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Size enhancement pills


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Ok ok ok, I'm sorry, I will refund all defective products if you return them to me within the week.

But my, ummm, "supplier" won't be happy about it.

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I think they are immoral b/c, it's basically emasculating men and making them feel insignificant just b/c of one body part . It's like women feeling like they have to get breast implants or else they won't be able to please men. Unless it's like a fertility treatment, i believe it's wrong b/c of that reason i said above. i think we all have to remember that we're not just a body, and certainly not just the reproductive parts of the body. We have a mind, a heart, and a soul and that is what really matters and what should matter to anyone. And if ur spouse loves u, they won't care about what ur body parts look like, they will love u for who u are on the inside

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[quote name='jasJis' date='Jul 15 2005, 06:49 AM']The concept of genital enhancement as being [u]significantly[/u] important to sexual relationship disorders how God intends physical sex to work.  It [b]doesn't[/b] matter greatly if you are ugly, over-weight, in-shape, young, old, big breasted, have all your limbs, have scars, have a small penis, etc.  Sex is WAY more than successful physical friction.  Sex is connecting and communicating on a spiritual and emotional level through physical contact.  Size doesn't matter when touching a soul.  Even Shakespeare was sharing that knowledge when he wrote Cyrano.  :)

Conclustion:  Genital enhancement is acting on a disordered notion of what human sexuality is intended for and is inherently sinful.  Whether it is a pill, surgery, or physical enhancement devices.
this is the response to read.

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After reading Laudate's comment, I couldn't help but jump in myself. Who WOULDN'T want to participate in the dumbest thread ever??

Sadly, my response will have to be serious. (Pausing a moment to reflect on all the jokes that could be told.....sigh)

While I agree with the overall opinion on the thread, I do want to add that the issue of body image is not always about sex or hedonism. Even when specifically dealing with genitalia. This is why products like Enzyte are so popular.

Both men and women (rightly or wrongly) will partially identify body image with being a "real man" or "real woman". Many times very little will directly have to do with sexual performance. Boys and girls will often feel insecure about going to gym class or showering after a team practice. This has nothing to do with sexual performance. It has everything to do with societal acceptance. While it is a different subject entirely, reconstructive surgery for women after mastectomies is directly related to this.

I'm just saying not all insecurities about penis or breast size are completely about sex.

My two cents

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This thread is hilarious and should not be deleted.

serious question:

Is plastic surgery for personal preference a sin?

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Jul 15 2005, 12:50 AM']This is DEFINATELY the most ridiculous thread on phatmass EVER.
That being said, I must reply.

I mean... just THINK: how could a pill enlarge just one special area of your body which is not that much dissimilar to other areas.... it just don't make sense.

I think it could easily be sinfully vain or sinfully prideful, that is if you want a bigger wang for cosmetic purposes or just want the biggest johnson period.

However, IF your package were too small to impregnate your wife (and this is possible) I could concievably see pumping the penis or dong surgery or member enlargement pills (that work... somehow?) not being sinful.

I don't buy the "loving" or "pleasuring" your wife bit...you don't need a giant richard for that, all you need is some creativity.

Very true. One article had a quote by a doctor who noted that in order for "penis pills" to work, they would make ALL the soft tissues in one's body grow (nose, ears, lips, tongue, etc). So if you see a guy running around with a huge nose, ears, etc., you'll know the pills are doing their job. :lol:

(And apparently, if you try to call for a refund, the lines are perpetually busy.) Those interested in the story behind penis pills and other cyber scams might be interested in checking out [i]S*pam_Kings: The Real Story Behind the HIgh-Rolling Hucksters Pushing Porn, Pills, and @*?% Enlargements[/i], by Brian McWilliams.

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Jul 14 2005, 11:35 PM']Um... ok, how about a little less wise-cracks[right][snapback]644113[/snapback][/right]

Are you sure you want LittleLes in on this??!

