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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 14 2005, 02:27 PM']Most Catholics would agree that women need to dress in a way that is modest, without showing too much skin.

However, men need to be more modest too.  I live in a co-ed dorm, which I hate.  They don't clean up after themselves, the bathroom and kitchen are dirty all the time, and they always walk around without shirts on.  I'll go into the living room, and there will be a bunch of guys sitting on the couch eating nachos and watching football.  I just can't stand having to deal with that in my own dorm....but all summer housing on campus is co-ed so i don't really have a choice.

I once was visiting some friends to remind them about Mass on Campus.  I knocked on my friend's door, and he answered it without a shirt on.  I asked, "is this a good time?"  He said, "sure," and proceeded to have a conversation with me.  I felt so weird, because this guy *really* had a nice body and it was distracting me from being able to talk to him.

There's also this OLD crochety professor that is always walking around the academic buildings without a shirt on.  He  will sit on the grass, playing his guitar in only shorts.  it's GROSS.

men always assume no one cares when they walk around with no shirts on, but it's simply not true.

so guys, wear a shirt.

I think have a coed dorm is the real problem here!
At Christendom, wher I went to school, you weren't allowed to enter the dorm of the opposite sex except for certain public events.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Jul 14 2005, 03:07 PM']Simply:  No shoulders, no cleavage, no bottom, no upper legs, no backs.
I like your thinking. Mostly. :unsure:

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 14 2005, 05:32 PM']I think have a coed dorm is the real problem here!
At Christendom, wher I went to school, you weren't allowed to enter the dorm of the opposite sex except for certain public events.
that's because you went to christendom :) i have been going to Goucher for 4 years and have successfully avoided co-ed dorms--until now. A lot of people here have no problem with it. I have no problem with co-ed dorms when they are co-ed by floor... that way, guys and girls don't have to share a bathroom. That's fine with me. But I am living + working on campus for the summer, and they only use one building for the summer...little did I know it would be co-ed by ROOM. I had moved in early and didn't even realize it until everyone else moved in! Next semester i won't have to deal with this, though....so that's good.

co-ed dorms also tend to be dirty and smell like guy's dorms. guy's dorms smell like a mixture of gym socks, 2-week old Chinese food, dead animals and rotting Provalone coagulated milk.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 14 2005, 03:42 PM']

co-ed dorms also tend to be dirty and smell like guy's dorms.  guy's dorms smell like a mixture of gym socks, 2-week old Chinese food, dead animals and rotting Provalone coagulated milk.

eww I wish you hadn't said that. I just found out I'm in the co-ed dorm at Steubie lol

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 14 2005, 03:01 PM']I agree with Photosynthesis. A guy without a shirt on can be just as distracting as a girl in a low cut top or really short skirt. 

I think guys should wear shirts unless the activity calls for them not to, such as yard work, swimming, playing sports, etc. Or another excuse I would accept is if it's like really really hot outside, I live in Louisiana so it usually is, then I don't really care because there's a reason they don't have their shirts on.

But I mean if they're just sitting around, as Photosynthesis stated, in a co-ed dorm they should have their shirts on and be considerate of the girls in that dorm.[right][snapback]643442[/snapback][/right][/quote]
I agree, it does depend on the context somewhat. I don't mind it so much when guys are swimming, but if they're just sitting around, it can become not good.

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I don't have a problem with guys not wearing their shirts, its not really an occasion of sin for me because I grew up with all my cousins and brothers and everyone always doing it if they were working or playing sports or w/e or even if it was hot so it doesnt have much of an effect on me. If a guy has a nice body I'll notice, but it doesnt cause me to lust.

As for girls...well I'm not sure, certain things are more modest on certain body types than they are on others. But yeah as a rule no cleavage, no super tight stuff, no shorts or skirts that are like an inch longer than your underwear :rolleyes:, I don't relaly think that short skirts (aka like a few inches above the knee) are immodest, but any shorter than that are both not modest and not flattering generally :P

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Jul 14 2005, 10:57 AM']What is appropriate for women to uncover in public? Are the standards different when they are single or married? Are the standards different based on age - young or old? What about men? Are men allowed to show more than women? What are yalls opinions on this? [I'm most interested in the opinions of the men here because I feel most women, especially in our society today, will have a hissy fit about what it is they should be allowed to wear or not wear.]

Don't show in public what only your husband should see in private.
Men need to keep their shirts on, lust works both ways.
Women need to understand men are visual animals, and some clothes are like holding doggies treats in front of pit bulls.
If its enticing - wear it for his eyes only.

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 14 2005, 11:08 AM']Even when dressing modestly problems can still occur.  Like sometimes it's really depressing when you think you've dressed very modestly and then you still get reactions. Drives me up the wall.
I KNOW i totally hate that! its like u can't win and you feel like your immodestly dressed even if you KNOW you' re not!!!! AAAAaaagh!

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 14 2005, 09:55 PM']Don't show in public what only your husband should see in private.
Men need to keep their shirts on, lust works both ways.
Women need to understand men are visual animals, and some clothes are like holding doggies treats in front of pit bulls.
If its enticing - wear it for his eyes only.
This is generally what I was thinking.

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[quote name='Semperviva' date='Jul 14 2005, 11:44 PM']I KNOW i totally hate that! its like u can't win and you feel like your immodestly dressed even if you KNOW you' re not!!!! AAAAaaagh!

This just shows you're a very attractive woman.
Dressing modestly will not magically cause all males to lose any interest in you.

(And what kind of reactions? Compliments on appearance? - nothing wrong with that. Lewd remarks, behavior? - Those guys are slime to begin with - ignore them)

I will never understand women and their bizarre worries!

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 15 2005, 02:09 PM']I will never understand women and their bizarre worries!

Oh but we do worry!

It can overwhelmingly frustrating when you try to dress modestly and it doesn't make a difference.

Like the true city girl I am, I just tune everyone out and keep walking. <_<

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[quote name='Eremite' date='Jul 14 2005, 11:12 AM']If you dress to highlight certain body parts, then they will be noticed. If you dress tastefully, without trying to highlight this or that, then YOU will be noticed, not a body part.

That's my opinion anyway.

Ah, thats why men look sexy in suits.
and uniforms.

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[quote name='Quietfire' date='Jul 15 2005, 02:36 PM']Ah, thats why men look sexy in suits.
and uniforms.

I have to agree. I find men in suits and uniforms are much more attractive than shirtless ones.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 15 2005, 02:09 PM']I will never understand women and their bizarre worries!
Whatever. Even when they dress modestly, a lot of women get sexually harassed and abused. There are a lot of disgustitng, dangerous men out there that should be in jail. I'm not saying that all men are sexual predators, but it is a reasonable thing to fear, especially if you live in a big city or you've checked the Megan's Law database in your town.

You probably have never experienced this-- you're walking around with your girlfriends, dressed normally, minding your own business, when some guy drives by and beeps his horn at you suggestively. I HATE it when guys do that.

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