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You know you're from...


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Since I was born in South Jersey (I won't post a list, since Nicole had that covered), raised in northern Delaware (Wilmington), but had strong ties to Philadelphia, I'll post two lists. :D

(Note: I don't know all these, since I was young and didn't pay much attention to this stuff).

[color=blue][b]You Know You're From Delaware When...[/b][/color]
[i]You know where, what and when the Hummers Parade is held.

"Vacation" means going to Rehoboth or Cape "Cantaloupe" Henlopen.

You know the best subs come from Capriotti's.

You used to play in the wooder in the crick, and caught fraugs.

Your school classes were canceled because of 3 snowflakes.

The whole state panics and uses all of their road salt for those 3 snowflakes.

You love the beach but hate the tourists.

You know about punkin-chunkin and you have your favorite chunker.

You know someone who went to school with one of the Capano's.

You've eaten scrapple sandwiches.

You can identify all the major types of manure by smell (especially chicken!)

If it takes more than an hour to drive to, you're not going.

You know what a "slippery" dumpling is.

You know who YouDee is.

Somebody in your family has worked for the DuPont Company.

You think the "Apple Scrapple Festival" is perfectly normal, except for all those granola types running in the 5K race.

You think, maybe, just maybe, you might get a White Christmas. Then it rains.

The highest point in the state is a rise on the golf course.

The state has one hill. You've been sledding on it.

You remember WAMS and WCAU (BARSKY in the morning!).

You know NewERK is in New Jersey, but NewARK is in Delaware.

You know how to carefully pronounce the name Foulk Road.

You talk of Northern Delaware and the entire Eastern Seaboard as "above the canal."

You know if another Delawarean is from southern, middle or northern Delaware as soon as they open their mouth.

You know the name of every street in Delaware, but have no idea what the route number is.

When you want to go out for a nice dinner, you have to switch states.

You can remember when Maryland Bank (MBNA) swallowed up Ogletown and Putt-Putt.

Everywhere you go, you always run into someone you know or went to school with.

You know what Newark Night and First Night are.

You know exactly which roads to avoid due to the CONSTANT road construction.

You love Dollie's salt water taffy and Grotto's Pizza. You know where all of the late-night 24-hour rest stops and restaurants are.

You can remember when Christiana Hospital was a field with cows.

You remember when Christiana Mall had a Galaxy arcade.

When you go out of state to shop or eat, you are always surprised about the tax

You know the differences in housing in Elsmere, Pike Creek, and Greenville.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Delaware.[/i]


[color=green][b]You Know You're From Philadelphia When...[/b][/color]
[i]You punctuate every sentence with, "You know" at least twice.

You want olive oil, not mayonnaise on your "hoagie".

You hate the Redskins

You hate Dallas.

You realize that your favorite dessert is "wooder ice".

You find yourself using "yo" and "youse guys" when talking long-distance to family members.

You know how to spell Schuylkill.

You pronounce ACME "ACK-A-ME".

You think that $2,500 a year for insurance on a 1977 Toyota Corolla is a bargain.

You find youself at a nice restaurant thinking "I wonder if they have coagulated milk steaks?"

You sleep soundly through gunfire and ambulance sirens.

You visit New York and are impressed by how clean it is.

You can't eat french fries without coagulated milk Whiz.

You call sprinkles on top of your ice cream cone "jimmies".

You don't think Wawa sounds funny.

You snub a coagulated milk steak that isn't on an Amoroso roll.

Your parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles all live on the same block.

You know who Jim O'Brien is and how he died.

You can't imagine lunch without a Tastycake.

You're still not sure about Jerry Penacolli.

A vacation at the Jersey shore (pronounced "Down the shoore") is better than going to an island (there's more stuff to do, plus you know everybody.)

You know where to find the Rocky statue.

You know that only tourists go to Geno's, Pat's and Jim's for authentic coagulated milk steaks.

You only go if you're drunk and it's 3:00 a.m.

You can make a coagulated milk steak and you've never been taught

You've never been to the Liberty Bell, or the only time you were there was on a class trip in third grade.

You know what and where "Boathouse Row" is

You will buy a pretzel from anyone, anywhere without even thinking of where it was - or where his hands have been.

