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Most Gays & Psychologists Agree...

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Jul 14 2005, 11:09 PM']What it all boils down to is the 3 vocations in life - single life, marriage, or the priesthood. It is God who decides which one you are meant for. If you choose to not follow that path, then that is your loss.

Now, God knows each one of us better than we know ourselves, and he gives us our vocation to both bring us closer to him, and to make us truely happy to serve him. If you choose something other than what he wants, then you are not living to you full potential to know God and to serve him.

Now, If you have SSA, the priesthood is out, unless God really wants you to be a priest, but that is a completely different subject.
Married life is also out because being married is man and women becoming one flesh, and that requires OSA obviously.
The only logical choice you have with SSA is the single life.

God does things that are far above our understanding, but he knows what he is doing, since everything God does is perfect. The only way to true happiness is following his path. For some reason, he allowed you to feel SSA, to bring you closer to him. Suffering is part of this, and that explains why SSA can be so hard to cope with, but in the end, it brings you to God if you rely on God to get through it.

Now, If part of God's plan is to allow you to suffer from SSA, then heal you of it, so be it. But that is not necesarily how it is. He may desire you to live as a single person because he knows you would not be happy as a married person and with a family.  He knows what is best for us.

Please dont accuse me of "forcing" celebacy on you. I am not. I am only advising you to what is logical in this situation, based on the limited information I have.

If you are not attracted to women, then you are not attracted to women. You cant force yourself, and if you do, it is not for the right reason. It is only to "not be gay" instead of following exactly what God has layed out for you.
well fidei, i guess we can stop our discussion here...........i guess you have your views, just as i have mine, and you are happy with the way you are.......living a single life. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. My views are based on the experiences i have had through out life.......just as yourz are. I have told you that i have had a heterosexual experience when i was around 10 years old........i believe that if it weren't for this experience, i would be in the same boat you are in. But because of this experience, i have tasted what it is like to be heterosexual, furthermore i remember thinking to my self "wow, this is who i want to be". I guess, even though i sinned, god found a way to make good out of the whole situation. I guess he showed me that i didnt have to be gay. I would love to help people who feel the same as me.......not wanting to be gay, and wanting to be straight. But i guess it takes that desire to want to be straight to want to change.

the whole point in me referring to bisexuals was that just because you have SSA's doesnt mean you can't have OSA also.

Edited by infinitelord1
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i think it is a fair assessment that you want to experience OSA. Correct me if im wrong. Even if you did want to though, yet you also feel that god is calling you to the single life, i just want you to know that i would never advise anyone to go against what god called them to do in life. If you feel that god called you to live a single life......then you are doing the right thing. If you are living a single life and god never called you to it........well, if you want to experience a married life then i assure you........its definetly possible. In this case, you would have to start peeling away the layers of the onion that have been building up over all the years. It would take lots of prayer and dedication to christ.......and cleaning up some of the things that happened to you or things that you inflicted on other people (regarding homosexuality). If you asketh you will receiveth.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 14 2005, 05:47 PM']To question the validity of what the bible says about homosexualtiy is to question the validity of the bible

How dare we.

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[quote name='rckllnknny' date='Jul 14 2005, 05:20 PM']my opinion people are probably born gay and will stay that way.

The failure of reparative therapy which are in the 90+ percentile would support this assertion.

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[quote name='jasJis' date='Jul 14 2005, 06:26 PM']I re-posted  this because it immedeiately got lost at the end of the other page.  Let's stick to topic and use PM or e-mail to whine and apologize.

Nobody addressed my point.

Genetic 'tendency' is not the neccesary determination of future behavior.

Track's scientific article gave good evidence to both 'genetic' and 'environment' as a complex cause. Small minded people choose either for their 'political' stance. An honest analysis shows that their isn't one specific cause. Genetic tendency may be factual, but that isn't the end of the story. It's shown that environment has a tremendous effect on how one copes with a tendency.

Only a small circle of behaviorists profess a strict 'genetic' or instinctual behavior. We are not small willed animals. We can direct our will and choose our actions, even over our natural instinct.

I'll address your great post jas. I agree for the most part what you are saying. Lets talk Pheromones ( I know its controversial) for a second. Do we have a conscious choice on how we deal with our bodies handling of Pheromones (assuming ofcourse that we indeed are under their influence)? If we can definitvely link pheromones with human sexual desires, than we might be able to say that its instrinic for someone to be drawn to another. That its innate. I'm not going to begin to say that I know what causes me to chase girls and not men. What makes me heterosexual? Is there a hetero gene. Or am I making a personal choice to desire women? Do I agree with Jas that we can transcend bodily desires, you bet I do. In what context you do, is up to you.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Jul 15 2005, 12:13 AM']fidei,

i think it is a fair assessment that you want to experience OSA. Correct me if im wrong. Even if you did want to though, yet you also feel that god is calling you to the single life, i just want you to know that i would never advise anyone to go against what god called them to do in life. If you feel that god called you to live a single life......then you are doing the right thing. If you are living a single life and god never called you to it........well, if you want to experience a married life then i assure you........its definetly possible. In this case, you would have to start peeling away the layers of the onion that have been building up over all the years. It would take lots of prayer and dedication to christ.......and cleaning up some of the things that happened to you or things that you inflicted on other people (regarding homosexuality). If you asketh you will receiveth.
I will explain how things have been so far.

I thought that I was being called to the Priesthood. I was not really sure though. SSA was on the back burner because it wasnt a problem, it didnt show itself early on, and I didnt have the problem. But as time went on, it became more prevalent. Not that i was necesarily attracted to guys, but other things that i cant really explain.

I dont desire to be married at this point. I dont desire SSA nor OSA. What I desire is to overcome the sinful acts that can come with SSA, and to overcome impurity and be chaste. I dont desire anything sexual or sexually related.

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[quote name='Melchisedec' date='Jul 15 2005, 09:13 AM']The failure of reparative therapy which are in the 90+ percentile would support this assertion.
NA.......your just jumping to conclusions. It could also suggest that we dont know much about the issue.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Jul 15 2005, 10:23 AM']I will explain how things have been so far.

I thought that I was being called to the Priesthood. I was not really sure though. SSA was on the back burner because it wasnt a problem, it didnt show itself early on, and I didnt have the problem. But as time went on, it became more prevalent. Not that i was necesarily attracted to guys, but other things that i cant really explain.

I dont desire to be married at this point. I dont desire SSA nor OSA. What I desire is to overcome the sinful acts that can come with SSA, and to overcome impurity and be chaste. I dont desire anything sexual or sexually related.
good for you

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I don't have any real answer to your question. You want to know why. Well I don't know. That's just the way it is. It makes no difference to me why it is so.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Jul 15 2005, 02:30 PM']infinitelord1,

I don't have any real answer to your question. You want to know why. Well I don't know. That's just the way it is. It makes no difference to me why it is so.
i am glad that you are honest........i think really you are basing your beliefs on the issue on how you feel. That is what seperates you and me.........i base mine on morality and you base yours on how you feel.

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