"True believers often claim that penis-enlargement originated with St. Peter. However, according to the late Raymond Brown, SJ . . . "

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 15 2005, 11:45 AM']Are you sure you want LittleLes in on this??!

"True believers often claim that penis-enlargement originated with St. Peter.  However, according to the late Raymond Brown, SJ . . . "


Socrates you can really hit some great lines sometimes!!!

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Jul 15 2005, 11:45 AM']Are you sure you want LittleLes in on this??!

"True believers often claim that penis-enlargement originated with St. Peter.  However, according to the late Raymond Brown, SJ . . . "
:bugeyes: :lol:

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Have you noticed that the advertisements sometimes use the words to "enhance performance?" When I hear the word performance I am at the zoo.

I am saying this as a woman to the men out there. Don't buy (literally) into the pill thing. God knew what he was doing when he made you. I am not going to endorse anything that turns you from a human being to a FUNCTION. You are so much more than that. Don't you dare settle for anything less.

If the person you are with can not accept you for who you are WITHOUT THE PILLS, you are with the wrong person.

Guys listen up, I am going to tell you the truth. Being a woman is not an age thing it is a heart and mind thing. You can have two women both the same age but one from the heart and the mind is going to be a "GIRL."

A GIRL is someone who shows that it is all about her. Everything is her. A girl doesn't see or care about you or what you need. Her only interest is what you can do for her. See what did I tell you...FUNCTION.

A WOMAN is someone who takes your needs as seriously as her own. She asks how your day was. Your dreams are her dreams. She takes an interest in your life. She looks to support you. It isn't always about her.

Now guys which one do you want?

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okay, so everyone says because they don't work it's wrong... so what about IF they did work? lol... IF it was available, would it be moral?

ph34r= :ninja:

oh, a FYI, even if it's TMI, I don't need no pills. :P but that's because no one does. the way you are is the way God made you. I think this would probably be wrong in the same way self-mutilation in that area is wrong as Nicaea I indicates.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Jul 15 2005, 07:18 PM']okay, so everyone says because they don't work it's wrong... so what about IF they did work?  lol... IF it was available, would it be moral?

ph34r= :ninja:

oh, a FYI, even if it's TMI, I don't need no pills. :P but that's because no one does.  the way you are is the way God made you.  I think this would probably be wrong in the same way self-mutilation in that area is wrong as Nicaea I indicates.

I don't think they would be. As I understand it, size has nothing to do with functionality, so it would only serve vanity.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Jul 15 2005, 06:03 PM']Have you noticed  that the advertisements sometimes use the words to "enhance performance?"  When I hear the word performance I am  at the zoo.

I am saying this as a woman to the men out there. Don't buy (literally) into the pill thing. God knew what he was doing when he made you.  I am not going to endorse anything that turns you from a human being to a FUNCTION.  You are so much more than that. Don't you dare settle for anything less.

If the person you are with can not accept you for who you are WITHOUT THE PILLS,  you are with the wrong person.

Guys listen up, I am going to tell you the truth.  Being a woman is not an age thing it is a heart and mind thing. You can have two women both the same age but one from the heart and the mind is going to be a "GIRL."

A GIRL is someone who shows that it is all about her. Everything is her. A girl doesn't see or care about you or what you need. Her only interest is what you can do for her.  See what did I tell you...FUNCTION.

A WOMAN is someone who takes your needs as seriously as her own. She asks how your day was. Your dreams are her dreams. She takes an interest in your life. She looks to support you. It isn't always about her.

Now guys which one do you want?
*applauds* :D Very well put ^_^

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[quote name='Tony' date='Jul 14 2005, 11:44 PM']Enzyte is getting sued left and right.. (you know..  the company with "Smiling Bob")

Now if I can only get that whistling out of my head......

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='Jul 15 2005, 12:50 AM']This is DEFINATELY the most ridiculous thread on phatmass EVER.

And it looks like it is going to surpass the "longest running thread" thread!!

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