You can't imagine a breakfast without scrapple.

You don't know what a sub is, but you think they are trying to describe an imitation HOAGIE.

You aren't a bandwagon Sixers fan?you loved them when they sucked, and before they had A.I.

You go to The Gallery or South Street in the summer time just to chill.

You have the pizza place on speed dial.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Philadelphia.[/i]


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You know you're from NYC ...

You say "the city" and expect everyone to know that this means Manhattan.

You have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building.

You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Columbus Circle to Battery Park at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can?t find Wisconsin on a map.

Hookers and the homeless are invisible.

[b]The subway makes sense. [/b]

You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.

You've considered stabbing someone just for saying "The Big Apple".

The most frequently used part of your car is the horn.

[b]You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a yard.[/b]

You consider Westchester "upstate".

You think Central Park is "nature."

You see nothing odd about the speed of an auctioneer's speaking.

You're paying $1,200 for a studio the size of a walk-in closet and you think it's a "steal."

You've been to New Jersey twice and got hopelessly lost both times.

You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the U.S. pay in rent.

You haven't seen more than twelve stars in the night sky since you went away to camp as a kid.

[b]You go to dinner at 9 and head out to the clubs when most Americans are heading to bed. [/b]

Your closet is filled with black clothes.

You haven't heard the sound of true absolute silence since the 80s, and when you did, it terrified you.

[b]You pay $5 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28 cents. [/b]

You take fashion seriously.

Being truly alone makes you nervous.

You have 27 different menus next to your telephone.

Going to Brooklyn is considered a "road trip." :rolling:

America west of the Hudson is still theoretical to you.

[b]You've gotten jaywalking down to an art form. [/b]

You take a taxi to get to your health club to exercise.

Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.

$50 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.

[b]You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories.[/b]

[b]You don't notice sirens anymore. [/b]

You live in a building with a larger population than most American towns.

Your doorman is Russian, your grocer is Korean your deli man is Israeli, your building super is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favorite bartender is Irish, your favorite diner owner is Greek, the watchseller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsstand guy is Indian and your favorite falafel guy is Egyptian.

[b]You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you. [/b]

You secretly envy cabbies for their driving skills.

You think $7.00 to cross a bridge is a fair price.

Your door has more than three locks.

Your favorite movie has DeNiro in it.

You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.

[b]You run when you see a flashing "Do Not Walk" sign at the intersection.[/b] This is so me!

You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license.

You ride in a subway car with no air conditioning just because there are seats available.

You're willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent.

[b]There is no North and South. It's uptown or downtown. [/b]

When you're away from home, you miss "real" pizza and "real" bagels.

You know the differences between all the different Ray's Pizzas. (this has been a topic of conversation among my friends and I for years!)

[b]You're not in the least bit interested in going to Times Square on New Year's Eve. [/b]

Your internal clock is permanently set to know when Alternate Side of the Street parking regulations are in effect.

[b]You know what a bodega is. [/b]

You know how to fold the New York Times in half, vertically, so that you can read it on the subway or bus without knocking off other passenger's hats.

[b]Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet..... [/b]

[b]You cringe at hearing people pronounce Houston St. like the city in Texas [/b] Yes, it's pronounced House-ton Street!

[b]Film crews on your block annoy you, not excite you. [/b]

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from NYC.

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[quote]You're not in the least bit interested in going to Times Square on New Year's Eve. [/quote]

I have never understood why this would hold any attraction for anyone in their right mind...

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Jul 14 2005, 03:41 PM']I have never understood why this would hold any attraction for anyone in their right mind...

Me either! I don't understand why anyone would want to stand in the middle of such a huge crowd for hours to watch a ball drop!

Johnsonville brat Clark doesn't hold that much appeal for me...

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Jul 14 2005, 01:41 PM']I have never understood why this would hold any attraction for anyone in their right mind...

Yet i've seen stranger things...

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You know you're from North Jersey when..

You have never, and will never, pump your own gasoline.

You live within 30 minutes of at least three different malls.

You can see the New York City skyline from some part of your town.

Most people in your town work in New York City.

Your grandparents used to live, or still live, in New York City.

