and they had a very strict dress code.  It was in a mission, staffed by an order of (mostly Hispanic) nuns who did not speak English.  Their dress code was:

-no shorts or skirts that go above the knee, no low-cut t-shirts, no tank tops, no jeans, no dresses/skirts with slits down the side.

I would wear a skirt sometimes that had 2 slits on both sides...but it wasn't raunchy or anything.  The slits only went up to my knees, so technically it could be considered a knee-length skirt.  I got turned away from the Blessed Sacrament several times because of that skirt, even though there was nothing really wrong with it.  I still think it's pretty ridiculous....  they made me feel like some dirty whore when really there was nothing wrong with my outfit.  I don't think people should be turned away from Mass or Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament because of what they're wearing.

They have a dress code at EWTN, but they have these down-to-your-feet skirts that they hand out if your skirt/shorts aren't long enough. It's kinda cool.

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[quote name='voiciblanche' date='Jul 16 2005, 11:40 PM']They have a dress code at EWTN, but they have these down-to-your-feet skirts that they hand out if your skirt/shorts aren't long enough. It's kinda cool.
well, at least they don't turn people away from the Blessed Sacrament. Although that does kind of remind me of going to one of those restaurants where if you're not wearing a jacket, they make you wear one of those jackets that they give people...

i remember getting turned away from the adoration chapel and feeling like total carp and crying all the way home.

it's like, "We're sorry, but you're just not holy enough to come in here." i know if someone made me wear one of those skirts i'd be so embarassed and feel like they thought i was a 10 dollar whore.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 16 2005, 09:25 PM']I think the most appealing part of my body is my hair.  I have really long, blonde, silky smooth hair that some little kid with cancer is going to be really happy to get when I donate it to Locks of Love.  But it's totally fine for me to wear it down in public... [/quote]
Stop, I can't take this.. I love beautiful hair... Ahh!!''


I was just saying that when I find some young lady attractive, everything about her is gorgeous, and that in general I do find women's shoulders and ankles and other "normal" parts to be attractive. This doesn't mean I think they should be covered. It's not like a lusty thing, it's just beautiful forms. In fact I like outfits that might be somewhat revealing if they are in good taste, meaning they aren't erotic in nature but are feminine in a dignified sense.

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obviously that adoration chapel wasn't the only place that has dress codes...

i know schools, dance clubs, offices, and all kinds of places have dress codes. i'm not totally against the idea of having set guidelines as to what is and is not acceptable to wear. I just think that people can go a little too far with it, especially when people are wearing sensible, modest clothes (like that skirt i was wearing didn't show anything that went above my knees).

sometimes the people who dress immodestly are the ones who need to be in the presence of Our Lord the most. I saw these nuns turn LOTS Of people away, and granted, a lot of these women were wearing revealing clothes (short-shorts, camisoles, midriff, etc). The nuns kept telling the women, "Jesus is offended by that kind of clothing." or "You would be too much of a distraction in the chapel." it's like, "HELLO, maybe if these women actually were allowed in the adoration chapel, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament might change their hearts and give them the virtue of modesty."

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 17 2005, 12:53 AM']remember the parable of the king and the feast?
yeah, but that's a parable. The wedding garment represents sanctifying grace--being free of mortal sin, in right relationship with God. Usually back in the day when Jesus was alive, people would give you a wedding garment if you were too poor to have one (kinda like the 5 star restaurant where they give you a used jacket to wear). If he were a poor man who could not afford a wedding garment, they would give him one, as it was customary at the time. So this guy probably had some money. Obviously it was his own fault that he didn't have a wedding garment, he was disobeying the King voluntarily and with full knowledge (mortal sin), which is why he gets thrown out.

It is questionable as to whether it is a mortal sin for a woman to dress immodestly.

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1) hairy chests ARE hot ;) :cool:

b) since when are SHOULDERS immodest? :huh:

as long as tanktops aren't showing your entire belly, love handles and all your cleavage, they really aren't a problem. it gets really hot in some places people! :P not to mention, if you're going to mass in a cute sundress, you can always throw a sweater over it. my wedding gown was strapless and it was completely tasteful and modest (re: profile picture :) )

Edited by kateri05
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