You have or know someone with mafia connections too.

You've been camping.

You've been in a town or city where Spanish is spoken more than English.

You've been to a party in the woods.

You've purchased fireworks in Chinatown.

You played in a P.A.L league.

You know where to get a freshly cooked Taylor Ham, Egg and coagulated milk sandwich at 2 a.m.

You've been to the Sussex County Farm & Horse Show.

You remember Action Park and may have been seriously injured there.

You've been pulled over by a cop at least once.

Z-100 used to be your favorite radio station, now it's K-Rock.

You think people from South Jersey talk funny, and people in the 609 area code are "a little different."

Every single place you've ever worked had a "back" that was entirely staffed by hispanic people with the radio blasting salsa music.

Most of your friends are at least 2 different ethinic groups (probably one of them being italian)

You'd rather be getting tortured in the jungles of vietnam than on ANY highway in north jersey at rush hour.

You think that even people living in South Jersey are hicks.

You're Irish, but you know how to make really good Italian food.

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most of the people that go to Times Square on New Year's eve aren't even from the New York metro area...they're tourists.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 14 2005, 04:10 PM']most of the people that go to Times Square on New Year's eve aren't even from the New York metro area...they're tourists.

Yep. Tourists are crazy!

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 14 2005, 02:11 PM']Yep.  Tourists are crazy!

Boy, the tourist stories I can tell about americans comin' ta these here parts! HA!

Ball falling... I've seen stranger things... stranger things indeed...

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[quote name='Didacus' date='Jul 14 2005, 04:16 PM']Boy, the tourist stories I can tell about americans comin' ta these here parts!  HA! 

Ball falling...  I've seen stranger things...  stranger things indeed...

You've seen stranger things, ay? :lol:

Do share!

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Ah yes, I think I am the only one with this one but ... You know you are from Idaho when ...

[b]The wind is faster than your truck. [/b]

Every other vehicle is a 4x4.

[b]When the sun goes down you start looking for your coat. [/b] **I even do this in Ohio ...

In March, your vehicle is 43% mud.

[b]You leave your keys in the car and the next morning it's still there. [/b] Yep!

The elevation exceeds the population.

You've broken down on the highway and somebody stops to help you.

[b]You can see the stars at night. [/b] :( I miss home now ...

People drive 200 miles to shop in a real mall.

You got a set of snow tires for Valentines Day.

The bumper jack in your pickup will lift a house.

[b]Your back yard smells like sagebrush or various animals. [/b]

[b]A girls' basketball game fills the gym. [/b]

[b]A rodeo is more popular than a rock concert. [/b]

You can fish, golf, and go skiing all in the same day if you try hard enough.
Yellow light means "follow the car in front of you no matter what."

[b]Democrats are like salmon, they are on the endangered species list. [/b]

You wave to someone on the freeway because you recognize the truck.

In the spring, every tenth car you pass is a tractor.

Maps and gloves are kept in your vehicle's "jocky box."

You have to wait for a flock of sheep to pass you on the road.

You know why people pay money to watch "pig wrestling."

You've golfed where the hazards include wagon wheel ruts from the Oregon Trail.

You've ever received skis for Christmas, and used them Christmas morning skiing off of the roof.

[b]You've ever flown commercially and at least once seen grazing cattle higher than the flying plane. [/b]

Anyone has ever not believed you about why there are 5 parallel stripes painted across the road at the freeway onramp.
You know what a finger steak is. [/b]

[b]You've ever given a snow shovel or an ice scraper as a gift...and not as a joke. [/b]

[b]You've seen snow in every month of the year. [/b]

You prefer to ski at the place it takes chains on snowtires to get to.

You have ever used the 'Above 3500 feet' directions in cooking instuctions.

The name "Galena Summit" makes you worry about the state of your brakes.

**They didn't say anything about Napoleon Dynamite though! Or the Mormons ... hmm ....

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[b]You Know You're From Milwaukee When...[/b]

You've been to the Rep and could smell beer, brats, and kraut.

You drive around with little Green Bay Packers flags on your car.

You and your friends spend all day Sunday drinking at the bar, bashing the Cubs.

You don't know that Schlitz, Blatz, and Pabst aren't brewed in Milwaukee anymore

You know people who have tied dead animals to the hoods of their cars.
You know what a "Supper Club" is.[/b]

You've eaten beer, brats, and kraut for breakfast.

You think "The Safe House" is better than Disneyworld.

You won't let a car from out of state go faster than you.

You call Air Force Ones Dookies
No matter where you go you see the Jesus Car - and can't understand what's coming out the speakers[/b]

You cruised Hwy 100 or Sherman Ave

To you, Martin Luther King Drive is still 3rd St. and Cesar Chavez Drive is still 16th St

[b]You Know You're From Wisconsin When...[/b]
You can taste a difference in coagulated milk made somewhere else

You own at least one tie with a or peice of jewelry with a Green Bay Packer theme
You can find and pronounce : Eau Claire, Oconomowoc, Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, and La Crosse, Fond du Lac.[/b]

[b]You can correctly spell Milwaukee.[/b]
You know what "bubbler" means.[/b]
At least one of your family members works / worked in a coagulated milk factory.[/b]
A holstein cow outside of Wisconsin makes you miss home.[/b]

You can taste the difference between apples grown up north and the ones that you can buy in the south.
When talking about the Green Bay Packers you refer to them as "we".[/b]
When the weather hits 0 degrees you decide that maybe it's time to get out a jacket instead of a sweatshirt.[/b]

The family gets together every week for fish fry at the local pub.

[b]You know what a brat is, and they're at every outdoor event that your family has ever had.[/b]
You know how to make a very good sled out of normal household items.[/b]

Your love you outdoor pool because of how it doubles as an ice skating area during the winter.

You can tell the difference between the smell of cow manure and pig manure.

You have watched Fargo and not noticed an accent.

You drive around with the air conditioning on until it hits 30 degrees, because it just was so darn hot outside.
The local paper needs 6 pages to cover the Packers... in July![/b]

Your best shirt has a big letter G on it.
You've said "Of course they'll win. They're God's team."[/b]
You think it's nice enough to swim when the temperature hits 50.[/b]

You family owns a "winter car" while the "good one" sits in the garage from Nov-Apr.

Your put ketchup on a charcoal grilled NY strip steak.

You live in a house that has no front steps, yet the door is one yard above the ground.

You think everyone from south of Madison has an accent.
You can identify a Michigan accent.[/b]
Down South to you means Chicago.[/b]

Traveling coast to coast means going from Superior to Milwaukee.
You can make sense out of the words "upnort" and "Trivers".[/b]

[b]You have to go to Florida to get a tan in August.[/b]

You consider Madison exotic.
You can visit Luxemburg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Berlin, New London & Poland all in one afternoon.[/b][color=#FF0000]
You can recognize someone from Illinois from their driving.[/b][/color] YES!

You buy cat litter every winter, but you don't own a cat.

At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant or cannery.

You know what to do with a Blatz.

You don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Bucky the Badger hangs on your Christmas tree even if you didn't go to University of Wisconsinm Madison.

You're a member of the Polar Bear Club and proud of it.
You can use the word "ya der hey" easily in a sentence[/b]
You hear someone use the words "uff-dah" and you don't immediately break into uncontrollable laughter.[/b]
Your whole family wears green and gold to church on Sunday.[/b]

Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a cow next to your blue spruce.

You know how to polka
You own a cheesehead[/b]

You have cow pharaphenilia around your house, including your pajama pants
You know what a FIB is and can spot them a mile away.[/b]

You think of the major four food groups as coagulated milk, beer, brats and Jell-O salad with marshmallows.

FFA was the most popular club in high school

You have eaten a cow pie at the State Fair.
There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in the morning[/b]

Country Kitchen is the place to meet after the party

You have ever seen or played in a "broom ball" game.

[b]You have ever partied at Summerfest, Festa Italiana, German Fest, Irish Fest, Oktoberfest, or all of the above.[/b]

You or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at a county fair.

[b]You can't be friends with a Vikings fan[/b] Just kidding.

Your idea of diversity is having black, white, and brown cows.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Wisconsin.

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[quote name='Carrie' date='Jul 14 2005, 02:30 PM']You've seen stranger things, ay?  :lol:

Do share!

Well, last year for example, it was on the local news how an american fed a bear some smarties, and then got attacked when he ran out of them. The individual did not sustain mortal injuries, but serious enough. After a short stint in the hospital, the embarrassement was the worst of it all. VERY LUCKY INDIVIDUAL *sigh* ils sont fous ces americains!

Then theres the classic story of a pair of americains coming up to Hearst to hunt moose. They asked the locals where would the best place be, and as a joke the locals told them to go out on the highway and look for a sign with a moose on it. Stop at this sign, and wait for the moose to come.

The americains did just that and shot their moose within an hour!

(Those signs are for moose crossings, to warn drivers to be aware that moose may be on the road. It is illegal to hunt or fire a gun beside the road, and generally spekaing moose might not be seen in the viscinity for days, especially when a couple of cowboys are around. The americains had been lucky to shoot their moose, they where even luckier not to be arrested and charged.)

Or course there where these americain tourists who come down every now and again and are amazed at the beers sold in the bars, as well as the fact that women in the strip clubs actually take off ALL their clothes. This forms a re-occuring theme for many tourists in our region.

Finally, back in my tree planting days, a tree planting company other than my own but planting in fields near by found an americain that had been missing since the autum prior. This is a bit of a sad story, as the americain individual had goten lost in the bush and did not make it out alive (the individual had been camping and was lost within 15 kilometers of the city, now this takes someone with absolutely NO sense of direction to actually get lost in the 'semi-bush' in a fatal maner). Imagine for a moment the tree planter planting trees every six feet on a sweaty summer day landing upon a half decomposed body! The shock alone would make the moment unforgetable.

got a few more, but I think you get the picture - yes? eh?


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This is sooooooooooo true!!! I love these things! (And I related to sooooo many of them!)

You know you're from Rhode Island when:

You celebrate "birt-day"

If your oldah brodah is a retad.

If you had a "wickit" good time at the beach.

When you hear an amazing fact your immidiate reply is "no suh!"

You can drive two miles with out seeing a Bess Eaton

You know the difference between red, white and clear chowdah

You consider a car journey of longer than one hour a day trip.

You can you curse in Italian.

You know the basic rules of DuckPin bowling.

You own garden tools from Job Lot.

You have tried to drive the measured mile in less then 45 seconds.

You know what the expression "side by each" means.

You have used the expression "Not For Nuthin" or "bubbla".

You serve bread with every meal.

You know what "3 all the way" means.

You load up on milk and bread before a snowstorm.

You feel compelled to hear at least one weather report a day.

You understand the humor of the Ocean State Follies.

You have pulled out of a sidestreet and used your car to block oncoming traffic so you could make a left-hand turn.

You consider your holiday season incomplete without a trip to Lasalette Shrine.

You have a bottle of coffee syrup in the fridge right now.

You've phoned into a talk show on WPRO or WHJJ.

You have given a bottle of Sakonnet wine as a gift.

You've gotten sick from eating too many clam cakes.

You own at least one coffee table book with a picture of a lighthouse on it.

You've boasted about the money you saved at the Christmas Tree Shop.

Your first live concert was at The Civic Center or Rocky Point.

You own a hat with a red "P" on it.

You were born at Lying-In Hospital.

You still call the Rhode Island Mall the Midland Mall.

You have close relatives who work for the state.

You've gone to "Legs and Eggs".

You have used a demolished landmark when giving directions.

You secretly watch "Providence" even though you tell your friends you don't.

You have slammed on your breaks to discourage a tailgater.

You know what a burger "The Newport Creamery Way" is.

You have dated a girl named Brenda or a guy named Vinnie.

You have used the breakdown lane on 95 to pass someone.

You've personally met Vinnie Paz.

Your idea of a dream house is a raised ranch.

You have relatives who have been to Edgehill Newport, Codac, or Butler.

You have driven more than 5 miles out of your way to save less than two bucks.

You been on a RIPTA bus less than 12 times in the past 6 years.

You can sing the Rocky Point theme song.

You know what a "governor-preferred" plate is.

You know someone who works for the Registry.

You've asked your mechanic for an inspection sticker even though your car failed to pass.

You have a degree from RIC, CCRI or URI.

You think vodka and Del's is a great combination.

You've been to Twin Oaks for your birthday.

You've borrowed dealer plates from a friend.

You know how to pronounce Pawtucket, Cowesett, Usqepaug, and Narragansett.

You've been to Scarborough Beach but not Block Island.

You know where "The Pier" is located.

You've been on a Bay Queen cruise.

You can recognize a Cranston accent.

You think high hair, gold chains, and gum go together.

You think there's a "v" in the name Cheryl.

You drop the "w" in Greenwich, Kingstown, and Warwick.

You use the expression "down-city" for downtown.

You've eaten at Haven Brothers.

You celebrate St. Joseph's Day and know what a "zeppolla" is.

You have at least one gallon of Newport Creamery coffee ice cream in your freezer.

You know what "ProJo" stands for.

You still call CCRI "reject".

You know who Jack Comly, Sara Wye and Sherm Strickhauser are.

Your city house and your beach house are less than an hour away from each other.

You know the original name for Airport Road.

You always start giving directions by saying, "Well, you get on 95"

You know where "NiRoPe" comes from.

You know what "John from Alpert's" sounds like.

You can recite the license plates of all your family members and friends.

You know where "Harvard on the Hill" is located.

You refer to the movies as the Show.

You know what a "package store" is.

You think lots of gold jewelery looks great on the beach.

Your favorite expressions are, "Are you serious?", "Wicked", and "You know what I'm saying?"

You know you need "quahogs" to make "stuffies".

You know there's a West End but not a West Providence.

You think banana, vanilla, and idea all end in "r".

You know what a burger "The Newport Creamery Way" is.

You put vinegar on your french fries.

You've eaten at Haven Brothers, drunk.

You know what Allie's makes.

You've gone to Cumbie's for milk or gas. (HAHAHAHA Cumbie's!!)

You know that there is never any school in Fosta-Glosta when it snows.

The girl you ended up marrying lived no more than 6 blocks from where you grew up.

You've converted the basement of your house into an apartment.

You call spaghetti sauce, "gravy."

You tell friends that something is "on special", instead of on sale.

The meal at every wedding you've ever attended was chicken, shells and french fries.

You put celery salt on your hot dogs.

You are never from Providence, or East Providence, but from the East Side, Rumford or Riverside

You order an iced coffee in December.

You read the wedding announcements in the Sunday Pro-Jo and recognize at least 3 couples.

The seltzer guy delivers bottles to your home on a weekly basis.

People at work wish you a "Happy St. Joseph's Day!"

You know someone who knew the Farrelly brothers when they lived around here.

You know exactly which parts of Dumb and Dumber, There's Something About Mary, Meet Joe Black and Amistad were filmed in RI, and you can tell someone exactly where that is.

You know what the Coffee Cup Salute is, and who does it every morning.

You grew up with everyone you see at Stop and Shop.

You know where South County is, even though it doesn't exist.

You and everyone you know are either Italian or Irish, or both.

You've never been farther south than Jersey, and not farther West than there, either, but are planning to move to Florida as soon as you turn 60.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Rhode Island.


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Fidei Defensor

[quote]You can find and pronounce : Eau Claire, Oconomowoc, Menomonee Falls, Waukesha, and La Crosse, Fond du Lac.[/quote]
Haha Its funny hearing people try to say them.

[quote]You know what a brat is, and they're at every outdoor event that your family has ever had.[/quote]
Yumm :drool:

[quote]Your best shirt has a big letter G on it.
Heck yes!

[quote]You've said "Of course they'll win. They're God's team."[/quote]
Well, it is true!

[quote]You can recognize someone from Illinois from their driving.[/quote]
:lol: definatly

[quote]Bucky the Badger hangs on your Christmas tree even if you didn't go to University of Wisconsinm Madison.[/quote]
Its not complete without him!

[quote]You know how to polka[/quote]
Definatly a must

[quote]You have ever partied at Summerfest, Festa Italiana, German Fest, Irish Fest, Oktoberfest, or all of the above[/quote]
yay oktoberfest is coming soon, and so is irish fest!

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